News on Shaka Smart

--If VCU and Shaka do not come to an agreement this afternoon it is said that it becomes a 50/50 chance that Shaka will take a job at either Minnesota or VCU.


Hey genuises, this is from the Battle 4 Atlantis. Why else would there be a Memphis Tiger in the background? No way in hell Smart is dumb enough to pose for a pic before the press conference, if there even is one. As to the doctoring of the "M" shirt, who knows. But it can't be disputed that this is not a recent pic.

Everyone has said Woody has had his man for a while now. Who's to say the deal wasn't made in Atlantis and the photo is both non-shopped, AND taken in November... with Shaka in a backback... hanging with college kids from MN... wearing a Gopher tshirt?

Weren't you up posting here till like 1am est and now you've been on the phone since 5:30am est? You live quite the sleepless life.

6 hours? Is he on the Gopherhole payroll? This man needs to be compensated.

Weren't you up posting here till like 1am est and now you've been on the phone since 5:30am est? You live quite the sleepless life.

Such is the life of an insider. Not everyone is cut out to be one.

11:30 AM Update

Well I've spent the last 6 hours or so on the phone with the insiders and call tell you a few things.

--Shaka knows of this thread and fears there is a mole in his administration. He is getting downright paranoid about it.

--Shaka is not nor was he in Minnesota. That trip could come later today if a deal with VCU can't be reached. He feels he owes it to Norwood to at least seriously consider this possibility.

--While this isn't about the money Shaka still wants a decent bump up in pay by VCU. The fear is VCU is having a hard time getting the resources for both a pay raise for Shaka and major upgrades to the bball facilities.

--VCU was in contact with Spike Lee yesterday to see what he could do to help keep Shaka in place in way of money or movie roles for Shaka. Spike is said to be getting heavily involved today in contract negotiations.

--If VCU and Shaka do not come to an agreement this afternoon it is said that it becomes a 50/50 chance that Shaka will take a job at either Minnesota or VCU.

--Anthony Grants season came to an end last night, he was called first thing this morning by Norwood Teague.
My sources say Shaka Smart is starring a new production of West Side Story at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater, he is indeed in Minnesota but only to play the role of Tony, not to coach the Gophers.

Damn it, I knew it would come down to Spike Lee.

When the Spike Lee factor came into play, the whole thing starts to resemble the dream I had last night where all of a sudden there's Col. Klink from Hogan's Heroes. It's like, "What are you doing here?"

My source in the University ticket office said that an order for 10 season tickets came in today under the name Lee, S.

Just when I thought this thread could't get any crazier, it goes and totally redeems itself! I'm proud to say I've contributed.

The national media fall-out from Minnesota firing Tubby Smith was inevitable. Doesn't matter how well he tried to handle it. If it's true Tubby wasn't informed prior to it leaking, that's bad, but I'm not sure that wasn't semantics. (I haven't been told, but my agent was.)
Wasn't there a report that Tubby met with the coaching staff mid-morning on Monday and told them there was a good chance that he was out ? Wasn't official,but not like it came totally out of the dark.

When the Spike Lee factor came into play, the whole thing starts to resemble the dream I had last night where all of a sudden there's Col. Klink from Hogan's Heroes. It's like, "What are you doing here?"

We must have had the same dream, but mine had Sgt. Schultz saying "I know nuttink!"

--VCU was in contact with Spike Lee yesterday to see what he could do to help keep Shaka in place in way of money or movie roles for Shaka. Spike is said to be getting heavily involved today in contract negotiations.

Honestly, all of these posts were very believable until this. Dumb.

11:30 AM Update

Well I've spent the last 6 hours or so on the phone with the insiders and call tell you a few things.

--Shaka knows of this thread and fears there is a mole in his administration. He is getting downright paranoid about it.

--VCU was in contact with Spike Lee yesterday to see what he could do to help keep Shaka in place in way of money or movie roles for Shaka. Spike is said to be getting heavily involved today in contract negotiations.

This bit just jumped the shark.

The Spike Lee line is pure genious. Great imagination. That is solid stuff right there. Norwood will take your Spike Lee and raise you one Prince, two Cohen Brothers, and a Josh Hartnett.

I'm not sure why the shock is here but for those who don't know Spike has become a huge fan/donor of VCU basketball. He now sits courtsides at all the games because of his friendship of Shaka. Spike WANTS Shaka to stay at VCU.

This thread will only get better when Shaka himself posts something. If he knows of it, he needs to post!

I'm not sure why the shock is here but for those who don't know Spike has become a huge fan/donor of VCU basketball. He now sits courtsides at all the games because of his friendship of Shaka. Spike WANTS Shaka to stay at VCU.

That's no big deal. Kate Upton likes playing in the snow and is a Gopher fan.

11:30 AM Update

--Shaka knows of this thread and fears there is a mole in his administration. He is getting downright paranoid about it.

Oh my god, you are the best ever! Just when I thought I've heard it all, you come up with this gem: this thread itself is playing a role in whether Shaka is coming here. I couldn't read the rest of your post. I was laughing so hard I had to leave the office and take a walk around the block.

Who's gonna play Pav in the Spike Lee joint?

Shaka is now telling a different tidbit about his job choice to each of 7 different insiders. Just like on Game of Thrones! When the next update appears on this thread, Shaka will have his mole.

To think a coach would turn down a substantial raise for Spike effin Lee makes me question if I would even want the guy...

This guy is rube...not an insider. He is in his moms basement laughing his ass off at all the time he has stolen from us all.

Richmondinsider may be a little over the top, but what he's saying is basically in line with everything I've heard around the horn in RVA. Top donors and corporations are being contacted to bring this deal over the top. I have no doubt that VCU is trying to pool resources and contacting Spike makes all the sense. He has become a megafan and obviously has major resources.

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