More rumors

Nadine's welcome news proves these guys are schmucks- don't trust a word they say.

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I don't have a 247 account but I know someone who does. Anyways I was wrong when I assumed that they confirmed that Smith was transferring. They actually confirmed that he isn't transferring.

He know more about his son then any of us do. If he Dad said his son isn't leaving, then he not leaving. what more do you need from his dad.

He know more about his son then any of us do. If he Dad said his son isn't leaving, then he not leaving. what more do you need from his dad.

Think you forgot to turn on your sarcasm filter this morning. Flip it on and then reread Spoofin's previous post.

Glad to hear he is sticking around. It really did seem like an odd transfer had it been true.



So when will we find out which underclassmen are not returning next year?

Interesting stuff over at GI. A poster there said this morning that Rodney Smith is leaving. Burns checked and said he couldn't confirm yet, but that he thought it might be true. Then Burns came back and said it doesn't sound like Smith is leaving from his sources and that it doesn't make sense to him because he thinks Smith might end up as the main guy next year, even over Jeff Jones. Burns also said Rodney Smith is not the RS player who he talked about that is planning to transfer. That player is in Orlando with the team at this time. The original poster came back and insists Rodney Smith has officially informed the staff he's leaving, as has Connor Kizancic (could this be the guy we'd already heard about?). Then the OP came back and said Rodney Smith has definitely informed the staff, but that he can't confirm Krizancic has made it official yet.

the gi guys are wrong. nadine confirmed with smith's dad that he loves it here and isn't going any where.

I spoke with Rodney's parents at the game and they said he's staying.

I'm sure you're right. But to play devil's advocate, let's say he was thinking of leaving but it hs not been made public, isn't there a good chance the parents would give that answer to a stranger asking them? Even if they didn't want to lie, and said something like, "we don't comment on stuff like that" or simply "no comment," rightly or wrongly, most people would infer that as an affirmation.

Cause Nadine has never posted unsubstantiated rumors

She may post rumors from a source but I don't remember her stating she's confirmed something that is overtly untrue.

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He's not going anywhere. Move on.

I hear (whispers in my head) South Central College has a fantastic football program and will hire Todd Hofner as coach.

Can't confirm, but Mckinzy could be the guy. Got passed by Perra on the depth chart.

Zero chance. I think I saw him two different times in newscasts running the O. He will be back.

Was he practicing catching balls with our secret weapon red shirts?

Burns just said it was a 2014 offensive player that was felt he was passed up on the depth chart. We all know who that is.

I'm sure you're right. But to play devil's advocate, let's say he was thinking of leaving but it hs not been made public, isn't there a good chance the parents would give that answer to a stranger asking them? Even if they didn't want to lie, and said something like, "we don't comment on stuff like that" or simply "no comment," rightly or wrongly, most people would infer that as an affirmation.

I'm not sure why his parents would travel 8 to 9 hrs (decked out in Gopher gear) to watch their son stand on the sideline with no chance of plying that day if he wasn't coming back.

I'm not sure why his parents would travel 8 to 9 hrs (decked out in Gopher gear) to watch their son stand on the sideline with no chance of plying that day if he wasn't coming back.

Yea, good point

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