Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of season.

Mason's dad seems like a stand-up guy. Increases odds of Mason staying.

Nate Mason Sr., Mason's father, said his son and his two teammates were suspended for the remainder of the season after Dorsey posted a video to his Twitter account Friday that showed the players engaging in sexual activity with women. The Twitter account has since been deleted.

Nate Mason Sr. said Pitino called him before the three players were initially suspended for Sunday's matchup at Illinois for violating team rules.

"They were all together [during the incident]," Mason Sr. said his son told him. "[Mason] didn't know his friend would put it on social media."

Nate Mason Sr. said he often warned his son, the team's leading scorer at 13.8 points per game, about the dangers of social media. He said his son initially told him the phone with the video on it had been stolen, but Mason Sr. told his son the story wasn't believable.

"Why would you let someone film you with their phone?" Mason Sr. said.

Mason Sr. said his son never got into trouble in high school and arrived at Minnesota with a "clean reputation." He said he hopes his son understands the gravity of his errors.

"I think kids need to learn when they make mistakes," he said.

Go Gophers!!

wow. Awesome dad Nate has got there.

Makes me feel a little better about the situation.

If they don't return I may just retire my gopher basketball fandom. Not because I'd be upset about Pitino kicking them off the team, I just don't think I can follow a dumpster fire of a program. I've got better things to do.

I'm in the same boat. I've been a Gopher fan since I could stand and have been going to games my whole life. I went to the U and had season tickets every year, and I've defended the program til I'm blue to all the haters, with little on-court performance during that time. Start over after start over, I'm not along for the ride anymore.

Sounds like Mason's dad has a good head on his shoulders. I won't worry about him transferring willingly. Wasn't Mason valedictorian in high school. Maybe not, but I remember thinking Pitino recruited a pretty smart kid at the time, too lazy to dig through the archives. Either way proves smart kids make dumb decisions sometimes

I will never, ever, stop supporting the Gophers. I’ve done so for nearly 60 years, through good times and bad, and I’m not going to stop now. It’s times like this when the program needs our support. I seriously doubt that any of the three suspended players - Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer – will transfer, as long as they are welcomed back, and that probably will depend on how they respond to the situation. If they have any character at all they will respond well; if they do not, good riddance. They may find other D1 options, but I suspect their best option will still be to build on this past season. Other D1 coaches are likely to be troubled by their behavior, limiting their options, and those options that might be available might not be as attractive as what they already have here. In my opinion, next year could be very promising if they stay, not only for the team, but for each of them personally. I would hope that each of them understand that. Add to that the fact that they would have to sit out a year, if they were to transfer, I doubt that transferring is going to be a particularly attractive option for any of them.

If Murphy leaves (which I thought would happen even before the latest events) then say goodbye to Pitino as well. No way he could survive that.

I don't think Pitino survives the current situation.

Yeah, it's not like I'm going to become a fan of Iowa or anything, but it's tough to pay as much money as it costs to be a season ticket holder for football and basketball and have to deal with this sort of thing year after year. I'll always be a fan of the alma mater, but this really makes investment in the program difficult. And I don't really blame Pitino. Who would think that you have to tell a player, do not film a threesome and post it online. Seems like something that should be taken as read.

Quite frankly, I do blame Pitino. He came in with zero head coaching experience. This means he had zero player discipline experience. He then went out and recruited some talented players who had high risk behavior issues and expected that he could keep them focused on basketball.

This episode shows that Richard Pitino is the kind of coach who would stand in a tub of gasoline, hand his players matches and not expect to be lit on fire.

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I don't think Pitino survives the current situation.

I think Pitino is back next year with Mason and McBrayer.. Just a hunch, but so is your post--just a hunch..

Hopefully I am right, cause I can't go through a third rebuild year in a row. It's depressing

Quite frankly, I do blame Pitino. He came in with zero head coaching experience. This means he had zero player discipline experience. He then went out and recruited some talented players who had high risk behavior issues and expected that he could keep them focused on basketball.

This episode shows that Richard Pitino is the kind of coach who would stand in a tub of gasoline, hand his players matches and not expect to be lit on fire.

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He had a year of head coaching experience. A pretty good year at that. He single handidly turned around the dumpster fire that Isaiah Thomas left at FIU.

Quite frankly, I do blame Pitino. He came in with zero head coaching experience. This means he had zero player discipline experience. He then went out and recruited some talented players who had high risk behavior issues and expected that he could keep them focused on basketball.

This episode shows that Richard Pitino is the kind of coach who would stand in a tub of gasoline, hand his players matches and not expect to be lit on fire.

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stop. Nate Mason had a good reputation coming out of high school. don't think too many other coaches could have pulled off that recruit, along with Murphy (admittedly, Murphy fell in Pitino's lap).

Yes....also appreciate the fact that Pitino called the family before the suspension.

Sounds like coach and dad are banding together to salvage a kid's reputation, not by denial, but by acceptance, remorse, and lessons learned. Hopefully Nate take's his dad's advice and learns.

Nate Mason Sr., Mason's father, said his son and his two teammates were suspended for the remainder of the season after Dorsey posted a video to his Twitter account Friday that showed the players engaging in sexual activity with women. The Twitter account has since been deleted.

Nate Mason Sr. said Pitino called him before the three players were initially suspended for Sunday's matchup at Illinois for violating team rules.

"They were all together [during the incident]," Mason Sr. said his son told him. "[Mason] didn't know his friend would put it on social media."

Nate Mason Sr. said he often warned his son, the team's leading scorer at 13.8 points per game, about the dangers of social media. He said his son initially told him the phone with the video on it had been stolen, but Mason Sr. told his son the story wasn't believable.

"Why would you let someone film you with their phone?" Mason Sr. said.

Mason Sr. said his son never got into trouble in high school and arrived at Minnesota with a "clean reputation." He said he hopes his son understands the gravity of his errors.

"I think kids need to learn when they make mistakes," he said.

Go Gophers!!
+1,000 for Nate Mason, Sr.

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stop. Nate Mason had a good reputation coming out of high school. don't think too many other coaches could have pulled off that recruit, along with Murphy (admittedly, Murphy fell in Pitino's lap).

Think Pitino beat out some pretty good programs for Murphy even after he decommitted from VCU. He should get credit for landing him. Agree on Mason. Nothing but positives before coming here.

Why did Pitino say he anticipated all three being back for the Wisconsin game and then subsequently suspend all three for the remainder of the season?
Didn't GL say he and Goetz were talking about this extensively? Makes no sense.
Yeah, that's a real head scratcher.

Yeah, that's a real head scratcher.

Well his radio show where he made that comment was taped yesterday morning/early afternoon before the story really blew up locally. Right or wrong, If the story had remained relatively quiet I'm guessing they would be playing tomorrow.

Really like what Mason's dad had to say; calls his son out on for lying about the phone being stolen (something my dad would have did to me). Gotta feel bad for Mason................. I mean I am sure the thought of his idiot teammate posting it to Twitter never crossed his mind.

Yup. Nate Mason Sr.'s comments ease some concern I have about Mason returning.

I think Mason remains a Gopher and becomes a better kid out of this. I hope McBrayer is the same.

If Dorsey really posted these videos he is an idiot.

I am a Minnesota graduate from Minneapolis. Trust me when I say I have met some shady people in the 612, both in high school and in college. Despite that, I can say without equivocation that I don't think a single one of these people would post a sex tape on Twitter, especially without consent.

Which makes Dorsey that much stupider

Honestly I wouldn't be worried about Murphy unless the other three all leave (which I don't see happening, at least not all three, maybe just Dorsey). I grew up with Stephon Sharp and am FB friends with him...Sharp and Murphy are roommates and seem like pretty good friends. So I don't think he's best buds with Dorsey or anything, but of course I can't say that for sure.

From what I have heard, Dorsey had character issues before he enrolled here. Supposedly many coaches 'would not touch him'.

I get the feeling he was the ring leader in this. He was already suspended once this year.

If he is back I would think he would be on an EXTREMELY SHORT LEASH.

From what I have heard, Dorsey had character issues before he enrolled here. Supposedly many coaches 'would not touch him'.

I get the feeling he was the ring leader in this. He was already suspended once this year.

If he is back I would think he would be on an EXTREMELY SHORT LEASH.
Which sucks because he seems like a really good teammate/person on the court.

If Dorsey actually posted this, he had to have been under the influence of something...right? No one is that stupid sober.

Either way, the kid should get the boot and I think he will. I still think Mason and McBrayer will be back.

He had a year of head coaching experience. A pretty good year at that. He single handidly turned around the dumpster fire that Isaiah Thomas left at FIU.
One year is not turning around a dumpster fire program. One year is pitching in to put out the fire. One year is stopping the out of control spiral, not charting and following a new course. Getting a program to stop destroying itself does take some crisis management skill, which makes the current situation with the Gophers all the more puzzling.

Is this debacle solely a recruiting issue or a bigger issue with his management of a basketball team? I lean strongly towards a problem with managing the team. The backcourt of this team has always played like the inmates were running the asylum and not being coached to play a disciplined game.

In my personal opinion, Richard Pitino has learned head coaching lessons at an extreme cost to the reputation of the Gopher Men's Basketball program. I really don't think the program can afford to keep him in charge because the spectre of out of control players has grown bolder under his leadership.

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Really like what Mason's dad had to say; calls his son out on for lying about the phone being stolen (something my dad would have did to me). Gotta feel bad for Mason................. I mean I am sure the thought of his idiot teammate posting it to Twitter never crossed his mind.

Yep, sounds like they got caught up in the lying also.

One year is not turning around a dumpster fire program. One year is pitching in to put out the fire. One year is stopping the out of control spiral, not charting and following a new course. Getting a program to stop destroying itself does take some crisis management skill, which makes the current situation with the Gophers all the more puzzling.

Is this debacle solely a recruiting issue or a bigger issue with his management of a basketball team? I lean strongly towards a problem with managing the team. The backcourt of this team has always played like the inmates were running the asylum and not being coached to play a disciplined game.

In my personal opinion, Richard Pitino has learned head coaching lessons at an extreme cost to the reputation of the Gopher Men's Basketball program. I really don't think the program can afford to keep him in charge because the spectre of out of control players has grown bolder under his leadership.

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The good: you are unwavering in your opinions.
The bad: your posts become so predictable that they lack any real value.
The interesting: your use of hyperbole to convince us that Pitino has can't manage any single aspect of basketball.

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