News on Shaka Smart

Oh man, I'm so lucky I shut down and went for a walk after reading your bit about Shaka being aware of this thread. I would have totally lost it when I got to the Spike Lee bit. I'd be trying to explain to the rest of the office why I'm laughing like muttley over a message board.

With laughter tears in my eyes: "yeah see, there's this gopherhole basketball message board, and this guy from Richmond is giving updates on who our next coach is going to be and... Well just trust me it's really funny. It has photoshopped pictures, animated gigs and everything. And I stayed up really late reading it."

I think they'd tell me to go home.

This is pretty much exactly what I said to my wife, too! This is wonderful.

Remember the VCU board all posted yesterday Shaka had come to an agreement to return to VCU. How did that workout for them?

New news about my buddy who works at ESPN HQ;

-Deal is in place. Shaka wants facilities to be upgraded and NT is working hard on contacting donors to make sure that it happens so they can secure Shaka Smart.

-Flip is very much in the picture if SM doesn't work out. Donors love him along with the local media.

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

-They also believe with one of these hires that recruiting would have a major boost and could land all top 3 in state guys and make MN an instant final 4 contender.

Just some updates out of ESPN HQ on what analysis are talking about and hearing.

Remember the VCU board all posted yesterday Shaka had come to an agreement to return to VCU. How did that workout for them?

What it boils down to is that it takes a bull$hitter to know a bull$hitter, and not even a bull$hitter can bull$hit a bull$hitter.

This is pretty much exactly what I said to my wife, too! This is wonderful.

Last night during dinner I tried to explain it to my wife and daughters - especially the part about checking my phone browser constantly and having red eyes from laughing/crying all day. I can say that it doesn't lend itself well to explanation.

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

Tubby Smith?

Just a heads up, I'd start watching the flight logs from MN to Richmond. Things are getting serious...

New news about my buddy who works at ESPN HQ;

-Deal is in place. Shaka wants facilities to be upgraded and NT is working hard on contacting donors to make sure that it happens so they can secure Shaka Smart.

-Flip is very much in the picture if SM doesn't work out. Donors love him along with the local media.

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

-They also believe with one of these hires that recruiting would have a major boost and could land all top 3 in state guys and make MN an instant final 4 contender.

Just some updates out of ESPN HQ on what analysis are talking about and hearing.

skip A, B go to C?

New news about my buddy who works at ESPN HQ;

-Deal is in place. Shaka wants facilities to be upgraded and NT is working hard on contacting donors to make sure that it happens so they can secure Shaka Smart.

-Flip is very much in the picture if SM doesn't work out. Donors love him along with the local media.

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

-They also believe with one of these hires that recruiting would have a major boost and could land all top 3 in state guys and make MN an instant final 4 contender.

Just some updates out of ESPN HQ on what analysis are talking about and hearing.

LOL! No WONDER Chris Collins went to Northwestern! Coach K is headed to Minneapolis! BREAK OUT THE BUBBLY!

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

-They also believe with one of these hires that recruiting would have a major boost and could land all top 3 in state guys and make MN an instant final 4 contender.

Just some updates out of ESPN HQ on what analysis are talking about and hearing.[/QUOTE]

Lute Olsen?.....I think he's older than the Barn, so he may not demand new facilities

Just a heads up, I'd start watching the flight logs from MN to Richmond. Things are getting serious...

Just in case there is a decoy flight that way, I, and my team, will be scanning Fargo's Hector International and Fargo Jet Center. The rest of my "dogs" have The Northern, Mick's Office, and Vic's on the Mall covered, as well as Willy's in Dilworth.

New news about my buddy who works at ESPN HQ;

-Deal is in place. Shaka wants facilities to be upgraded and NT is working hard on contacting donors to make sure that it happens so they can secure Shaka Smart.

-Flip is very much in the picture if SM doesn't work out. Donors love him along with the local media.

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

-They also believe with one of these hires that recruiting would have a major boost and could land all top 3 in state guys and make MN an instant final 4 contender.

Just some updates out of ESPN HQ on what analysis are talking about and hearing.

Yeh. Okay. Sounds good.

New news about my buddy who works at ESPN HQ;

-Deal is in place. Shaka wants facilities to be upgraded and NT is working hard on contacting donors to make sure that it happens so they can secure Shaka Smart.

-Flip is very much in the picture if SM doesn't work out. Donors love him along with the local media.

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

-They also believe with one of these hires that recruiting would have a major boost and could land all top 3 in state guys and make MN an instant final 4 contender.

Just some updates out of ESPN HQ on what analysis are talking about and hearing.

I'm fogging up the screen reading this. This is how things play out in our most secret fantasies we don't even share with our closest friends and loved ones.

New news about my buddy who works at ESPN HQ;

-Deal is in place. Shaka wants facilities to be upgraded and NT is working hard on contacting donors to make sure that it happens so they can secure Shaka Smart.

-Flip is very much in the picture if SM doesn't work out. Donors love him along with the local media.

-If crazy things happen and both these guys are not secured, one of the CBB analysts has heard a mystery coach with very high prestige has been contacted and is interested in coaching. (Like a Coach K, Calhoun type prestige).

-They also believe with one of these hires that recruiting would have a major boost and could land all top 3 in state guys and make MN an instant final 4 contender.

Just some updates out of ESPN HQ on what analysis are talking about and hearing.

Yep because a lot of those ESPN guys are plugged into the MN H.S. basketball scene. At least you haven't told us the same thing about 4 times.

I saw Coach K at Bogarts last night with Shaka discussing the Duke job and if SS should take it. Tubby was there trying to convince Coach K not to go to Minnesota. Coach Collins was just sitting taking Tequila shots.

Basically the only person I didn't see was RichmondInsider.

Just a heads up, I'd start watching the flight logs from MN to Richmond. Things are getting serious...

Call me when it's done. Bad Gopher, send out a mass text message when anything can be verified. I promise to check when the phone goes "beep." If it is going to cost over $3M, don;t tell me right away. That will blow my season ticket holding, taxpaying, and accountant mind sensibilities.

Pace to all.

I saw Coach K at Bogarts last night with Shaka discussing the Duke job and if SS should take it. Tubby was there trying to convince Coach K not to go to Minnesota. Coach Collins was just sitting taking Tequila shots.

Basically the only person I didn't see was RichmondInsider.

Love it...

I wonder if gopherfanatic and richmondin side her are cousins or somehow related.

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