Actually DLGuy, It is a financial gain for the U of Minn. They bring in NDSU and get $50 per ticket because of the demand for that game. They bring in any other Dakota school or 1-AA team, or any non BCS 1-A team (see Miami, OH and NM State this year) and they get $35 per ticket. Say there are 40,000 non-student tickets at a $15 per ticket premium, my NDSU math tells me it is a $600,000 gain for an NDSU sellout over any of the other non-conference game sellouts.

Wrong again, sorry. You see, we have these people called Season Ticket holders. We buy all our tickets in a bundle, not at a single game price. It averages out to be less than $40 per ticket for us. The 10,000 student tickets also are a package deal, so no difference there. So you basically have the 3,000 away team tickets and the 1,000 single game or student returns left. That is all, not 40,000 like you claim. And you stated any other Dakota school besides NDSU. Well that is funny, because the South Dakota game last year was $50. Sorry to prove you wrong.

I prefer "Jesus Tap Dancing Christ" myself.

That cracked me up on another thread. :D

Finally, someone with a sense of humor. Jesus Tap Dancing Christ and Holy Jesus Martha thank you for the $hits and giggles. Thanks BisonGopher. :cool02: :clap: :clap: :party: :rockon:

What we never need to forget, is dpodoll's best ever statement anywhere in any comment board, anywhere in the world for ever and ever, Amen: (compliments of blizzard) "Congratulations on your heretofore-epic-unheard of-unreached-level of dumbassery"

Wrong again, sorry. You see, we have these people called Season Ticket holders. We buy all our tickets in a bundle, not at a single game price. It averages out to be less than $40 per ticket for us. The 10,000 student tickets also are a package deal, so no difference there. So you basically have the 3,000 away team tickets and the 1,000 single game or student returns left. That is all, not 40,000 like you claim. And you stated any other Dakota school besides NDSU. Well that is funny, because the South Dakota game last year was $50. Sorry to prove you wrong.

Well why not just bring in St Cloud State or Concordia St. Paul then? They would probably play the game for less than a $100,000 guarantee, plus you could probably beat them consistently. They have to pay NDSU $350,000 and the game will be a toss up at best for the Gophers.

Wrong again, sorry. You see, we have these people called Season Ticket holders. We buy all our tickets in a bundle, not at a single game price. It averages out to be less than $40 per ticket for us. The 10,000 student tickets also are a package deal, so no difference there. So you basically have the 3,000 away team tickets and the 1,000 single game or student returns left. That is all, not 40,000 like you claim. And you stated any other Dakota school besides NDSU. Well that is funny, because the South Dakota game last year was $50. Sorry to prove you wrong.

You see, NDSU has season ticket holders also, but season ticket holders actually pay face value for the tickets but get seat preferencial. If there are 4 $20 games and 2 $25 games, you see we pay $130 for a season ticket. NDSU actaully gets face value for their season tickets. It must be the product on the field. People will pay face value for a good product, while you have to discount a poor product.

You see, NDSU has season ticket holders also, but season ticket holders actually pay face value for the tickets but get seat preferencial. If there are 4 $20 games and 2 $25 games, you see we pay $130 for a season ticket. NDSU actaully gets face value for their season tickets. It must be the product on the field. People will pay face value for a good product, while you have to discount a poor product.

Nice job working on your math and refuting your obviously faulty first point. But keep trying...really.

You see, NDSU has season ticket holders also, but season ticket holders actually pay face value for the tickets but get seat preferencial. If there are 4 $20 games and 2 $25 games, you see we pay $130 for a season ticket. NDSU actaully gets face value for their season tickets. It must be the product on the field. People will pay face value for a good product, while you have to discount a poor product.

Ever heard of supply and demand? Well, demand for the NDSU product is high because supply of other things to do is completely nonexistent.

Ever heard of supply and demand? Well, demand for the NDSU product is high because supply of other things to do is completely nonexistent.

It is the only thing in their town, and they still cant fill the place. Maybe they SHOULD discount their tickets. Plus, most that live in Fargo are Sioux fans anyways, so that cant help.

NDSU football ticket information:


$25 for sideline reserved, $18 for end zone reserved.
$15 for adult general admission, $8 for children's general admission.

That's the single game price for all games except for the homecoming game, where all seats are reserved.

Here are the season ticket packages:

Adult General Admission $ 93
Youth General Admission (3-17 years) $ 58
End Zone Reserved $100
Sideline Reserved $135
Premium Sideline Reserved* $135
*Team Makers membership required

So, not only do they have a stadium which is less than 40% the capacity of TCF, the ticket prices are FAR lower. The demand isn't even close.

And since TCF will be either sold out or close to sold out, there won't be a lot of single-game tickets available, so NDSU will not be a money maker for the U. There will be the standard allotment, and some people will sell their tickets, but the secondary market doesn't bring the U revenue. There won't be nearly as much green in the stands as there was in 2007. That's University of Minnesota math, which might explain why Minnesota is a more highly regarded school.

And this isn't 2007. Brewster isn't the coach anymore. A 10-1 NDSU team was only one score better than one of the worst Gopher teams ever. NDSU won't be as good as they were in 2007. Minnesota won't be as bad. Gloat while you can.

You see, NDSU has season ticket holders also, but season ticket holders actually pay face value for the tickets but get seat preferencial. If there are 4 $20 games and 2 $25 games, you see we pay $130 for a season ticket. NDSU actaully gets face value for their season tickets. It must be the product on the field. People will pay face value for a good product, while you have to discount a poor product.

I see math and/or using teh interwebs aren't strong suits of yours either. As RR points out, you have 6 home games where sideline reserved face is $25 a pop. The season ticket price for those seats is $135. The face cost is $150. The same is true for endzone reserved (season = $100/face = $108). Please use your NoDak math and explain how these season ticket holders are paying face again?

Oddly enough, the adult and youth GA season ticket holders actually pay a bit more than face per game (Adult season = $93/face = $90; Youth season = $58/face = $48). Please use your NoDak math and explain how the season ticket holders are paying face again? I guess those rubes are too dumb to know better?

Well why not just bring in St Cloud State or Concordia St. Paul then? They would probably play the game for less than a $100,000 guarantee, plus you could probably beat them consistently. They have to pay NDSU $350,000 and the game will be a toss up at best for the Gophers.

See this is the thing that just burns me about Bison fans. As mentioned in earlier posts, the Gophers won 1 stinking game that year they lost to the Bison ... and were very lucky to win that 1 game over a BAD team. Congrats ... you beat the second worse team in Gopher history by a score, although some would argue it was a worse team than '83. But try to get a Bison fan to put in in that perspective. I'm probably unable to reason though because my Bison fan uncle from ND claims that NDSU brought so many people that it was the largest crowd in Gopher history. It wasn't even the largest crowd that year. I'm not making this up.

See this is the thing that just burns me about Bison fans. As mentioned in earlier posts, the Gophers won 1 stinking game that year they lost to the Bison ... and were very lucky to win that 1 game over a BAD team. Congrats ... you beat the second worse team in Gopher history by a score, although some would argue it was a worse team than '83. But try to get a Bison fan to put in in that perspective. I'm probably unable to reason though because my Bison fan uncle from ND claims that NDSU brought so many people that it was the largest crowd in Gopher history. It wasn't even the largest crowd that year. I'm not making this up.

I'm always willing to argue the 1983 vs. 2007 teams. I'm just glad that the 2010 team won a couple more games so it doesn't get thrown into that debate. The 2007 team did lose 11 games to the 1983 team's 10, but that's only because the 2007 team played 12 games. With lucky breaks, the 2007 team could have won 7 games, six of the losses were within one score. The 1983 team was so bad that even with lucky breaks they could only have won two teams.

Bison fans who expect tickets to be as easily available as they were in 2006 and 2007 will be disappointed.

claims that NDSU brought so many people that it was the largest crowd in Gopher history. It wasn't even the largest crowd that year. I'm not making this up.

Actually, you are.

Most of the crowds in 2007 were in the 45-49,000 range. The WI game had 59,116 in attendance, which is probably the game you mistakenly thought and ASSUMED had the largest attendance.


Attendance at the NDSU game was almost 4,000 fans higher, at 63,088.


It really bothers me when people make things up. Are you related to DL Guy?

See this is the thing that just burns me about Bison fans. As mentioned in earlier posts, the Gophers won 1 stinking game that year they lost to the Bison ... and were very lucky to win that 1 game over a BAD team. Congrats ... you beat the second worse team in Gopher history by a score, although some would argue it was a worse team than '83. But try to get a Bison fan to put in in that perspective. I'm probably unable to reason though because my Bison fan uncle from ND claims that NDSU brought so many people that it was the largest crowd in Gopher history. It wasn't even the largest crowd that year. I'm not making this up.

Look I know how badly most U of Minn fans want to beat NDSU this year by a lot of points to shut them up. I know Kill is going to coach NDSU week as hard as he has ever coaches any of his teams (he won't say that of course).

But boy, if NDSU somehow, someway pulls off another victory this season over the U - all you guys who keep playing the "you only beat us once" trump card are going to have a big plate of crow to eat! :D

Actually, you are.

Most of the crowds in 2007 were in the 45-49,000 range. The WI game had 59,116 in attendance, which is probably the game you mistakenly thought and ASSUMED had the largest attendance.


Attendance at the NDSU game was almost 4,000 fans higher, at 63,088.


It really bothers me when people make things up. Are you related to DL Guy?

Are you still mad that I proved you wrong by providing facts and real information? Must be tough for you.

That's good to know. Thanks.

So, DLGuy overstated that "every" game sells out. In actuality, only one game was sold out last year. My guess is the NDSU game will be a sell out this fall along with the Wisky game.

And there is a difference between a sell out and attendance. Every game was an official sell out, but that doesnt mean everyone shows up. Just because the game attendance is short of official capacity, does not mean all the tickets were not sold. Try to wrap your head around that concept.

After years of smack, the only people who face the prospect of a crow dinner are Bison fans.

And there is a difference between a sell out and attendance. Every game was an official sell out, but that doesnt mean everyone shows up. Just because the game attendance is short of official capacity, does not mean all the tickets were not sold. Try to wrap your head around that concept.

Well, try to wrap your head around this. I went to two Gopher games last year (Iowa was not one of them) and a friend of mine when to four (Iowa was not one of them), and we simply walked up and bought tickets. Why, because none of those four games were sell outs.

You plain don't know what you are talking about, but just keep blasting out your pie hole buddy, perhaps someone someday will believe the crap you spew.

Well, try to wrap your head around this. I went to two Gopher games last year (Iowa was not one of them) and a friend of mine when to four (Iowa was not one of them), and we simply walked up and bought tickets. Why, because none of those four games were sell outs.

You plain don't know what you are talking about, but just keep blasting out your pie hole buddy, perhaps someone someday will believe the crap you spew.

Get over yourself.

Look I know how badly most U of Minn fans want to beat NDSU this year by a lot of points to shut them up. I know Kill is going to coach NDSU week as hard as he has ever coaches any of his teams (he won't say that of course).

But boy, if NDSU somehow, someway pulls off another victory this season over the U - all you guys who keep playing the "you only beat us once" trump card are going to have a big plate of crow to eat! :D

That's not my point. NDSU may very well beat us again this year. In fact, straight up, I'm not sure I wouldn't put money on them. And, if that happens, its a pretty good indication that we will be bad again this year. My point is that NDSU fans seem to think that their next stop is the Rose Bowl because they beat the Gophers. We weren't good then and we may not be good this year ... but that doesn't put NDSU into college football lore all of a sudden.

And with that, I end my NDSU tirades. Except if Sam chimes in.

Well, try to wrap your head around this. I went to two Gopher games last year (Iowa was not one of them) and a friend of mine when to four (Iowa was not one of them), and we simply walked up and bought tickets. Why, because none of those four games were sell outs.

You plain don't know what you are talking about, but just keep blasting out your pie hole buddy, perhaps someone someday will believe the crap you spew.

You bought walk up tickets at the stadium? Couldn't you have just bought from a scalper and got cheaper/better seats?

And those are called turn backs from the opposing team. The ticket office gets many of those later in the week of that game due to the opposing team not selling their allotment. The ticket office tries to help out the opposing team by selling those seats so the other team doesnt have to eat that cost. Also, the U has seats that are held until the day of the game for special needs such as VIP guests, admin needs, and also for season ticket holders who need to change seats for what ever reason. There are actually a good number of these saved. So when it comes game day, they release these tickets. When they find out they dont need them, might as well make some money off them. But, these tickets do not count against a sell out, as they are not necessarily "unsold" tickets as they are still serving a purpose.

And those are called turn backs from the opposing team. The ticket office gets many of those later in the week of that game due to the opposing team not selling their allotment. The ticket office tries to help out the opposing team by selling those seats so the other team doesnt have to eat that cost. Also, the U has seats that are held until the day of the game for special needs such as VIP guests, admin needs, and also for season ticket holders who need to change seats for what ever reason. There are actually a good number of these saved. So when it comes game day, they release these tickets. When they find out they dont need them, might as well make some money off them. But, these tickets do not count against a sell out, as they are not necessarily "unsold" tickets as they are still serving a purpose.

Experience matters! Thank you for the post.

And those are called turn backs from the opposing team. The ticket office gets many of those later in the week of that game due to the opposing team not selling their allotment. The ticket office tries to help out the opposing team by selling those seats so the other team doesnt have to eat that cost. Also, the U has seats that are held until the day of the game for special needs such as VIP guests, admin needs, and also for season ticket holders who need to change seats for what ever reason. There are actually a good number of these saved. So when it comes game day, they release these tickets. When they find out they dont need them, might as well make some money off them. But, these tickets do not count against a sell out, as they are not necessarily "unsold" tickets as they are still serving a purpose.

Truth. Last year there were people who were able to walk up to Target Field right before the home opener and buy tickets. I am pretty sure that was still a sell out......same type of idea here

I don't think a single person tried to claim the stadium was sold out with season tickets. Those arguing in favor of sellouts are just saying that tickets for any game will be gone by the time the season starts. This includes season tickets as well as single game tickets.

That's not my point. NDSU may very well beat us again this year. In fact, straight up, I'm not sure I wouldn't put money on them. And, if that happens, its a pretty good indication that we will be bad again this year. My point is that NDSU fans seem to think that their next stop is the Rose Bowl because they beat the Gophers. We weren't good then and we may not be good this year ... but that doesn't put NDSU into college football lore all of a sudden.

And with that, I end my NDSU tirades. Except if Sam chimes in.

No sane, reasonable Bison fan thinks that NDSU's next step is the Rose bowl. Sure, they may be excited about the team and the game with the Gophers - but (deep down) they know that the programs are not anywhere close to the same level.

So long as NDSU keeps playing for "national championships" in football that don't mean anything (any football championship with "NCAA" on it), it will never be a serious college football program. My hope is that within 5-10 years they'll get an invitation from a lower level FBS conferences (that's the only way a school can move up now) and will take that opportunity.

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