New third quarter song

I like the break between the third and fourth quarter. I think they do a nice job with it, and the kids get into it. Well done. Go Gophers.

Agreed. For all my whining over on the stadium experience thread, I really feel like Gophs do a good job running the 3rd/4th quarter break. The student section (or, late last season, what was left of it) always seems to get excited for it. And "do the Gopher" is fantastic.

Except Gangnam Style rules ass, and this song is the musical equivalent of eating an abortion.
Gangnam style is the equivalent of "Achy Breaky Heart", "Livin' La Vida Loca" or "Who Let the Dogs Out". You'll look back on this post one day and feel silly.

Can someone cue up Mess Around by Ray Charles. I try and do it and I get " The owner of this video has not made it available for I-phone " thanks...

if they kill the music AFTER the Old Dutch chip giveaway, they can play whatever the kids like for this period. I'd go with Slayer.

If its good enough for Bill Mussleman and the Gophers: " Your love is lifting me higher "... Jackie Wilson. Another one is " Sweet talking guy " the Chiffons. You have to remember the average age of a gopher crowd is 52 years old ( season ticket holders) Boys, we gotta lot of baby boomers in the stands. YOU CANNOT Play the Generation X music and expect the majority of the crowd to respond. And the kids like the older music. Just go to a wedding reception that has a DJ and you'll see what I mean. My kids have just as much of the old stuff loaded on their phone as they do current artists. My 23 year old daughter's favorite song is : Got my mind set on you " by George Harrison. Cue up the video, it is awsome!

If its good enough for Bill Mussleman and the Gophers: " Your love is lifting me higher "... Jackie Wilson. Another one is " Sweet talking guy " the Chiffons. You have to remember the average age of a gopher crowd is 52 years old ( season ticket holders) Boys, we gotta lot of baby boomers in the stands. YOU CANNOT Play the Generation X music and expect the majority of the crowd to respond. And the kids like the older music. Just go to a wedding reception that has a DJ and you'll see what I mean. My kids have just as much of the old stuff loaded on their phone as they do current artists. My 23 year old daughter's favorite song is : Got my mind set on you " by George Harrison. Cue up the video, it is awsome!

Just an update: when I posted this video there were ~1.2 million views, as of this post there are over 4.75 million.

Viral is viral.

Levels was played during the third quarter of every game last year, right?

Not what I grew up with - but, I'm young enough to appreciate Levels as a good song for sports.

I always thought "Let's go crazy" by Prince would be an awesome entrance song or 4th quarter song/tradition. Minnesota connection. That awesome organ intro would let everyone know it was coming. Everyone could chant along & then POW the song starts as the team takes the field. Thanks for humoring me :)

Dearly beloved...
We are gathered here today
2 get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here 2 tell u
There's something else
The afterworld

A world of never ending happiness
U can always see the sun, day or night...

So when u call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
U know the one - Dr Everything'll Be Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby

'Cuz in this life
Things are much harder than in the afterworld
In this life
You're on your own

And if de-elevator tries 2 bring u down
Go crazy - punch a higher floor


I always thought "Let's go crazy" by Prince would be an awesome entrance song or 4th quarter song/tradition. Minnesota connection. That awesome organ intro would let everyone know it was coming. Everyone could chant along & then POW the song starts as the team takes the field. Thanks for humoring me :)

Dearly beloved...
We are gathered here today
2 get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here 2 tell u
There's something else
The afterworld

A world of never ending happiness
U can always see the sun, day or night...

So when u call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
U know the one - Dr Everything'll Be Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby

'Cuz in this life
Things are much harder than in the afterworld
In this life
You're on your own

And if de-elevator tries 2 bring u down
Go crazy - punch a higher floor

Love it

Well, the only logical answer is this. This solves everything. The students dancing would be amazing!


What does the fox say!

I saw this thread earlier today, and I can't get the song and awesome dance moves from the video out of my mind.

If you really did point out Gangnam when it had only 100K viewers, and now you pointed this out too (and I can vouch that there was only about 1 million views when you posted this thread), then I applaud you for having a great eye for things like this.

Yep, UR did go out on a limb and pick this. It's no so far-fetched. I'd rather hear what the fox says than Robin Thicke. Any day.
My vote is for a hometown talent. My younger days were filled with Prince. Yep, I still like him. I say Controversy!

^seriously. That needs to happen yesterday. Its perfect. Unique, hilarious, pretty good beat, outstanding dance and chant along opportunities. And weird enough to be genuinely 'ours'. People would be WTF while the students had a riot.

I always thought "Let's go crazy" by Prince would be an awesome entrance song or 4th quarter song/tradition. Minnesota connection. That awesome organ intro would let everyone know it was coming. Everyone could chant along & then POW the song starts as the team takes the field. Thanks for humoring me :)

Dearly beloved...
We are gathered here today
2 get through this thing called life

Electric word life
It means forever and that's a mighty long time
But I'm here 2 tell u
There's something else
The afterworld

A world of never ending happiness
U can always see the sun, day or night...

So when u call up that shrink in Beverly Hills
U know the one - Dr Everything'll Be Alright
Instead of asking him how much of your time is left
Ask him how much of your mind, baby

'Cuz in this life
Things are much harder than in the afterworld
In this life
You're on your own

And if de-elevator tries 2 bring u down
Go crazy - punch a higher floor

Agree completely and I say that as a 24 year old. I love Prince. Dave Chappelle helped make him a hit with the younger generation as well with his skit (in the waters of lake Minnetonka).

I have never figured out why the state of MN has such a reluctance to embrace him as "our guy" with him being one of the few major celebrities who is from here.

I think this would be perfect for the Gophers to do.

Agree completely and I say that as a 24 year old. I love Prince. Dave Chappelle helped make him a hit with the younger generation as well with his skit (in the waters of lake Minnetonka).

I have never figured out why the state of MN has such a reluctance to embrace him as "our guy" with him being one of the few major celebrities who is from here.

I think this would be perfect for the Gophers to do.
I agree and have thought Let's Go Crazy would be perfect for some time. However, I don't think it will ever happen. I don't know the rules for licensing and all that jazz, but Prince is extremely protective of his music. Just try to find a YouTube performance of his Super Bowl halftime show in the rain in Miami. Every time someone puts it up, his lawyers immediately get it taken down. I've heard/read some interviews from Weird Al about approaching artists for permission to parody their songs. Most everyone says yes. Prince has said no many times.

That Prince tune is a great choice...start it off with Chappelle's clip about purifying yourself in the waters of lake minnetonka. If they can get the rights or whatever. Shoot the J. Shoot it! (hoopsketball starts at about 2:30)

That fox song is good for a laugh too, why not...put the words on the screen and do it up. But prince has more staying power. I mean come on, it's prince.

I have thought the same thing about Let's Go Crazy. The fox thing, I may regret saying this but I loved it.

This is song is going to blow up... but I hate the idea of always playing the latest viral song. Gangham Style was an embarrassment across stadiums nationwide so will this song.

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