I've been to North Dakota. It is fun. No pressure, just fun. Ask Beer Grandma at UND Hockey games. ND loves her!!!! By the way, it is easy to stop along a road and relieve yourself. No traffic.

NDSU owns the Gophers in football? The Bison are 1-6 against MN, with that one win coming by 6 points during the worst season in Gopher history. Go outside and enjoy your tree.

hahaha, go outside and enjoy your tree? Classic!

Ok guys and moderator's. instead of the bickering on the (kill's expecation's thread)

Lets ramp up this big thread! Booze in TCF? sweet, vikes game was rocking there with all the booze being carried in.

NDSU V MINN III should be a battle, I fully expect NDSU to win, but it will be interesting to see what the gophers have left in the tank after USC, MIAMI OH.

sounds like 15,000-20,000 NDSU fans are planning on being there, and hopefully more. LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!!!! PUFFY!! WE"lL BE TAILGATING AT HALFTIME!!

Shoot...I can't get away from the annoying buzzing! It's everywhere I turn!

Ok guys and moderator's. instead of the bickering on the (kill's expecation's thread)

Lets ramp up this big thread! Booze in TCF? sweet, vikes game was rocking there with all the booze being carried in.

NDSU V MINN III should be a battle, I fully expect NDSU to win, but it will be interesting to see what the gophers have left in the tank after USC, MIAMI OH.

sounds like 15,000-20,000 NDSU fans are planning on being there, and hopefully more. LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!!!! PUFFY!! WE"lL BE TAILGATING AT HALFTIME!!


What I can't figure out is why the idiot calls it "III". This is the 8th time the two teams will play each other.

Who left the back gate to the mental hospital open again.....

I am expecting nobody will care about this game except those wearing green. I look more forward to Miami (OH), which is sad.


Yeah man, the stadium will be ready. I hope you and your 'invasion' will be ready to return to nodak only to find it was burned and pillaged by south dakotans while all seven thousand of you were wandering around minneapolis not getting into our sold out new stadium.

What's to burn? Can't pillage a wasteland.

III for 3rd time since NDSU is D1.

if no one cares about this game, why are ticket scalpers asking more for NDSU game than any other and the 2 other non-conference games are $35 face , but NDSU is $50?

III for 3rd time since NDSU is D1.

if no one cares about this game, why are ticket scalpers asking more for NDSU game than any other and the 2 other non-conference games are $35 face , but NDSU is $50?

Could it be because the people from Mia of Ohio and New Mex St don't have to go all the way to Mpls to see tall buildings.

I am expecting nobody will care about this game except those wearing green. I look more forward to Miami (OH), which is sad.

III for 3rd time since NDSU is D1.

if no one cares about this game, why are ticket scalpers asking more for NDSU game than any other and the 2 other non-conference games are $35 face , but NDSU is $50?

Reading comprehension fail. No one said that NoDak'ers wouldn't come flying off the plains for a chance to flush a toilet or try out their new table manners in a fancy Applebees.

We may have to hide the stumps.... and the sheep.

What I can't figure out is why the idiot calls it "III". This is the 8th time the two teams will play each other.

Well that's easy. We all know that college football began in 1993.

Shouldn't you be sandbagging or something right now instead of playing around on the internet?

Hey Lakes have you paid Dr. Don yet for the Gopher/Bison game bet you lost this winter?

Surprised this moron hasn't been banned from here. He's persona non-grata at nearly every other message board in the universe.

No Dr don. I'll give u a $25 thumperpond.com gift card for my lateness....pm me Ur addy!!

You guys shouldnt make fun.of NDSU,its over 50% minnesotan and gophers fans second always and forever!!

1/2 our team Is minnesota and I live on a lake in minnesota not Fargo, which by the way is over 180,000!!!

No Dr don. I'll give u a $25 thumperpond.com gift card for my lateness....pm me Ur addy!!

You guys shouldnt make fun.of NDSU,its over 50% minnesotan and gophers fans second always and forever!!

1/2 our team Is minnesota and I live on a lake in minnesota not Fargo, which by the way is over 180,000!!!

Which lake?

I hope it is my lake, then I will have a new place for my dog to do her business on walks when I am up there on the weekends.

And Fargo is only 105,000 people. 180,000 if you include West Fargo, Moorhead, and Dilworth. 205,000 with the entire Metro.

And after your claims last year, I still failed to see all the NDSU flags flying up there. DL is by far a Gopher town, with NDSU a distant 3rd.

I realize that North Dakota is one of the few states in the country with a budget surplus thanks to the oil deposits, but I didn't realize that they had the resources to put wifi on the special ed buses.

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