New third quarter song


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Fully on board with what they did today, including the fox song. Students were into it, and even some players were dancing on the field. Same thing next week now.

Great call Unregistered!! Nailed it. I was hoping earlier this week that they'd play it, just to gauge the student reaction. Seemed to get a nice pop.

I thought of this thread right away when the music hit the speakers between the third and forth quarter. Unregistered called it... Big time. And for good measure I was at my son's hockey game tonight and some little kids ran past me singing that song as well.

Avicii "When I'm Older" was mentioned too and that one was also played.

We may as well get on this one as fast as possible. And think about the possibilities to tailor it to the Gophers.

You are a visionary Unregistered!!!!! What did we hear not once but twice today???? Yes, haters are certainly hating now.

You are a visionary Unregistered!!!!! What did we hear not once but twice today???? Yes, haters are certainly hating now.

Heard it twice today, all the old people were confused, but the 3rd quarter jam isn't intended for them anyway. Students were rocking during the intermission mix, by far my favorite fan event of the games.

Voted song of the day via texting, and was in the 3rd quarter mix. Watching the students is fun! They were not out in force today, but they are more organized and into things more than they have been for over 10 years. KUDOS, students!!!!!

Voted song of the day via texting, and was in the 3rd quarter mix. Watching the students is fun! They were not out in force today, but they are more organized and into things more than they have been for over 10 years. KUDOS, students!!!!!

I also felt the SKI U MAH chant in the beginning of the game was good, hopefully taking off the PA announcer training wheels is coming soon.

Voted song of the day via texting, and was in the 3rd quarter mix. Watching the students is fun! They were not out in force today, but they are more organized and into things more than they have been for over 10 years. KUDOS, students!!!!!

Couldn't agree more! They do a great job, even if attendance has been lackluster. Just think if the student section was full and doing what they are doing? Wow.

I said in the first post that we needed to tailor it to Goldy Gopher.


They already have "Do the Gopher"

I said in the first post that we needed to tailor it to Goldy Gopher.

This what does the fox say is overkill and unecessary because everyone from Sports stadiums across the country will be doing it.
I fully expect them to play this stupid song again on Saturday.
They should have stuck to the rotation they once had, Do the Gopher, All I do is Win Dj Kahled, Let me clear my Throat, Zombie Nation. Dump this fox song.

This what does the fox say is overkill and unecessary because everyone from Sports stadiums across the country will be doing it.
I fully expect them to play this stupid song again on Saturday.
They should have stuck to the rotation they once had, Do the Gopher, All I do is Win Dj Kahled, Let me clear my Throat, Zombie Nation. Dump this fox song.
The Fox song was picked for the "Be the DJ" portion. I don't think it will be in regular rotation (at least I hope it won't.)

Though I will say the song got a little more funny after reading the background of the group. They're a Norwegian comedy duo (and are also brothers) who have a TV show. This song was made to promote their upcoming season and they said "it was made to entertain a few thousand Norwegians." So at least it isn't a "serious" piece of pop music or anything, it was made to be ridiculous.

They haven't got a "CLUE " on music. It is a baby boomer crowd!! And what is really f-ing stupid is the kids have the 70-80's songs on I-tunes on their phones!!!
I should f-ing know, I have a daughter that is a senior at Bemidji State. When they played the fox song the guy and his wife behind us ( 30 something ) said: " They should 86 that clown from the booth"! Wait a minute, I have a another solution. If you liked that song I'll buy your season tickets if
you have requested it via text during the DJ portion. Win,win situation for the 30,000 plus fans that gagged when they played it!

They haven't got a "CLUE " on music. It is a baby boomer crowd!! And what is really f-ing stupid is the kids have the 70-80's songs on I-tunes on their phones!!!
I should f-ing know, I have a daughter that is a senior at Bemidji State. When they played the fox song the guy and his wife behind us ( 30 something ) said: " They should 86 that clown from the booth"! Wait a minute, I have a another solution. If you liked that song I'll buy your season tickets if
you have requested it via text during the DJ portion. Win,win situation for the 30,000 plus fans that gagged when they played it!

"Do the Gopher" isn't intended for the "baby boomer crowd" it is intended to get the only demographic that has any life and enthusiasm excited, it is for the students. If the 5 minutes of music in the 3rd quarter is enough to get you to drop your tix I hope you do it.

It is a baby boomer crowd!!

That's part of the problem. We're going to need new fans in the coming years. If the students have a good time and - more importantly - if the team wins, that's what builds the fan base. Throw them a bone with letting them pick whatever the song of the month is, and enjoy your Old Dutch chip clip.

"Do the Gopher" isn't intended for the "baby boomer crowd" it is intended to get the only demographic that has any life and enthusiasm excited, it is for the students. If the 5 minutes of music in the 3rd quarter is enough to get you to drop your tix I hope you do it.

Exactly. Why play a 70's or 80's song for the older crowd when they're reaction will be a few head nods and smiles? The songs they play get the students excited, and that's enough for me.

Exactly. Why play a 70's or 80's song for the older crowd when they're reaction will be a few head nods and smiles? The songs they play get the students excited, and that's enough for me.

I'm not talking about " Do the Gopher " And what do you mean " a few head nods and smiles" Let me play one song from the 70-80's and if I couldn't get the whole crowd up, including the students
may George Harrison jump out of his grave , do a back flip at the 50 yd line and start
singing " I've got my mind set on you "

If you want baby boomer music or KQ style music go to Iowa City. They are still stuck rocking out to Pantera, ACDC, WhiteSnake,Cinderella,Warrant, Bad Company, REO, Little River Band, and every other crap (ACDC was not crap) band that students that go to a respectable school no longer identify with.

I'm not talking about " Do the Gopher " And what do you mean " a few head nods and smiles" Let me play one song from the 70-80's and if I couldn't get the whole crowd up, including the students
may George Harrison jump out of his grave , do a back flip at the 50 yd line and start
singing " I've got my mind set on you "

Nobody would give a damn. You are old, I'm sorry it is hard for you. Go back to trolling the Wisconsin board.

If you want baby boomer music or KQ style music go to Iowa City. They are still stuck rocking out to Pantera, ACDC, WhiteSnake,Cinderella,Warrant, Bad Company, REO, Little River Band, and every other crap (ACDC was not crap) band that students that go to a respectable school no longer identify with.

With that list I can tell you're not up on 70-80's music. Pantera, White Snake , Cinderella ,
Warrant? Did they even have a song that made the billboard top 40? I agree,
no school should identify with that group of artists, nor should they with the Fox

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