New third quarter song

I'm not opposed to playing 'viral' songs at all. If we had an established student section, and many, many traditions that got the fans involved, I could see an argument against it. Even then, having something new and trendy is not bad to include in the mix. Given our current state, anything that gets students involved in the game is a positive, no matter how trendy or obnoxious it may seem to non-students.

There's Only One Song That Could Get the Entire Crowd Engaged...

Make a video with cheerleaders and select players in 70's funkadelic garb and the whole stadium would rock. That would be a cool tradition. Should have started with Marquise.

That Prince tune is a great choice...start it off with Chappelle's clip about purifying yourself in the waters of lake minnetonka. If they can get the rights or whatever. Shoot the J. Shoot it! (hoopsketball starts at about 2:30)

That fox song is good for a laugh too, why not...put the words on the screen and do it up. But prince has more staying power. I mean come on, it's prince.

As the gun sounds after a victory they could announce over the PA/Big Screen..."Game...Blouses"

I'm biased. Best band of all time???:


I have to admit that stupid fox song was stuck in my head this morning. Dog goes woof cat goes meow.

No choice... It just got stuck.

I doubt they could pull it off....but if they could.....


What does the fox say!

I saw this thread earlier today, and I can't get the song and awesome dance moves from the video out of my mind.

If you really did point out Gangnam when it had only 100K viewers, and now you pointed this out too (and I can vouch that there was only about 1 million views when you posted this thread), then I applaud you for having a great eye for things like this.

12 million views

I'm guessing this song (Wake Me Up; Posted by Fuzzy Rumpton) wins the Student Section "Text The Song" Contest within the next game or two. I can see them going crazy when that 1:10 kicks in.

I'll be surprised if this song isn't played by the end of the year

its already blowing up everywhere and i'm guessing the student section would go nuts hahaha

Wow. This is a real find. Surprised it's never been brought to our attention.

Here's the new song:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

He is from North Dakota...we should expect the culture lag.

It is from Norway. If you are not aware where it is, it is a little east and north of North Dakota. I expect you have watch the movie Fargo and maybe that is why you are confused. Ya sure you betcha.

Start it at around the :50 mark if they were to ever use this in the stadium. I think it might sound kind of cool if they were still trying to go the dubstep/techno route.

Here's the new song:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

interesting. Not really the typical hype song that would traditionally get everyone amped up, but simple enough for everyone in the student section to learn, and if everyone knows it and get into it, then the hype will come with it too. Also, the connection to the Gopher is obvious.

As the gun sounds after a victory they could announce over the PA/Big Screen..."Game...Blouses"

Had the iPod on shuffle and lets go crazy came on.

Would easily be the best third quarter song we could have. It is honestly perfect.

Help us out here Prince!!! Don't do it for the U, do it for the fans and demand a HUGE payday from the school!

interesting. Not really the typical hype song that would traditionally get everyone amped up, but simple enough for everyone in the student section to learn, and if everyone knows it and get into it, then the hype will come with it too. Also, the connection to the Gopher is obvious.

Last line of the opening verse is "... and Gophers in their holes!" which I thought was cool. Then again, perhaps there is a reason I'm not a musical consultant.

I've always been a big fan of Dazy Head Mazy. Local Minnesota group with a great vibe. One song they have would be a great sing-a-long: You're Not Very Good.!/profile/Dazy+Head+Mazy/22266655

Click on the title of the song and it will play. You could probably adapt it to Gopher opponents, they might even do it for you, nobody else on the planet would use it, and it's a lot of fun.

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