News on Shaka Smart

I am trying to find something to put with ketchup and mayo...

Does Mike Leach know basketball?


I don't mean to get all logical on you guys and spoil the in the hell would RichmondFraud know about the following even if he is who he says he is:?

"Anthony Grants season came to an end last night, he was called first thing this morning by Norwood Teague."

How would he know that Norwood called another Coach?

This stuff is not creative, its down right sloppy work.

I don't mean to get all logical on you guys and spoil the in the hell would RichmondFraud know about the following even if he is who he says he is:?

"Anthony Grants season came to an end last night, he was called first thing this morning by Norwood Teague."[/B]

How would he know that Norwood called another Coach?

This stuff is not creative, its down right sloppy work. way. This guy seems totally legit.




I don't mean to get all logical on you guys and spoil the in the hell would RichmondFraud know about the following even if he is who he says he is:?

"Anthony Grants season came to an end last night, he was called first thing this morning by Norwood Teague."

How would he know that Norwood called another Coach?

This stuff is not creative, its down right sloppy work.

I am VERY VERY close personal friends with Anthony. We worked along side each other during his time in the Commonwealth. I was actually one of the mains who advised him to go to Alba ma.

Guys, please chill.

I just need to sort some things out before I make a formal announcement one way or the other.

I am absolutely shocked it took this long for a Shaka Smart sighting in this thread haha

I know that most of you get that this guy is a fraud, but RichmondFraud needs to know himself he is doing sloppy work. I hope he brings his game up a bit because its a "what have you done for me lately" type of world, and his last post was sloppy, not creative. Spike does nothing for me.

I say we just ask the Junior 3 who they prefer to come here. If we can get their top candidate, they'll commit here the very same day!

Talk about the greatest day in MN basketball history! (Till we rattle our first of 10 consecutive National Titles, of course)

I am VERY VERY close personal friends with Anthony. We worked along side each other during his time in the Commonwealth. I was actually one of the mains who advised him to go to Alba ma.

Where's Alba ma?

I am VERY VERY close personal friends with Anthony. We worked along side each other during his time in the Commonwealth. I was actually one of the mains who advised him to go to Alba ma.

Close personal friends? richmondinsider = Sid Hartman

I am VERY VERY close personal friends with Anthony. We worked along side each other during his time in the Commonwealth. I was actually one of the mains who advised him to go to Alba ma.

Have you ever shaved his mustache?

Anthony is not too bright if received any advisement from you in the past...a man who is leaking his personal phone calls to Gopher Hole.

Just clean up your post a bit and do not get too far out on a limb. Be a professional troller, not a sloppy one.

With 50 pages, this thread needs an update from the Gopherlady...Where is her latest update from her deep throat?

I am VERY VERY close personal friends with Anthony. We worked along side each other during his time in the Commonwealth. I was actually one of the mains who advised him to go to Alba ma.

I am starting to think this fellow is, in fact, Friend of Tubby, trying to reinvent himself so he can remain here longer. Seriously.

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