GAME #6: Gophers (5-0) v. Syracuse (4-0) [ESPN2, 4:30PM]

This is where Mo's suspension kills us. Hope he realizes how much he hurt the team and comes back playing his ass off. We will need him.

Turnovers are going to happen in this pace. The problem is that we have 5 just lousy turnovers where we weren't even pushing the pace.

If we can cut down on those and if EE stays out of foul trouble then we can win this game.

You can see when we slow down into our half court offense play we are far less effective then this free flowing high paced offense that got us back into this game. I wonder how Pitino will manage the fatigue and staying in the game with our more 1 dimensional half court game.

9 turnovers and we've given up 8 offensive rebounds. Clearly our shooting is the only thing keeping us in this game. I say go back to the zone on defense.

We got hurt when EE went out and when little Dre went out. We could use some depth.

EE can't jump like that, we can't allow him to get in foul trouble. Just play straight up.

Oto is a deer in the headlights in big games like this.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Minnesota forces quick shots. It's difficult to offensive rebound a "too quick" or bad shot. Good shot? Your teammates can go get a miss.</p>— Jay Bilas (@JayBilas) <a href="">November 25, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I don't like this press right now. We aren't able to get back and set on defense.

EE has been masterful playing the middle man in the zone offense. That was always my favorite position to play.

I love what I see so far. Syracuse is obviously a superior physical team but we are attacking the zone as if....well as if we have been coached on how to attack it. Good stuff.

Eliason wide open in the paint when they bring it down and no pass to him? Not a lot of confidence in his offensive game, still, apparently.

I love what I see so far. Syracuse is obviously a superior physical team but we are attacking the zone as if....well as if we have been coached on how to attack it. Good stuff.

Tubby must have given Pitino his gameplan

Are you guys seeing Oto sneaking around on the baseline. If we can get him the ball more he can do a lot of damage being ignored behind everyone in their zone D

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