This is what I was afraid would happen after the way the half ended. Wisco knows Leidner is no threat whatsoever. He doesn't run and can't make throws. Makes our run-run-run and then throw the deep ball offense very easy to defend.

This **** is over without a passing game for us. I'm hyperbolic and angry but ****. We are literally getting it HANDED to us in the last 25 minutes of game time

Agree that Leidner needs to complete a pass because Wisconsin has no fear of our passing game right now.

Ok guys. Let's get it together now. We need to score something here to give our defense some rest.

Need to get 1 and you take it 4 yards back.

Jerry, would you pay attention and challenge the damn call? Fruechte got a first down. Pay attention! It cost us big time.

Why did we not challenge that spot????

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That spot was God awful and a crippler. Jerry needed to challenge that

Would be a great time for a turnover....

Limegrover!!!! You over predictable pos! This loss is on you!!!! Chance after chance and you hand cuff this team every opportunity you have!!!!

They score on this possession and it's lights out.

Stupid penalty after stupid penalty. It's getting old. This game is going to get blown open real quick here if things don't drastically change.

Why get upset. We all know Leidner isn't the answer at quarterback. We're fortunate to be where we are with him. We can still win this game, but regardless I hope someone steps up next year who can throw the ball with some accuracy, and our redshirt receivers are all they are billed to be.

No pressure, but a bad throw.

Nice tackle, now hold him.

Why get upset. We all know Leidner isn't the answer at quarterback. We're fortunate to be where we are with him. We can still win this game, but regardless I hope someone steps up next year who can throw the ball with some accuracy, and our redshirt receivers are all they are billed to be.

Agree. Leidner's inability to throw the ball is something this team has had to overcome most of the season. The Gophers are one good throwing quarterback away from being a really good team.

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