Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of season.

The good: you are unwavering in your opinions.
The bad: your posts become so predictable that they lack any real value.
The interesting: your use of hyperbole to convince us that Pitino has can't manage any single aspect of basketball.

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If I sound predictable in my opinions, it is because we have passed the event horizon of the MBB program benefitting from Brand Name Coach P.

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The good: you are unwavering in your opinions.
The bad: your posts become so predictable that they lack any real value.
The interesting: your use of hyperbole to convince us that Pitino has can't manage any single aspect of basketball.

+1. It's almost like he is Saul Smith or someone else with an axe to grind... wait he is probably Reusse that would make the most sense.

Something that would be interesting is if Dorsey did post the video - without permission - and Mason and Mac sued him.

Well - of course it does. But on the other hand- this story will follow them where ever they would transfer to and they would have to deal with it again in the press in that town. Furthermore- they would have to sit out a year. Mason and McBrayer- at the very least have extremely bright futures here with a promising squad on hand for next year. Dorsey - I don't know.

I hope and believe that they will face the music- which was of their own making- rather than make a run for it, only to face it in the next place.

That town would welcome good college players with open arms. Some of them wouldn't utter a word. Here in MN, we bare our souls and take extra punishment.

Null said:
If I sound predictable in my opinions, it is because we have passed the event horizon of the MBB program benefitting from Brand Name Coach P.

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Did that just on all 3? Or am I biased?

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I will never, ever, stop supporting the Gophers. I’ve done so for nearly 60 years, through good times and bad, and I’m not going to stop now. It’s times like this when the program needs our support. I seriously doubt that any of the three suspended players - Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer – will transfer, as long as they are welcomed back, and that probably will depend on how they respond to the situation. If they have any character at all they will respond well; if they do not, good riddance. They may find other D1 options, but I suspect their best option will still be to build on this past season. Other D1 coaches are likely to be troubled by their behavior, limiting their options, and those options that might be available might not be as attractive as what they already have here. In my opinion, next year could be very promising if they stay, not only for the team, but for each of them personally. I would hope that each of them understand that. Add to that the fact that they would have to sit out a year, if they were to transfer, I doubt that transferring is going to be a particularly attractive option for any of them.

Dont kid yourself. Look east to Maryland and Coach Turgeon. Or south to Ames and Fred.

Why can't we have nice things


I remember the days when Dave Winfield was recruited off an intermural team, joined the Gophs mid-season, and became a key contributor down the stretch. wonder if there is anyone at the U who could step in and provide a few minutes. (obviously - not going to find someone with Winfield's athletic ability - drafted in NFL, NBA & MLB). But, there might be a guy or two who played HS hoops and would be willing to put on a uniform for the rest of the year just for ****es and giggles.

Another issue within the Gopher athletic program? It must be a Tuesday.

But maybe with amended recruiting criteria.

Past behavior is the best (but not only or perfect) predictor of future behavior. As far as reputation, only one of the three may have failed the past behavior test. It may not be an issue of criteria, but of application of the criteria. All things human are arts and not sciences and there are no guarantees. If coach can keep the team together and help them to grow, he may not need to amend the criteria, but be more careful with the benefit of the doubt on borderline recruits.

Dont kid yourself. Look east to Maryland and Coach Turgeon. Or south to Ames and Fred.

Fred Hoiberg doesn't even coach Iowa State anymore...he's the coach of the I don't think any of those guys will be transferring to where he coaches.

Fred Hoiberg doesn't even coach Iowa State anymore...he's the coach of the I don't think any of those guys will be transferring to where he coaches.

No ****. Simply past examples.

Losing two of these guys -- no matter the combination -- would be the final nail in the coffin for this program. Seriously, the three involved in this incident were supposed to be the backcourt cornerstones of this team and projected to be all-conference-level players. Running away from their problems won't help. Unfortunately, as many of posted, that's going to be the easiest course of action. I don't think they would mind sitting out a season because that would allow things to die down no matter where they decide to go.

There does not appear to be any assault involved, and I hope nothing more disturbing surfaces. If that's the case, I hope they stick around.

Of not, this is bad...really, really bad.

Let's say, worse case scenario, the videos were surruptiously recorded.

That could, in of itself, be grounds for expulsion from the school.

Then the question becomes who recorded he videos.

Worse case scenario: all three of our players recorded a video.

Then we/they are screwed.

If only Dorsey recorded the videos then I don't see why Mason or McBrayer would face further discipline, or even be the subject of a criminal investigation.

If Mason and McBrayer return net year, the program is not lost and the team and Pitino can move on from this

Worst case scenario would be if the gal involved comes forward and claims to have been Cosby'd. That creates a fresher, much larger pile of sh*t these three will have stepped in. :mad:

Pitino will need to use all of his timeouts.

Sorry bad choice trying to be funny. I am in a bit shock actually. Really hope lessons are learned especially Mason, sounds like he has a quality father. I will really be sad if Murphy is lost because of this, he has an exceptional future and it would be nice seeing him in more Gopher games.

Sorry bad choice trying to be funny. I am in a bit shock actually. Really hope lessons are learned especially Mason, sounds like he has a quality father. I will really be sad if Murphy is lost because of this, he has an exceptional future and it would be nice seeing him in more Gopher games.
As others have stated, I will never quit on the Gophers, they are forever in my blood.

I wonder if all of you have had people standing by you during your toughest times? If everyone quit when things got hard, this world would be a pretty sad place. I am forever a supporter of the U. See you at the Barn.

Son of a b****!

Any filmmakers out there? I've got a great idea for a documentary. Stupidity, ineptness, and disappointments of Minnesota sports. Actually, that may not work because no one would want to watch a 10 hour documentary.

I wonder if all of you have had people standing by you during your toughest times? If everyone quit when things got hard, this world would be a pretty sad place.

If I was on my fifth decade of "toughest times", I'd expect a couple of people to give up on me.

Son of a b****!

Any filmmakers out there? I've got a great idea for a documentary. Stupidity, ineptness, and disappointments of Minnesota sports. Actually, that may not work because no one would want to watch a 10 hour documentary.
I bet you could get Ken Burns to make it. After all, he did a 20 hour documentary on Baseball.

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Son of a b****!

Any filmmakers out there? I've got a great idea for a documentary. Stupidity, ineptness, and disappointments of Minnesota sports. Actually, that may not work because no one would want to watch a 10 hour documentary.

This can not possibly get any worse. ....wait, I shouldn't say that given how this season has gone.

Son of a b****!

Any filmmakers out there? I've got a great idea for a documentary. Stupidity, ineptness, and disappointments of Minnesota sports. Actually, that may not work because no one would want to watch a 10 hour documentary.

If nothing else, it would be a great thread.

Well, we recovered from the Mitch Lee era, we can come back from this.

If Jerry Kill can reign in up to 106 FB players (walk ons counted) for the most part, what is so difficult about keeping 12 BB players in line?

If Jerry Kill can reign in up to 106 FB players (walk ons counted) for the most part, what is so difficult about keeping 12 BB players in line?

For all we know half the football team did the same stuff. It took just one complete idiot to post it to social media. No one could have possibly seen that coming. If Dorsey did this on purpose he is truly one of the stupidest people in existence.

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