lakesbison was booted off his "home" board, Bisonville, today. Looks like it's a permanent ban (he's received several temporary bans and posting restrictions).

Probably be good to let this thread die or, as he says in upper case, screaming letters: he'll be back.

hello to you all. long time reader, first time poster. why can't some of you please just take this jackjd guy's advice and stop giving this sillly little kid (lakessioux or whatever she calls herself) what she wants each and every time she posts her univ. of north dakota drivel.......which is a captive audience and unnecessary emotional responses.

just let this pointless, stupid, little thread die and fall to the bottom of the board please. stop replying to her already! stop giving her exactly what she wants! :rolleyes:

It is not a given that U of M will win. They should win, they also should've beat South Dakota last year. It will be interesting to see who wins this game. If I was a betting man I'd say Minnesota by 7 but it'll definitely be worth going to I think.

It is not a given that U of M will win. They should win, they also should've beat South Dakota last year. It will be interesting to see who wins this game. If I was a betting man I'd say Minnesota by 7 but it'll definitely be worth going to I think.

I think the whole culture of the Gophers not being prepared when they play teams they should beat is a thing of the past.

I think the whole culture of the Gophers not being prepared when they play teams they should beat is a thing of the past.

Exactly, thats why I favored the Gophers, but the thing is they don't have the talent to win on talent alone. So nothing is guaranteed. With Minnesota you really never know what you are going to get, they can be competitive with a Big 10 team, but the week prior, they can lose to a team like South Dakota. I think it's hard to compare at times.

We should have a good team this year in Fargo, I will keep you guys updated on what we anticipate. Most of us aren't too biased(Ignore LakesBison, he is nuts), we will let you know what kind of team we have coming into TCF in October. This is our Super Bowl for the regular season, so you can probably guess our guys will spend about three weeks getting ready to play the Gophers(two cupcakes leading up to it). We love coming up to Minneapolis, it'd be nice if this could be an annual game(specially for us, a lot of recruiting), plus most Minnesota fans don't hate on us too much. We also guarantee a sellout unlike the other Dakota schools.

wow you guys need more in your lives if your worried about me and my career, gimme a break.

this is a MESSAGE BOARD of MINNESOTA, where I live, where I have tickets for gopher football and hockey, Just because I am getting ready for NDSU to play Minnesota doesnt mean you all have to get obsessed geesh.

You are accusing us of being obsessed? In any case, we do have a couple other games before NDSU.

You are accusing us of being obsessed? In any case, we do have a couple other games before NDSU.

Please, for your health(blood pressure especially), ignore Lakes when he says dumb things. Sometimes he can be rational, but he is kinda just doing his thing on gopherhole. He is making himself look ridiculous on this thread, he can be cool, but sometimes he just does his own thing.

I'd say NDSU fans obviously would be more 'obsessed' with this game. However, our game with Northern Iowa is circled on the calendar as well, kind of 1A and 1B.

Exactly, thats why I favored the Gophers, but the thing is they don't have the talent to win on talent alone. So nothing is guaranteed. With Minnesota you really never know what you are going to get, they can be competitive with a Big 10 team, but the week prior, they can lose to a team like South Dakota. I think it's hard to compare at times.

We should have a good team this year in Fargo, I will keep you guys updated on what we anticipate. Most of us aren't too biased(Ignore LakesBison, he is nuts), we will let you know what kind of team we have coming into TCF in October. This is our Super Bowl for the regular season, so you can probably guess our guys will spend about three weeks getting ready to play the Gophers(two cupcakes leading up to it). We love coming up to Minneapolis, it'd be nice if this could be an annual game(specially for us, a lot of recruiting), plus most Minnesota fans don't hate on us too much. We also guarantee a sellout unlike the other Dakota schools.

Please remember that for Gopher fans, playing NDSU is no different than playing any of the other Dakota schools unless you are originally from the FM area or have a connection to that school, which would be similar to the other Dakota schools. That is why they will continue to rotate between all the Dakota schools. And as far as a sellout is concerned, we already sell out all the games. The only thing that would benefit is the opposing team selling their alloted 3,000 or scalpers trying to sell their tickets online. Something the U is not concerned about. Student attendance is the only thing that would differ, and that would be lower than other games just because they see a D-1AA school on the schedule and yawn.

Please remember that for Gopher fans, playing NDSU is no different than playing any of the other Dakota schools unless you are originally from the FM area or have a connection to that school, which would be similar to the other Dakota schools. That is why they will continue to rotate between all the Dakota schools. And as far as a sellout is concerned, we already sell out all the games. The only thing that would benefit is the opposing team selling their alloted 3,000 or scalpers trying to sell their tickets online. Something the U is not concerned about. Student attendance is the only thing that would differ, and that would be lower than other games just because they see a D-1AA school on the schedule and yawn.

Yeah I suppose you are right. Much better for us to play you guys than other way around. We get a lot of money, and a FBS game close to home. Much better than playing Kansas(last year) or Colorado State(2012), better than playing Iowa State(two years ago, and 2013 I think).


Video of NDSU scrimmage. Check out #1 MWILL (marcus williams) taking a pick to the HOUSE.

backup RB Wes Hudson eludes about 5-6 tacklers and goes for 55 yrd TD.

DLguy Please remember that for Gopher fans, playing NDSU is no different than playing any of the other Dakota schools

You're so full of BS, NDSU brings 20,000+ fans, those others brought 2,000-3,000 and NDSU beat you all up and down the field last time 595 yards. The tailgating was a blast with NDSU & GOPHER fans having a FUN TIME TOGETHER!!

its not the same, nice try.


Video of NDSU scrimmage. Check out #1 MWILL (marcus williams) taking a pick to the HOUSE.

backup RB Wes Hudson eludes about 5-6 tacklers and goes for 55 yrd TD.

DLguy Please remember that for Gopher fans, playing NDSU is no different than playing any of the other Dakota schools

You're so full of BS, NDSU brings 20,000+ fans, those others brought 2,000-3,000 and NDSU beat you all up and down the field last time 595 yards. The tailgating was a blast with NDSU & GOPHER fans having a FUN TIME TOGETHER!!

its not the same, nice try.

For someone who claims to be a season ticket holder for the Gophers, you sure dont know much. We now play in TCF bank stadium. It will be sold out for the year before the season starts for every game. There arent 20,000 extra seats to be sold to the opposing team. Those other two teams only brought 3,000 the last two years because that is all that was alloted to them. If NDSU fans get ahold of more than the 3,000 then they will be buying tickets that the U has already sold. Get it? Not a financial gain for the U. And dont tell me you guys bring 20,000+ to an away game even if they were available. I hear the Fargodome doesnt even sell out, and that thing holds less than the Target Center.

You know what really gets my blood boiling about this thread? The fact that it is a clear demonstration of what happens when the government meddles in the lives of private citizens. Clearly, religion is at fault too - probably Islam and the christian radical right. Government handouts only served to kick the can down the road. The bible is very clear on this and we shouldn't allow same sex couples to be married. However, we as a nation really need to stand up and take care of all of our citizens - full, single payer health care is the only way this will happen, but not until we close our borders and keep out all of the illegal immigrants that are a drain on the economy.



For someone who claims to be a season ticket holder for the Gophers, you sure dont know much. We now play in TCF bank stadium. It will be sold out for the year before the season starts for every game. There arent 20,000 extra seats to be sold to the opposing team. Those other two teams only brought 3,000 the last two years because that is all that was alloted to them. If NDSU fans get ahold of more than the 3,000 then they will be buying tickets that the U has already sold. Get it? Not a financial gain for the U. And dont tell me you guys bring 20,000+ to an away game even if they were available. I hear the Fargodome doesnt even sell out, and that thing holds less than the Target Center.

ESPN estimated that NDSU brought 30,000 people to the Metrodome. That was probably a little bit high, but I was there and it had to be close. And it probably was 55/45 Minnesota fans. Keep in mind Minneapolis is where a ton of NDSU alum live, for a lot of those people, the Gopher game is maybe the only one they have time to go to. The FargoDome didn't sell out at all this last season, following a 3-8 season people didn't get too fired up. On top of that we play a pretty boring style of offense which a lot of people do not want to see.

What does the Target Center hold? Around 20,000?

You know what really gets my blood boiling about this thread? The fact that it is a clear demonstration of what happens when the government meddles in the lives of private citizens. Clearly, religion is at fault too - probably Islam and the christian radical right. Government handouts only served to kick the can down the road. The bible is very clear on this and we shouldn't allow same sex couples to be married. However, we as a nation really need to stand up and take care of all of our citizens - full, single payer health care is the only way this will happen, but not until we close our borders and keep out all of the illegal immigrants that are a drain on the economy.



Don't forget about closing the gun show loophole.

How far has the Gopher football program fallen? Just read this thread.

No longer do Hawkeye or Badger fans stop by to feed us sh-t. That's beneath them.

Now we fight with North Dakota fans. :eek: :cry: :eek:

How far has the Gopher football program fallen? Just read this thread.

No longer do Hawkeye or Badger fans stop by to feed us sh-t. That's beneath them.

Now we fight with North Dakota fans. :eek: :cry: :eek:

We're not really fighting with them...they are the little mouse that the cat toys with and plays with before finally getting bored with it and just killing it.....

Give it a little time and we will get sick of playing and toying with the cute little Bison fans and move on to bigger and better things like Badger and Hawkeye fans....

When should we turn this thread into the actual game previews?? or shall we wait until the season starts and just let the smack talk flow until then..... your thoughts.

I posted the video earlier, maybe ill just continue to do that for you guys. peace out.

When should we turn this thread into the actual game previews?? or shall we wait until the season starts and just let the smack talk flow until then..... your thoughts.

I posted the video earlier, maybe ill just continue to do that for you guys. peace out.

We don't need your help dummy.

When should we turn this thread into the actual game previews?? or shall we wait until the season starts and just let the smack talk flow until then..... your thoughts.

I posted the video earlier, maybe ill just continue to do that for you guys. peace out.

I'd prefer to turn this into the let's all look at Lake's Al Carlson threats that almost got him arrested...may I ask how you managed a 3 page MN driving record? Classic.


Please remember that for Gopher fans, playing NDSU is no different than playing any of the other Dakota schools unless you are originally from the FM area or have a connection to that school, which would be similar to the other Dakota schools. That is why they will continue to rotate between all the Dakota schools. And as far as a sellout is concerned, we already sell out all the games. The only thing that would benefit is the opposing team selling their alloted 3,000 or scalpers trying to sell their tickets online. Something the U is not concerned about. Student attendance is the only thing that would differ, and that would be lower than other games just because they see a D-1AA school on the schedule and yawn.

I have a question, what is considered a sell out in TCF? I ask because here are the attendance figures from the athletic department for 2010.

Sep 11, 2010 SOUTH DAKOTA 49554
Sep 25, 2010 NORTHERN ILLINOIS 49368
Oct 2, 2010 NORTHWESTERN 49228
Oct 23, 2010 PENN STATE 48479
Oct 30, 2010 OHIO STATE 48717
Nov 27, 2010 IOWA 50805

With a 4% variance in attendance from the highest to the lowest in 2010 that difference is much greater than you see at Michigan, Ohio State, etc. So, does the athletic department call it a sell out if there are more than 48,000 in TCF?

I have a question, what is considered a sell out in TCF? I ask because here are the attendance figures from the athletic department for 2010.

Sep 11, 2010 SOUTH DAKOTA 49554
Sep 25, 2010 NORTHERN ILLINOIS 49368
Oct 2, 2010 NORTHWESTERN 49228
Oct 23, 2010 PENN STATE 48479
Oct 30, 2010 OHIO STATE 48717
Nov 27, 2010 IOWA 50805

With a 4% variance in attendance from the highest to the lowest in 2010 that difference is much greater than you see at Michigan, Ohio State, etc. So, does the athletic department call it a sell out if there are more than 48,000 in TCF?

50,805 is the official capacity. No games other than Iowa were sold out last year, primarily because of student sales being several thousand short of the 10,000 tickets that are made available to the students. There will be thousands of visiting fans (in addition to the usual 3,000 visiting fans) sitting in the upper reaches of what is supposed to be the student section for the NDSU, Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin games. That area will be barren for the New Mexico St., Miami (OH), and Illinois games. At least the ticket office is mandating that a ticket to either the NM St or Miami game has to be purchased to buy a single game ticket to Nebraska, Iowa or Wisconsin.

Wow. Just in case anyone was curious - now we all know exactly who Lakesbison is.

Samuel Paul Humann of Richville MN (not too far from Perham), age 38. Works at Fox 9 TV in Fargo.

Full address and cell phone are available in the link (as of Jan 2011 anyway), in case any of you would like to contact Lakes personally to discussion in more detail his various views.

The funniest thing about this is that Lakes has claimed repeatedly that he played for the Bison. Still want to make that claim Sam? Remember, some of us may know you. Too funny.

50,805 is the official capacity. No games other than Iowa were sold out last year, primarily because of student sales being several thousand short of the 10,000 tickets that are made available to the students. There will be thousands of visiting fans (in addition to the usual 3,000 visiting fans) sitting in the upper reaches of what is supposed to be the student section for the NDSU, Iowa, Nebraska and Wisconsin games. That area will be barren for the New Mexico St., Miami (OH), and Illinois games. At least the ticket office is mandating that a ticket to either the NM St or Miami game has to be purchased to buy a single game ticket to Nebraska, Iowa or Wisconsin.

That's good to know. Thanks.

So, DLGuy overstated that "every" game sells out. In actuality, only one game was sold out last year. My guess is the NDSU game will be a sell out this fall along with the Wisky game.

Nebraska will definitely sell out, and probably Iowa. NM St and Miami might sell out also, with the tie-ins they have to the Nebraska/Iowa/Wisconsin games. However, no shows for those two games might total 10,000 or more. The only game that has no chance of selling out is Illinois.

Wow. Just in case anyone was curious - now we all know exactly who Lakesbison is.

Samuel Paul Humann of Richville MN (not too far from Perham), age 38. Works at Fox 9 TV in Fargo.

Full address and cell phone are available in the link (as of Jan 2011 anyway), in case any of you would like to contact Lakes personally to discussion in more detail his various views.

Really,age 38 ? So much for blaming the stupidity on youth.


Wow. Just in case anyone was curious - now we all know exactly who Lakesbison is.

Samuel Paul Humann of Richville MN (not too far from Perham), age 38. Works at Fox 9 TV in Fargo.

Full address and cell phone are available in the link (as of Jan 2011 anyway), in case any of you would like to contact Lakes personally to discussion in more detail his various views.

why some are still replying to this obvious loser's stupid thread is beyond me. if this creepy, strange, psycho incident (involving him threatening an elected official and getting a visit from the police) doesn't validate that he is just another internet nut-job who doesn't deserve the attention this lame thread affords him, then i don't know what else to say.

can one of the board mods just go ahead and delete this annoying arse and extremely pointless thread already? really tired of it popping back up on the thread list from time to time.

pretty, pretty please? :)

Really,age 38 ? So much for blaming the stupidity on youth.

What I still can't figure out is why he (pretends to) type his messages out so poorly (lack of any recognizable form of English grammar, spelling, punctuation). As a salesman of advertising for the station, one would think he has to compose business emails. There's no way those messages look like his typical message board banter.

Of course, television advertising in the current form (the form that TV content providers are desperately clinging to) is dying a rapid death. Advertisers no longer want to pay a rate based on viewership - they want to pay based on the number of clicks on a particular ad. That's how it will be in the future.

Oh and I obviously screwed up by saying Fox 9 in the earlier post - that's obviously the cities station. Fox in Fargo is KVRR, whatever channel that is.

For someone who claims to be a season ticket holder for the Gophers, you sure dont know much. We now play in TCF bank stadium. It will be sold out for the year before the season starts for every game. There arent 20,000 extra seats to be sold to the opposing team. Those other two teams only brought 3,000 the last two years because that is all that was alloted to them. If NDSU fans get ahold of more than the 3,000 then they will be buying tickets that the U has already sold. Get it? Not a financial gain for the U. And dont tell me you guys bring 20,000+ to an away game even if they were available. I hear the Fargodome doesnt even sell out, and that thing holds less than the Target Center.

Actually DLGuy, It is a financial gain for the U of Minn. They bring in NDSU and get $50 per ticket because of the demand for that game. They bring in any other Dakota school or 1-AA team, or any non BCS 1-A team (see Miami, OH and NM State this year) and they get $35 per ticket. Say there are 40,000 non-student tickets at a $15 per ticket premium, my NDSU math tells me it is a $600,000 gain for an NDSU sellout over any of the other non-conference game sellouts.

Holy Jesus Martha. I refuse to buy a ticket, nor will I accept a free ticket, to this pi$$ing contest.

Actually DLGuy, It is a financial gain for the U of Minn. They bring in NDSU and get $50 per ticket because of the demand for that game. They bring in any other Dakota school or 1-AA team, or any non BCS 1-A team (see Miami, OH and NM State this year) and they get $35 per ticket. Say there are 40,000 non-student tickets at a $15 per ticket premium, my NDSU math tells me it is a $600,000 gain for an NDSU sellout over any of the other non-conference game sellouts.

So there are no season ticket holders? Tough break on that NDSU math

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