Mason, McBrayer and Dorsey suspended

how has Amelia or Marcus not tweeted any direct quotes from Pitino regarding this situation

Well yes it shouldn't have gotten out to the public....but they brought it to the public. I'm not blaming Pitino for this....but it is more than just a little mistake by these three players.
The part that I question is how did it get to the public? Did Dorsey actually post it or did someone else have his phone and do it? If it was Dorsey posting it that is most disappointing decision to me. I don't have a problem they can do whatever they want behind closed doors but going forward they just need to remember to keep whatever happens behind closed doors.

That is contributing to the rash of behavioral issues and problem players and could be his death knell.

Also, its clear the three student-athletes (cough) in question have no respect for their teammates or university, either.

Every coach we have had since the 70's has had to deal with incidents. Can you imagine how much stuff happens that we never find out about?
Are you imagining that this stuff doesn't occur at nearly every other university? We have a serious culture problem that goes well beyond U of M athletics.

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The part that I question is how did it get to the public? Did Dorsey actually post it or did someone else have his phone and do it? If it was Dorsey posting it that is most disappointing decision to me. I don't have a problem they can do whatever they want behind closed doors but going forward they just need to remember to keep whatever happens behind closed doors.

I'm thinking we'll never find out. The fact that the video was only up for 30 minutes and we haven't seen the light of day, this might be a very quiet controversy, one of which may only live on Gopherhole.

Then again, it is Minnesota and they love scandal, so it'll probably pop up in a year and be rebourn a much bigger issue.

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I think what happened was pretty clear. Unless there are legal issues time to move on. I'm sure the players got an earful of what where you thinking? And a if anything like this happens again you are gone.

You, yourself state "unless there are legal issues" so it's not that clear to you either. They're on scholarship, representing the U and you don't think they've been counseled and warned not to do anything stupid and put themselves in a situation where that scholarship could be jeopardized? There's a history of scandals here; the U has just dealt with Title IX and sexual harassment investigations; there's the issue of defining what consent means on campuses everywhere; and, oh, ya, we're in the midst of a large push to get rich folks to part with their money to support the U's athletic program. People are in denial or absolutely clueless how this looks to the public, faculty, politicians, alumni, etc. It might up end not that big a deal, but it's way too early to move on. I have real doubts whether that woman said, "Sure, what a great idea. Record me having sex with multiple guys. Better yet, let's put it out there for others to see! I'm totally sober and you guys aren't pressuring me at all."

You, yourself state "unless there are legal issues" so it's not that clear to you either. They're on scholarship, representing the U and you don't think they've been counseled and warned not to do anything stupid and put themselves in a situation where that scholarship could be jeopardized? There's a history of scandals here; the U has just dealt with Title IX and sexual harassment investigations; there's the issue of defining what consent means on campuses everywhere; and, oh, ya, we're in the midst of a large push to get rich folks to part with their money to support the U's athletic program. People are in denial or absolutely clueless how this looks to the public, faculty, politicians, alumni, etc. It might up end not that big a deal, but it's way too early to move on. I have real doubts whether that woman said, "Sure, what a great idea. Record me having sex with multiple guys. Better yet, let's put it out there for others to see! I'm totally sober and you guys aren't pressuring me at all."
So you jump to a drunk, pressured women scenario? Of course it looks bad to the public and luckily very few viewed it. But these young men to me at least based on what we know should be allowed to remain on the team with conditions concerning future behavior.

The part that I question is how did it get to the public? Did Dorsey actually post it or did someone else have his phone and do it? If it was Dorsey posting it that is most disappointing decision to me. I don't have a problem they can do whatever they want behind closed doors but going forward they just need to remember to keep whatever happens behind closed doors.

Come on....I'd be shocked if Dorsey didn't post this video himself. I'm not saying he is a bad person...but he is an 18 or 19 year old kid who has made some really bad decisions. I love Pitino's quote about the suspensions being about setting a culture and doing what they believe is right. Part of Pitino's job is to turn these kids into young men who understand right from wrong....and showing the integrity to do what is right. For me...the suspension and that quote is more important than the last two wins. I have a saying...."That you Lose with Dignity and Win with Grace." Tonight the players on the court lost with dignity.

What a rotten day. The Woman get blown out by my least favorite Big Ten team; i.e. Maryland. The men have three players suspended, and get blown out by Illinois.

Kids did something stupid. There are all sorts of moral stances people can take but the reality is that this isn't an uncommon thing. What is uncommon is it getting posted on Twitter which I have to assume was an accident or done by someone other than Dorsey. The suspension is warranted but all the hand wringing is silly. Guessing you suspend them for a game or 3, run them until they vomit, then move on.

Kids did something stupid. There are all sorts of moral stances people can take but the reality is that this isn't an uncommon thing. What is uncommon is it getting posted on Twitter which I have to assume was an accident or done by someone other than Dorsey. The suspension is warranted but all the hand wringing is silly. Guessing you suspend them for a game or 3, run them until they vomit, then move on.

I'm not a lawyer but aren't there potential legal ramifications if these allegations are true? I mean I'm guessing you just can't go posting sex videos on twitter without the consent of all parties.

Kids did something stupid. There are all sorts of moral stances people can take but the reality is that this isn't an uncommon thing. What is uncommon is it getting posted on Twitter which I have to assume was an accident or done by someone other than Dorsey. The suspension is warranted but all the hand wringing is silly. Guessing you suspend them for a game or 3, run them until they vomit, then move on.

Forget suspensions, show these videos to their Mothers. Is this how they raised their boys to respect women?

I'm not a lawyer but aren't there potential legal ramifications if these allegations are true? I mean I'm guessing you just can't go posting sex videos on twitter without the consent of all parties.


I'm sure if the U or coach were forced to make a statement it would be something like...We are not allowed to speak because the incident is under investigation.

If what we heard is true and the female was determined to be under age, and/or did not give permission to post the video............................we are talking serious ****t.


I'm sure if the U or coach were forced to make a statement it would be something like...We are not allowed to speak because the incident is under investigation.

If what we heard is true and the female was determined to be under age, and/or did not give permission to post the video............................we are talking serious ****t.

Who said anything about statutory rape? Did I miss something? The girl would have to be 15 (assuming everyone involved was 19) for age of consent to be an issue in MN.

Consent to video tape and publish? Consent in general? I think those are the bigger unknowns.

Kids did something stupid. There are all sorts of moral stances people can take but the reality is that this isn't an uncommon thing. What is uncommon is it getting posted on Twitter which I have to assume was an accident or done by someone other than Dorsey. The suspension is warranted but all the hand wringing is silly. Guessing you suspend them for a game or 3, run them until they vomit, then move on.

You're a devout Christian. Would you send 'Lil' Man' (Ole's son) to live with & play ball with these guys if he was a 17 y/o rucruit? What would Momma think, just a silly mistake & she'd be fine with her son hanging with these guys every weekend for the next 2-3 years?

Forget suspensions, show these videos to their Mothers. Is this how they raised their boys to respect women?
That was actually one of my first thoughts. These 3 probably have some real hell to pay when they talk to their parents, grannies, and everyone else back home who wouldn't condone this type of behavior. You have to believe that Dorsey's family and friends all have his Twitter handle.

For all we know the woman could have been a hooker or a nun I suppose. The incident under investigation by who the cops ? Is having sex an incident? Because it's Minnesota our red flags are up I suppose. Remember Dominic Jones ? Hopefully this doesn't cause long term problems for anyone and these knuckleheads learn a valuable lesson and not a costly one. I doubt if having a video online for half an hour will become a federal case but I guess you never know,

This issue will probably blow up when the program is experiencing some success in a few years. That's usually how these things work. If this happened at a school like Duke or Kentucky it'd be everywhere. I respect the fact that Pitino took action

Way too many people are assuming it was an accident or Dorsey didn't post them IMO. Until proven otherwise, I would assume he was the one and it was not an accident. It's a convenient excuse and wishful thinking.

Way too many people are assuming it was an accident or Dorsey didn't post them IMO. Until proven otherwise, I would assume he was the one and it was not an accident. It's a convenient excuse and wishful thinking.

How many people do you know who would intentionally post nude photos or videos of themselves on the internet, using accounts that have their real names attached to them, particularly as individuals with somewhat of a public spotlight on them? I don't know how old you are or how much you use social media, but it's definitely not uncommon for young people to see that their friends' social media accounts are logged in and unattended, and to post something stupid from their friend's account. Now usually it's just something innocent, like a facebook status saying "Hi I'm Ashley and I like to smell farts!" But it wouldn't shock me if one of Dorsey's friends was like "Hey, Kevin's phone is sitting here, let's see if I can find some super embarrassing pictures to post on his twitter," and ended up taking it too far.

Posting nudes of yourself publicly just seems too stupid for it to not be either an accident or someone else's doing.

Not that different from some of the stories I heard surrounding the athletic department back in the 70's, just didn't have cell phones and the internet back then.

How many people do you know who would intentionally post nude photos or videos of themselves on the internet, using accounts that have their real names attached to them, particularly as individuals with somewhat of a public spotlight on them? I don't know how old you are or how much you use social media, but it's definitely not uncommon for young people to see that their friends' social media accounts are logged in and unattended, and to post something stupid from their friend's account. Now usually it's just something innocent, like a facebook status saying "Hi I'm Ashley and I like to smell farts!" But it wouldn't shock me if one of Dorsey's friends was like "Hey, Kevin's phone is sitting here, let's see if I can find some super embarrassing pictures to post on his twitter," and ended up taking it too far.

Posting nudes of yourself publicly just seems too stupid for it to not be either an accident or someone else's doing.

Well I've seen kids post pictures on Twitter that are inappropriate....get suspended for 4 contests by the school administration....and not even think they did anything wrong. Not of them having sex....but something their mothers, fathers, family and grandparents would not be proud yeah I can see him posting that and thinking it's funny.

Now I don't know if he did it or not....I supposed someone could have seen his phone out and posted it....but the argument that no one could be so stupid doesn't fly with me. Kids make....and that's what he is a 19 year old kid....bad choices all the time. I see it on a daily basis. Pitino's comments after the game raised him up about three levels for me.

Well, this has to rank up there as one of the dumbest things players could do.. however, if consent was granted and ALL parties were willing, then it doesn't cross over into the category of kicking them off a team IMO, but suspensions and a chance for redemption if they get the message. When I watched the game last night and saw the players on the bench as the Gophers were struggling in the second half, I could see they felt like crap. Hopefully they get the message and if they transfer because of it, then we don't need them. If they handle suspensions (whether a game or more) and work hard to get back in good graces, them I welcome them back. At the end of the day, its not the worst thing ever, but obviously not great by any means. It doesn't make it right, but college and high school kids text some very intimate stuff to each other all the time and it doesn't make sense. This rises above that obviously..

I like that coach and the AD acted quickly. Interesting to see how it plays out. Bottom line.. good grief fellas....

Since we are all guessing, how about this theory. A girlfriend is snooping on his phone, finds theses videos and decides to post them as revenge. So, there, that must be the truth because you read it somewhere.

As much some of you can't give Pitino credit for anything. It looks more like this is his decision and he is using it to teach a lesson. I would suspect that those players are still sweating out if they are going to play or even be on the team.

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Since we are all guessing, how about this theory. A girlfriend is snooping on his phone, finds theses videos and decides to post them as revenge. So, there, that must be the truth because you read it somewhere.

As much some of you can't give Pitino credit for anything. It looks more like this is his decision and he is using it to teach a lesson. I would suspect that those players are still sweating out if they are going to play or even be on the team.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Obviously it's all guessing at this point, but this was my 1st thought too. The players don't tweet during the season, correct? I didn't follow Dorsey on Twitter but he hadn't tweeted in months, and then just decided to post these videos? I think its far more likely he had them on his phone for a period of time, and someone went on and posted them as a joke, or revenge.

Mason and McBrayer should play tomorrow regardless, I am failing to see what they did to warrant more than 1 game for being idiots and putting yourself in that situation. Dorsey, wait to hear the facts, but unless he didn't have consent to take those videos, I don't think it warrants kicking off the team.

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