Kevin Dorsey, Nate Mason and Dupree McBrayer suspended for the duration of season.

Maybe our football team will be good. The three I think have a chance to return probably depends on how the girl reacts to the situation. On another point perhaps a couple of the players didn't think there would be a video posted online as well. This program it is just one thing after another with every coach we have had. We had a soap opera with Mbakwe and Royce White and all the rest for forty years plus. Some of it may be leadership and coaching and some the atmosphere here but you know what some it is just plain terrible luck.

If Murphy leaves (which I thought would happen even before the latest events) then say goodbye to Pitino as well. No way he could survive that.

Who makes the call, who pays the buyout, who makes the new hire?

Man what a kick in the nuts. just when these young guns were starting to really come into their own, they pull a stunt like this. That Illini game was winnable, hell it was winnable with out them until we ran out of gas in the second half. Wisconsin's a good team not winning with Gilbert at the two and a couple walkons manning the point. Rutgers will have sanders back, winnable, but on the road we will be underdogs their too. This season just needs to end.
For now I'll put our three ballhandlers on an island because who knows what will have and won't have next year, assuming worse case scenario
PG Coffey
SG Gilbert?
Wing Fitz
PF Murphy
C Lynch
Bench Konate, Gaston, Curry, Hurt,Buggs. Walkons Sharp, Leskovitch (SP) Hugh. Maybe we add Tyler Johnson as another walk on. Than take what we can for backcourt players, JUCO's, any under the radar guys. Next year could get ugly in a hurry and Pitino's Goose will be cooked without these guys next year, he won't survive another 3-5 win conference campaign. If you fire him now you run the risk, of more transfers and losing some incoming recruits and we might have a bigger **** storm than year one of the Tom Crean era at IU

Next years team will be better w or w/o MDM

If Murphy leaves (which I thought would happen even before the latest events) then say goodbye to Pitino as well. No way he could survive that.

Everyone wants to be the I-told-you-so Sage. Are you Reusse?

Call me optimistic, but I actually think next years team, potentially starting THREE freshmen, will be a decent team. Coffey/TBN (PG), Gilbert/Hurt (SG), Murphy/Fitzgerald (SF), Curry/Murphy (PF), and Lynch/Konate.

Much better size and versatility than the current starting five.

Who makes the call, who pays the buyout?

That's probably the same person. Maybe the anonymous donor Doogie's been talking about would rather put his $$ towards the buyout than the facility...

Who makes the call, who pays the buyout?

My guess is that Beth will make that call as soon as she gets the job full-time. Losing the top 4 players on the team is lights out for any losing coach.

My guess is that Beth will make that call as soon as she gets the job full-time. Losing the top 4 players on the team is lights out for any losing coach.

If they're leaning towards her as everyone thinks, they need to step on it and get it done. The last thing we need is an AD hired in June and a coaching search in July. But this is the U, so that's probably exactly what will happen. Maybe Terry Holland still feels spry.

If they're leaning towards her as everyone thinks, they need to step on it and get it done. The last thing we need is an AD hired in June and a coaching search in July. But this is the U, so that's probably exactly what will happen. Maybe Terry Holland still feels spry.

I'm guessing Terry doesn't even know what social media is really all about..

My guess is that Beth will make that call as soon as she gets the job full-time. Losing the top 4 players on the team is lights out for any losing coach.
Top four??? Talk about getting ahead of yourself. You ever think maybe Murphy likes it here and likes his coaches and teammates?

I'm really pissed off at these 3 idiots. All the excuses being made are pathetic. Have as much sex as you want with whomever you want, but when you are in the spotlight, don't be a complete fuc*ing dumb ass about it. These 3 got what they deserved. Absolutely the right move. If they think they got the shaft, good riddance.

God-damned idiots.

This is not good. If criminal possibilities are forthcoming then I totally understand the suspension and they all should be gone.

Either way, I'm not sure any are back next year (either due to transfer or otherwise). 3 unplanned scholarships is never good and I'm not sure any coach short of Calipari overcomes it after a year like this one. I think this very well could be the undoing of Richard Pitino. Unless he's bringing Rick on as an assistant here next year, I don't see much hope. Feel incredibly bad for the non suspended players and Fitz and Lynch. And Coffey and Hurt and Curry. They committed here expecting a drastically different team and they likely get dumpster fire part 2: landfill edition.

Lots of doom and gloom, maybe overreacting, but man. This is one of the bigger gut punches I've experienced as a fan and continuing to invest the emotion, time, and money into this is exhausting.

I don't necessarily blame Richard for this, just typical Gopher sports. And I have no idea how he recovers from this.

Really good decision because it matches what you say. Transferring will not be as easy as folks think. It will not be a power conference program. Mason will be in a strong position to return. He broke Pitinos' trust will get another chance.

I am not convinced that the three departing players, if they leave, are the all-stars everyone is making them out to be. Do the stats suggest otherwise? Mason is a very nice player, but not sure about offensive potential of the other two. Basketball is for shooters.

Regardless, we'll see how it plays out. I am the eternal optimist so I think next years ride could and should be a lot better than this year's assuming the guys that are supposed to be on the roster are on the roster.

I'm really pissed off at these 3 idiots. All the excuses being made are pathetic. Have as much sex as you want with whomever you want, but when you are in the spotlight, don't be a complete fuc*ing dumb ass about it. These 3 got what they deserved. Absolutely the right move. If they think they got the shaft, good riddance.

God-damned idiots.
Spot on.

Will be a relief when it's over, just like 2006-07

After showing some promise, beating Maryland, getting me to start thinking Gophers could win 1 or maybe even 2 games in the B1G Tournament, this season has officially become 2006-07 all over again. Just want it to end. Then cross the fingers and hope the off-season doesn't have a mass exodus of key players.

My gut says Mason and McBrayer will be back (assuming nothing criminal was involved) with a very short rope, but if Murphy announces he's leaving then all bets are off. If he leaves, we're completely starting over once again.

He needs Mason and McBreyer back next year or he's toast. Dorsey maybe a good opportunity to look for someone that can extend the floor. Ma Ma Malik2.0 has gotta be out there somewhere.

Too bad Jarvis Johnson isn't able to play...I'd love to see what he could do these last few games. Must be rough for him knowing the team needs a point guard and not being able to do anything about it.

Top four??? Talk about getting ahead of yourself. You ever think maybe Murphy likes it here and likes his coaches and teammates?

If all 3 are gone (along with Morris and King)...that makes a good portion of his teammates gone. I'm hoping Murphy stays, but I just don't see it if the hammer drops on the 3 morons.

Too bad Jarvis Johnson isn't able to play...I'd love to see what he could do these last few games. Must be rough for him knowing the team needs a point guard and not being able to do anything about it.

Unfortunately, he has something alot tougher he is going through at the moment.

I hate to punish Pitino for doing the 'right thing' (assuming it was his call, which is doubtful) but if these 3 are not back next year, his goose is cooked. I'd rather hit the re-set button now and get if over with. Without Mason/McBreyer this is another 3-5 win team in the B1G and there's zero chance he survives that.
Pitino's goose was cooked when the person posting videos to Dorsey's Twitter account hit send.

Unless he gives back Teague's "gift" of $7 million, he has established enough of a horrid track record to get a boot imprint on his keister.

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They made the right decision in suspending for the rest of the season. We are going no where anyway. It is a good PR move. There is a chance some or all the players come back with a wake up call and a short lease in the future. Legal trouble would be the question and in this age of cell phones I don't think anyone really knows the possible consequences of what transpired. Get a lawyer with the hope of a big payday and problems are possible. Not sure who your going to get money out of, but the University I suppose would be the only possibility there.

I actually RTed Marcus's tweet, which was what Pitino said last night on 1500. Something more most have come out since then...

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

I would guess that Richard failed the patience game last night and got ahead of the team (administration) when he 'anticipated' the three guys would play. Then he got taken to the rubber room and told that he was out of line. Did he have any bandages on today? I think this hurts his chances of returning.

If all 3 are gone (along with Morris and King)...that makes a good portion of his teammates gone. I'm hoping Murphy stays, but I just don't see it if the hammer drops on the 3 morons.

Who knows if he even had good relationships with those guys.
He should stick it out and be the offensive focus of the Gophers instead of going into mothballs for a year.

If all 3 are gone (along with Morris and King)...that makes a good portion of his teammates gone. I'm hoping Murphy stays, but I just don't see it if the hammer drops on the 3 morons.

It's quite plausible that all the facts aren't in play yet and playing any of the 3 with potential for further discovery would look really bad.

I don't see the hammer dropping on all of them. I think it's a clear message and it's also a way to protect the team from all the news media including the 3 morons. This suspension may have more to do with protecting the team and keeping the focus of tomorrow night on Joey.

Myron has an article up on ESPN with quotes from Mason's dad. Sorry, on mobile, can't link

Let's say, worse case scenario, the videos were surruptiously recorded.

That could, in of itself, be grounds for expulsion from the school.

Then the question becomes who recorded he videos.

Worse case scenario: all three of our players recorded a video.

Then we/they are screwed.

If only Dorsey recorded the videos then I don't see why Mason or McBrayer would face further discipline, or even be the subject of a criminal investigation.

If Mason and McBrayer return net year, the program is not lost and the team and Pitino can move on from this

Significantly reduces the chances of any of them returning to the team next year, I would think. Back to ground zero with the program on the court.

Cart - horse. I'm not gonna jump to any conclusions yet.

Certainly encouraging to read the quotes from Mason's dad. The concern going forward outside of what the players learn is what we learn of who gave permission to be filmed and who didn't.

Nate Mason Sr., Mason's father, said his son and his two teammates were suspended for the remainder of the season after Dorsey posted a video to his Twitter account Friday that showed the players engaging in sexual activity with women. The Twitter account has since been deleted.

Nate Mason Sr. said Pitino called him before the three players were initially suspended for Sunday's matchup at Illinois for violating team rules.

"They were all together [during the incident]," Mason Sr. said his son told him. "[Mason] didn't know his friend would put it on social media."

Nate Mason Sr. said he often warned his son, the team's leading scorer at 13.8 points per game, about the dangers of social media. He said his son initially told him the phone with the video on it had been stolen, but Mason Sr. told his son the story wasn't believable.

"Why would you let someone film you with their phone?" Mason Sr. said.

Mason Sr. said his son never got into trouble in high school and arrived at Minnesota with a "clean reputation." He said he hopes his son understands the gravity of his errors.

"I think kids need to learn when they make mistakes," he said.

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