48. "Outstater" isn't a real word. In fact "outstate" doesn't show up in Webster's, either.
49. lakesbison

howeda7 said:
+1. Most folks don't know the difference between NDSU and UND until they try and remember which one plays hockey.

Doesn't matter because neither one have anything to do with this area.

It's the "Fighting Bidets" that play hockey, right? Notice the UND/NDSU green tile...


dpodolls.. you got me bud. good work.

Hey... we are excited again for this game.. BUT REMEMBER, NDSU fans are GOPHER FANS. that's what makes these games fun... you walk into any bar in fargo and the MINNESOTA GOPHER fball & bball & hockey has a ton of fans wearing NDSU shirts/hats.

peace out, enjoy your weekend !!

dpodolls.. you got me bud. good work.

Hey... we are excited again for this game.. BUT REMEMBER, NDSU fans are GOPHER FANS. that's what makes these games fun... you walk into any bar in fargo and the MINNESOTA GOPHER fball & bball & hockey has a ton of fans wearing NDSU shirts/hats.

peace out, enjoy your weekend !!

Let's hope I never find myself in a situation where I will be in Fargo, much less a Fargo-area bar.

One thing I notice about any message board lakesbison posts on: he always gets someone to reply to him. Every response is another log into his oven.

I've never been able to figure out: why can't people ignore him. There must be something in it for you guys? Entertainment value? Yet your posts sound like you're genuinely mad.

If someone approached me on the street and said "I'm harvesting alien cocoons from the trash, will you join me?", I would keep walking. I wouldn't make eye contact. That's how I view each of lakesbison's posts.

If you had the ability to deny him an audience, he dies. But...it's a moot point because I don't believe it can be done. I've never seen a message board that could co-op to the point of denying an audience to a poster if he/she isn't banned. Someone always screws it up.

One thing I notice about any message board lakesbison posts on: he always gets someone to reply to him. Every response is another log into his oven.

I've never been able to figure out: why can't people ignore him. There must be something in it for you guys? Entertainment value? Yet your posts sound like you're genuinely mad.

If someone approached me on the street and said "I'm harvesting alien cocoons from the trash, will you join me?", I would keep walking. I wouldn't make eye contact. That's how I view each of lakesbison's posts.

If you had the ability to deny him an audience, he dies. But...it's a moot point because I don't believe it can be done. I've never seen a message board that could co-op to the point of denying an audience to a poster if he/she isn't banned. Someone always screws it up.

Meh, it's the offseason, what else is there to do?

Meh, it's the offseason, what else is there to do?

True. It's not like there's currently spring practice going on in the first year of a new head coach.

I agree, much better to spend your time reading and formulating lucid responses to someone who pretends to be a maniacal idiot caricature for the sole purpose of getting a rise out people.

Keys to Success when dealing with Lakes.
Three Different Approaches

1. Just go along with what he says, and hope you can con him into agreeing with you.
2. Don't get mad, just don't poke NDSU or the state of North Dakota and/or Northwest Minnesota.

Other Approach

1. Tell him you respect NDSU(even if you dont)
2. Be polite.
3. Tell him North Dakota State University is the best school ever.

Last Approach

1. Don't say a word back
2. He'll give up.
3. If he tries taking over a thread, ignore what he says and continue having your discussion.

On behalf of the gentlemen/women of Bisonville and the great state of North Dakota, I apologize for not being on top of this instead of letting him do a sneak attack.

Back to the thread that he brought up, We are very excited to come see a game at TCF, I've heard only good things about it. I went to high school with a girl who is a cheerleader for the Goofs now.

Anyways, Kill is supposed to be a good coach, we'll see if it pays off in year one. We are bringing in a team that completely dominated South Dakota who beat you guys, but that doesn't mean anything. Talent-wise, the Gophers are obviously better. Confidence-wise, I am not sure. I guess it probably depends how the games before this one go. I know it doesn't hurt us that we went into the Dome and won(much too close for the domination that ensued that day). Don't worry about any of us being haters, we all support the gophers for the most part, get your hockey team back where it should be and start pounding on the Sioux please haha.

See you guys in 6 months, have a good one!

True. It's not like there's currently spring practice going on in the first year of a new head coach.

Spring practice is not super exciting to me. You don't learn a whole lot about your team playing against itself, especially if your team is pretty bad.

True. It's not like there's currently spring practice going on in the first year of a new head coach.

I agree, much better to spend your time reading and formulating lucid responses to someone who pretends to be a maniacal idiot caricature for the sole purpose of getting a rise out people.

Pretends ?

dpodolls.. you got me bud. good work.

Hey... we are excited again for this game.. BUT REMEMBER, NDSU fans are GOPHER FANS. that's what makes these games fun... you walk into any bar in fargo and the MINNESOTA GOPHER fball & bball & hockey has a ton of fans wearing NDSU shirts/hats.

peace out, enjoy your weekend !!

you're talking about fargo, north dakota right? i live there. everytime i got to a bar to watch a gopher game i have to ask to have it put on and then get made fun of by people in said bar for liking the gophers.

On behalf of the gentlemen/women of Bisonville and the great state of North Dakota, I apologize for not being on top of this instead of letting him do a sneak attack.

Back to the thread that he brought up, We are very excited to come see a game at TCF, I've heard only good things about it. I went to high school with a girl who is a cheerleader for the Goofs now.

Anyways, Kill is supposed to be a good coach, we'll see if it pays off in year one. We are bringing in a team that completely dominated South Dakota who beat you guys, but that doesn't mean anything. Talent-wise, the Gophers are obviously better. Confidence-wise, I am not sure. I guess it probably depends how the games before this one go. I know it doesn't hurt us that we went into the Dome and won (much too close for the domination that ensued that day). Don't worry about any of us being haters, we all support the gophers for the most part, get your hockey team back where it should be and start pounding on the Sioux please haha.

See you guys in 6 months, have a good one!

I thought you were different than lakes or whatever her name is, but you can take your somewhat apology for her and stuff it. We will pummel, pummel the crap out of your beloved Bidets. See you in six months. Stay off this board. Not likely on either.

lakesbison was booted off his "home" board, Bisonville, today. Looks like it's a permanent ban (he's received several temporary bans and posting restrictions).

Probably be good to let this thread die or, as he says in upper case, screaming letters: he'll be back.

JACKJD. hahaha... are you sad that you cant start a thread like this?? you never can beat a big 10 or big 12 team like us?

sad that you are on your computer at 10:30 on a friday.. haha (im on my cell at JT cigarro's.... pump it up gopherland!! we coming!!!)

dpodoll.. some are paying $100 to sit in front row to watch NDSU win again.

This guy is a complete loser. Percent chance he is just PH?

Pretends ?

Of course. The all caps, zero grammar, in-your-face moron/jerk "personality" is just an act to get a rise out of people and get an audience. It's just entertainment for him.

I'm not 100% sure if this is correct, but I thought I've read before that he works at a TV station in Fargo. If that's true, I don't think you can have that kind of job if you really act like that to people's faces. He would've been shot long ago.

So if this guy is blatantly trolling how come he hasn't been banned here yet?

wow you guys need more in your lives if your worried about me and my career, gimme a break.

this is a MESSAGE BOARD of MINNESOTA, where I live, where I have tickets for gopher football and hockey, Just because I am getting ready for NDSU to play Minnesota doesnt mean you all have to get obsessed geesh.

now we have 5 months away, pretty soon we will be talking matchups

Marquis Gray vs Marcus Williams.
Gophs Line vs St Agnes Leevon Perry & Drevlow of Milnor ND
Duane Bennnet vs Wayzata's Grant Olson.
Mike Rallis vs DJ Mcnorton of ndsu

so we can start that conversation anytime you want.

Didn't mean to offend by calling them the goofs, my roommate is a gopher fan and refers to them as such.

Didn't mean to offend by calling them the goofs, my roommate is a gopher fan and refers to them as such.

Then get off you fat lazy a$$ and correct him. What he says/does does NOT give you permission to do such crap. Grow up and show some balls.

There is no question Minnesota will win this game. However, the question is by how much.

Those of you who predict a blowout will be surprised how good NDSU is this year. Now, if they fail to find a QB who can manage the passing game, a blowout is possible, but my guess is that the Gopher victory margin will be by 10 pts or less.

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