Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of season.

I have to think that Pitino was at the very least heavily influenced by the interim AD/President to suspend the 3 the rest of the year especially after he said last night he anticipated them playing. Thought we had a pretty decent chance to beat wisconsin with the 3 back but without them hopefully we can at least make it a competitive game. The Rutgers game is still a winnable game but it is not close to as much of a sure thing like it was with the Gophers at full strength. I thought the 1 game suspension was enough an would have been happy to have all 3 back tomorrow night. Hopefully they all return next season really would hate to lose any of the 3 but especially Mason and McBrayer because of this situation.

Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of se...

So this essentially becomes a 4 game suspension assuming this is the end of it.

Not to bad all things considered, if that is what causes these guys to want out then we aren't missing much. We've had guys suspended for longer that have come back and had good careers.

i am not expecting Pitino to comment on the video or even how or why the players are suspended. but Pitino needs crisis management right now, and the best thing he can do is come out and say definitively whether these guys have, at the very least, the license to return next season.

If Pitino is willing to take them back, then I don't see why these guys wouldn't return.

The only way I see these guys leaving is if they are not invited back to the team.

After reading Rick Pitino's comments this morning and now this, the whole UNLV thing seems far more plausible than it did at first. It might be the best thing for all 5 parties involved.

Many of us have been through worse (80s scandal, academic scandal etc.). I know one day it will be worth it again. And giving up on a program I am passionate about is never an option. Ever.

Go Gophers!!

This. Never. Ever. Don't get me wrong, I will complain about this team until I'm blue in the face, but would never not be a fan.

Why did Pitino say he anticipated all three being back for the Wisconsin game and then subsequently suspend all three for the remainder of the season?
Didn't GL say he and Goetz were talking about this extensively? Makes no sense.

I actually RTed Marcus's tweet, which was what Pitino said last night on 1500. Something more most have come out since then...

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

i am not expecting Pitino to comment on the video or even how or why the players are suspended. but Pitino needs crisis management right now, and the best thing he can do is come out and say definitively whether these guys have, at the very least, the license to return next season.

If Pitino is willing to take them back, then I don't see why these guys wouldn't return.

The only way I see these guys leaving is if they are not invited back to the team.


So this essentially becomes a 4 game suspension assuming this is the end of it.

Not to bad all things considered, if that is what causes these guys to want out then they we aren't missing much. We've had guys suspended for longer that have come back and had good careers.

It's not the end of it. I'd put the chances of Dorsey being back at about 20% with the other two 50/50. Odds are two of the three are not on the team next year, IMO.

So this essentially becomes a 4 game suspension assuming this is the end of it.

Not to bad all things considered, if that is what causes these guys to want out then they we aren't missing much. We've had guys suspended for longer that have come back and had good careers.

I have a strong feeling it isn't.

It stuns me that this University and athletic department has been tripping over its own d!ck for the past 40 years (no pun intended for this recent transgression) and hasn't been able to right the ship.

I tend to disagree and think that if they so choose and work hard, any or all could be back next year. Again, none of us knows what Pitino knows, but if it's basically the size and shape we think it is, I think it's plausible to think they could be back next year.

Many of us have been through worse (80s scandal, academic scandal etc.). I know one day it will be worth it again. And giving up on a program I am passionate about is never an option. Ever.

Go Gophers!!

Well done Bleed. Let the quitters quit.

I would rather we lose without them than win with them.

duration of the season? does that mean they can come back for the first round in the Big 10 tourney?

After reading Rick Pitino's comments this morning and now this, the whole UNLV thing seems far more plausible than it did at first. It might be the best thing for all 5 parties involved.

What are those comments? Are Rick and Richard going to jump ship together and resurrect at UNLV?

I am not sure if any McBrayer or Dorsey will com back, but cmon Mason!

I respect the decision and think Pitino is a class act, just cannot seem to get any momentum going. Even if he gets one more year, how will we fare with 6 scholarship players?

Remember - it was just days ago that there was an article about McBrayer's where he said she was strong and told him to keep his chin up and stay the course (when he got down). I would hope the same would be true here. This is a case where the University has done no wrong to these guys.

i am not expecting Pitino to comment on the video or even how or why the players are suspended. but Pitino needs crisis management right now, and the best thing he can do is come out and say definitively whether these guys have, at the very least, the license to return next season.

If Pitino is willing to take them back, then I don't see why these guys wouldn't return.

The only way I see these guys leaving is if they are not invited back to the team.


What are those comments? Are Rick and Richard going to jump ship together and resurrect at UNLV?

Basically Pitino said he didn't know whether he'd be back at Louisville next year.

This. Never. Ever. Don't get me wrong, I will complain about this team until I'm blue in the face, but would never not be a fan.

I actually RTed Marcus's tweet, which was what Pitino said last night on 1500. Something more most have come out since then...

I'm surprised anyone thought that was the end of it(Pitino's comment on 1500). No way could this whole situation be settled in that quick of fashion. He was obviously giving a quick take to ongoing fact collecting and conjecture..

If they don't return I may just retire my gopher basketball fandom. Not because I'd be upset about Pitino kicking them off the team, I just don't think I can follow a dumpster fire of a program. I've got better things to do.

I feel ya

Hopefully these guys come back and learn from their mistakes.

Yeah, it's not like I'm going to become a fan of Iowa or anything, but it's tough to pay as much money as it costs to be a season ticket holder for football and basketball and have to deal with this sort of thing year after year. I'll always be a fan of the alma mater, but this really makes investment in the program difficult. And I don't really blame Pitino. Who would think that you have to tell a player, do not film a threesome and post it online. Seems like something that should be taken as read.

A wise man once told me, or in this case texted me multiple times, to "enjoy the journey."

Go Gophers!!

Right now, the journey is pretty painful and maybe the most painful part, with no end in sight. We're walking by loyalty now, not evidence, but it will make the end that much more enjoyable.

If you are Murphy do you consider a transfer? He could probably get some blue blood interest.

If Murphy leaves (which I thought would happen even before the latest events) then say goodbye to Pitino as well. No way he could survive that.

If the U is doing this I hope there is cause that extends beyond college age consenting adults having consenual sex and consenting to be recorded. Posting the video publicly violates some decency issues that are clear cut, if Dorsey intentionally posted them some action should be taken. Even if through negligence he allowed them to be posted he is still somewhat liable. If they have found that there wasn't consent or someone was underage or under the influence then it's a criminal matter and depending on the circumstance I'd rather have them gone not suspended.

I am wondering how much this hurts recruiting. Wait, maybe it helps?

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