Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of season.

Well, we recovered from the Mitch Lee era, we can come back from this.

Easy to say if you weren't a student in the 60's. I'm should be more pissed but it's beating me down. Give Joey a send-off tomorrow that he deserves for putting up with this **** from both his teammates and some of the clowns on this board and then I just want this f*cking season to end.

What really gets me is with Pitino saying he "anticipated" them being back and me falling for it. Not pissed at Pitino, but at myself. I should know by now to expect the worse if it's the Gophers.

Dorsey should be gone! Mcbrayer and Mason should be playing. The U is still f'd up! Hopefully Goetz gets it right soon, otherwise, she loses my vote and I'll take Kill!

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Dorsey should be gone! Mcbrayer and Mason should be playing. The U is still f'd up! Hopefully Goetz gets it right soon, otherwise, she loses my vote and I'll take Kill!

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So you're saying your mind is made up?

Dont kid yourself. Look east to Maryland and Coach Turgeon. Or south to Ames and Fred.

Unquestionably, there are coaches, such as I suspect is true of Turgeon, who are willing to overlook character issues to fill a need, but all things being equal, even they are likely to prefer a less risky option, and even if they aren't, they still aren't likely to pursue anyone unless they have a need. So the point is that character risks lessen opportunities. Fewer coaches are likely to take a chance on them, and those coaches who are willing to do so, aren't always going to have a need that justify the risk. As for those opportunities that might exist, the question then becomes, from the perspective of the player contemplating a transfer, is whether I will have a better chance of succeeding there than here. That depends on who they will have to compete with if they transfer. I personally believe that for all three their best option is likely to be to weather the storm, shape up, become a responsible adult, and stay here.

Dorsey should be gone! Mcbrayer and Mason should be playing. The U is still f'd up! Hopefully Goetz gets it right soon, otherwise, she loses my vote and I'll take Kill!

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Based on others that viewed the video and the things they stated, you do realize that Dorsey was in the video and was the one recognized, he probably did not record the video, his phone was probably laying around and picked up and used, I also highly doubt the posting of the video was his and only his decision, if one is gone it is my guess that all three should be gone.

Son of a b****!

Any filmmakers out there? I've got a great idea for a documentary. Stupidity, ineptness, and disappointments of Minnesota sports. Actually, that may not work because no one would want to watch a 10 hour documentary.

I lolz'd.

Based on others that viewed the video and the things they stated, you do realize that Dorsey was in the video and was the one recognized, he probably did not record the video, his phone was probably laying around and picked up and used, I also highly doubt the posting of the video was his and only his decision, if one is gone it is my guess that all three should be gone.

Dorsey was 100% the camera man in the 2nd video.

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I'm all about second chances, so I'd like to see these guys come back and redeem themselves. Especially Mason. The only time I never wanted a player to come back was Mitch Lee. Only someone who feels they got away with something gets a champagne glass cut into his doo after being acquitted.

Here is my non-prudish stance: if all the parties were/are happy and had a good time, then this should be the end of it. If one of them decides to go after Dorsey for 'publishing' it, then he's gone.

This generation is going to have to figure out what they're going to do about their documented illicit 'pasts' they unwisely shared, and this will be a good start.

Based on others that viewed the video and the things they stated, you do realize that Dorsey was in the video and was the one recognized, he probably did not record the video, his phone was probably laying around and picked up and used, I also highly doubt the posting of the video was his and only his decision, if one is gone it is my guess that all three should be gone.

I just really, really have a problem with the phrase in bold. Clearly, they're all dumb to have taped the act(s) in the first place. But I cannot buy that all three knew it would be posted online and were dumb enough to go along with it.

I'm all about second chances, so I'd like to see these guys come back and redeem themselves. Especially Mason. The only time I never wanted a player to come back was Mitch Lee. Only someone who feels they got away with something gets a champagne glass cut into his doo after being acquitted.

Me, too. I think we're too much of a throwaway society with too much of a witch hunt mentality. Unless there turn out to be criminal charges or this thing goes way beyond what we've heard, the players should be asked back. Whether they'd choose to come back is another matter. They might want to make a fresh start somewhere else.

This not like McNeil and his multiple felony counts. This isn't even like Carlos Morris, who probably made it clear that he wasn't going to go along with the program. The Morris situation reminds me of Billy Beane firing that scout in Moneyball. You can't have people working for you who are openly defying you.

Me, too. I think we're too much of a throwaway society with too much of a witch hunt mentality. Unless there turn out to be criminal charges or this thing goes way beyond what we've heard, the players should be asked back. Whether they'd choose to come back is another matter. They might want to make a fresh start somewhere else.

Actually they are still on the team in every way except playing in games.

Here is my non-prudish stance: if all the parties were/are happy and had a good time, then this should be the end of it. If one of them decides to go after Dorsey for 'publishing' it, then he's gone.

This generation is going to have to figure out what they're going to do about their documented illicit 'pasts' they unwisely shared, and this will be a good start.

From what I have gathered, Mason and McBreyer have had a clean past.....Dorsey has not. Could one person be the 'ring leader' and have lead the two others astray? Just thinking out loud.

Here is my non-prudish stance: if all the parties were/are happy and had a good time, then this should be the end of it. If one of them decides to go after Dorsey for 'publishing' it, then he's gone.

This generation is going to have to figure out what they're going to do about their documented illicit 'pasts' they unwisely shared, and this will be a good start.

There's the cultural problem we have. It's either bad behavior or it's not and we now have a generation of kids who aren't sure just how bad it is. If it's not bad behavior then some of them think- hey why not brag about it? The beauty of drawing bright lines for behavior is that everybody then gets what the standard is. But nobody wants to do that anymore so everything is ok.......... unless it isn't.

Tough issue - but I'm all in for giving them another chance provided, as you say, legal issues don't pop up.

From what I have gathered, Mason and McBreyer have had a clean past.....Dorsey has not. Could one person be the 'ring leader' and have lead the two others astray? Just thinking out loud.
Upon further review; if this is Dorsey's MO in his 'personal life', then he should go. Given his propensity for documentation, at this point that shouldn't be too hard to figure out.

There's the cultural problem we have. It's either bad behavior or it's not and we now have a generation of kids who aren't sure just how bad it is. If it's not bad behavior then some of them think- hey why not brag about it? The beauty of drawing bright lines for behavior is that everybody then gets what the standard is. But nobody wants to do that anymore so everything is ok.......... unless it isn't.

Tough issue - but I'm all in for giving them another chance provided, as you say, legal issues don't pop up.
It is a problem, I agree. I have two sons, and any of these kids were one of mine, I'd be angry and embarrassed and deeply disappointed. A friend, a mother of daughters, said she thought the potential for coercion is higher when there are multiple people involved like this. So as I said above but this time more clearly and directly: if this is the way Dorsey routinely conducts his sex life, we don't need that kind of trouble.

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