Im the FIREMAN !!!! You guys are great an insults, why would you insult a minnesota fan?

see thats the problem, you alienate all the OUTSTATER'S,,, thats why Gopher Sports will never be like the other state schools in the big ten.. they dont alienate.

face facts kids, NDSU does more for north west and westcentral minnesota than U of Minn does.

NDSU will have a #1 ranked FCS team and hopefully bring home a title or 2 in the next couple years, and then we'll look at going to FBS and becoming the BOISE STATE of MINNESOTA!

No Dr don. I'll give u a $25 thumperpond.com gift card for my lateness....pm me Ur addy!!

You guys shouldnt make fun.of NDSU,its over 50% minnesotan and gophers fans second always and forever!!

1/2 our team Is minnesota and I live on a lake in minnesota not Fargo, which by the way is over 180,000!!!

I couldn't care less what someone's second favorite team is. Weak!

NDSU will have a #1 ranked FCS team and hopefully bring home a title or 2 in the next couple years, and then we'll look at going to FBS and becoming the BOISE STATE of MINNESOTA!
Is the campus moving? Sounds like you are going to try to be the Boise State of North Dakota.

Nobody here gives a rat's ass about your clown college, and I couldn't care less about the college football allegiance of northern Minnesota. If the people of rural MN want to cheer for the Gophers that's great, if they want to cheer for the local small programs more power to them.

Im the FIREMAN !!!! You guys are great an insults, why would you insult a minnesota fan?

see thats the problem, you alienate all the OUTSTATER'S,,, thats why Gopher Sports will never be like the other state schools in the big ten.. they dont alienate.

face facts kids, NDSU does more for north west and westcentral minnesota than U of Minn does.

NDSU will have a #1 ranked FCS team and hopefully bring home a title or 2 in the next couple years, and then we'll look at going to FBS and becoming the BOISE STATE of MINNESOTA!

I live in westcentral MN and can safely say that NDSU does not do more for this area than the U of M and that is the way I like it and hope it stays. I have never once heard of anything that had to do with NDSU around here. Coaches from the U of M were here last year not NDSU. You need to get a life and quit dreaming.

Is the campus moving? Sounds like you are going to try to be the Boise State of North Dakota.
Maybe Minnesota is taking over the world a la New Jersey in a South Park episode from last year?


I visit my parents in NW Minnesota. I can't recall seeing Bison colors. That's still Gopher territory. We are not alienating the outstaters. Outstate Minnesota is Gopher territory. Don't talk to us about being disrespectful, you don't know the meaning of the word.

And Lakes, if you aren't a paid UND agent, you should be.

Can you let me know when you plan at being at Zorbaz? I have kids and I don't want you creeping on them.

Thanks in advance.

you guys are just hateful, plain and simple.

even if you see NDSU flags on boats, you wont say it, because it would show the irrelevance of gopher football in the past 5 years and yes I blame that on punky brewster, maturi, but the fans themselves are to blame.

you guys are just hateful, plain and simple.

even if you see NDSU flags on boats, you wont say it, because it would show the irrelevance of gopher football in the past 5 years and yes I blame that on punky brewster, maturi, but the fans themselves are to blame.

Are you done now?

I live in westcentral MN and can safely say that NDSU does not do more for this area than the U of M and that is the way I like it and hope it stays. I have never once heard of anything that had to do with NDSU around here. Coaches from the U of M were here last year not NDSU. You need to get a life and quit dreaming.

+1. Most folks don't know the difference between NDSU and UND until they try and remember which one plays hockey.

you guys are just hateful, plain and simple.

even if you see NDSU flags on boats, you wont say it, because it would show the irrelevance of gopher football in the past 5 years and yes I blame that on punky brewster, maturi, but the fans themselves are to blame.

The people on the NDSU board hate you too (and if they don't hate you they are embarassed by you) so why shouldn't we?

No, Lakes. It's you who are alienating people. You seriously do give NDSU a bad name. You've been talking smack for years, and you've been treated with far more respect than you deserve. You realize that people can see your Bisonville posts, right? Minnesota's our turf.

I talk SMACK and back it up, relax.

of course im going to cheer for NDSU vs Minnesota.. but in every other game, I will be cheering for the GOPHERS from section 149 every game.



i hate those teams with a passion.

NDSU been to the NCAA in basketball, has beaten 4 FBS teams in 3 years *(including a big 12 and big 10 team in their house) the sports world know plenty about NDSU.

Im the FIREMAN !!!! You guys are great an insults, why would you insult a minnesota fan?

see thats the problem, you alienate all the OUTSTATER'S,,, thats why Gopher Sports will never be like the other state schools in the big ten.. they dont alienate.

face facts kids, NDSU does more for north west and westcentral minnesota than U of Minn does.

NDSU will have a #1 ranked FCS team and hopefully bring home a title or 2 in the next couple years, and then we'll look at going to FBS and becoming the BOISE STATE of MINNESOTA!

What does ndsu do more for the outstate folks compared to the U? My grandparents own a lake home on Pelican Lake which my wife and I visit nearly every weekend in the summer and I would say the flags are pretty much equal for the U and the suzies, ndsu is close but not how you bold face lie about the situation. Besides, if you rank support based on some flags you are an idiot Sam!

Grew up in Detroit Lakes and go to my parents lake nearly every weekend in the summer. Growing up there, I know a lot of people. And I can think of one NDSU fan. I can think of a lot of Sue fans, but the majority are Gopher fans. In fact, our tailgate spot has about 30 people that come down from DL for each game. NDSU is not relevant in the lakes area, and never has been.

All the people I know that grew up in South Fargo like the Sue and hate the Bison. Fargo is home to NDSU, and they are out numbered by Sue fans. Sheesh, get a grip man.

Im the FIREMAN !!!! You guys are great an insults, why would you insult a minnesota fan?

see thats the problem, you alienate all the OUTSTATER'S,,, thats why Gopher Sports will never be like the other state schools in the big ten.. they dont alienate.

face facts kids, NDSU does more for north west and westcentral minnesota than U of Minn does.

NDSU will have a #1 ranked FCS team and hopefully bring home a title or 2 in the next couple years, and then we'll look at going to FBS and becoming the BOISE STATE of MINNESOTA!

Maybe then the Thundering Herd will finally get invited to that BCS bowl game they thought they were going to until SDSU beat them down at the end of the '07 season.

Im the FIREMAN !!!! You guys are great an insults, why would you insult a minnesota fan?

see thats the problem, you alienate all the OUTSTATER'S,,, thats why Gopher Sports will never be like the other state schools in the big ten.. they dont alienate.

face facts kids, NDSU does more for north west and westcentral minnesota than U of Minn does.

NDSU will have a #1 ranked FCS team and hopefully bring home a title or 2 in the next couple years, and then we'll look at going to FBS and becoming the BOISE STATE of MINNESOTA!

Just for fun, let's count the amount of things wrong with this post....

Just for fun, let's count the amount of things wrong with this post....

1. No apostrophe in "Im"

2. "FIREMAN" randomly capitalized

3. A space between FIREMAN and the exclamation points

4. Four exclamation points at the end of a sentence

5. Using "an" instead of "at" before "insults"

6. Run-on sentence; should be three sentences in the first "paragraph" instead of two

7. Not capitalizing "minnesota"

8. Calling himself a Minnesota fan

9. Not capitalizing "see"

10. No comma after "see"

11. No apostrophe in "thats"

12. Should be a period instead of a comma after "problem"

13. "you" not capitalized, should be as the start of what should be a new sentence

14. "OUTSTATER'S" randomly in all caps

15. Apostrophe in the word "OUTSTATER's"

16. Commas instead of a period after "OUTSTATER's"

17. Four commas instead of one period after "OUTSTATER's"

18. "thats" not capitalized as it should be at the start of what should be a new sentence

19. No apostrophe in "thats"

20. Randomly capitalizing "Sports"

21. Equating sports with schools, for some reason

22. Not capitalizing "big ten"

23. Two periods after "big ten" instead of one

24. "they" not capitalized

25. No apostrophe in "dont"

26. "face" not capitalized

27. No comma after "facts"

28. Comma instead of period after "kids"

29. Not capitalizing "north west"

30. Dividing "north west" into two words

31. Not capitalizing "west"

32. Not capitalizing "central"

33. Combining "west" and "central" into one word

34. Not capitalizing "minnesota"

35. Saying NDSU will ever be ranked #1

36. Not hyphenating "#1-ranked" as it should be before "FCS"

37. Not placing "will" between "hopefully" and "bring"

38. Using "2" instead of "two"

39. No "of" between "couple" and "years"

40. Thinking that NDSU will ever be FBS, ever

41. Putting the word "BOISE" in all caps

42. Putting the word "STATE" in all caps

43. Putting the word "MINNESOTA" in all caps

44. Thinking that North Dakota State University is in Minnesota

45. No "the" before "U of Minn"

46. Calling it "U of Minn"

47. Extra return between 2nd and 3rd paragraphs

There are probably more, but that's all I could find. Forty-seven errors in a 98-word post - that takes some skillz.

NDSU has made strides. that trip to to the semi-finals was a lot of fun.

I'm sooooooo glad Minnesota didn't give Bohl a look. He is doing good things in Fargo and that is where he belongs.

This is a game that I enjoy to watch. I don't cheer for either team cause I can't cheer against the Bison and I can't cheer against the Gophers.

+1. Most folks don't know the difference between NDSU and UND until they try and remember which one plays hockey.

Doesn't matter because neither one have anything to do with this area.

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