GAME #6: Gophers (5-0) v. Syracuse (4-0) [ESPN2, 4:30PM]

That is a foul Dykes? What about the dude lowering his shoulder and pushing off by extending his arm. Smh.

We aren't going to see Elliot for another 10 minutes. Who is going to step up?

If the Hollins bros. go cold we are done for. Need those guys to heat up again.

Gonna take a couple years before Rich establishes himself and starts getting calls his way until then we're going to get the usual treatment from the refs.

See ya tomorrow boys. We're so small we can't rebound a free throw.

Has there ever been a game where he hasn't been in foul trouble?

All I know is if we sit him, we're going to get blown out. Saw it way too many times under Tubby. You gotta take chances sometimes.

I'm gonna just say it. The Malik Smith experiment is a bust at this point. He is just not good.

We should at least put Buggs in and use his fouls so they have to make freethrows instead of these easy dunks.

Elliot is playing well. And we've hit some good shots.

On the other hand Mo sucks. He really hurt the team and hopefully that comes back to bite him. We have huge turnover problems, if we got the turnovers back that would be one thing. But this is ugly.

This is a long shot, but why not try bugs for a minute or two.

Come on guys, beating Syracuse was a tall order to begin with. I think this is a good test for the guys and will make them better in the long run. Missing Mo right now big time.

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If we can't get Vaughn, I want a Juco big man to round out our 2014 class.

I'm gonna just say it. The Malik Smith experiment is a bust at this point. He is just not good.

He's not but we didn't really have another option. Without Smith our depth is even worse.

It's amazing how much better we are with EE to break the zone.

So these ESPN announcers think EE has 3 fouls. Are we sure he has 4?

Appears ref realize how important EE is to us. Now he just gotta be smart.

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