Former Gopher A.J. Barker arrested UPDATED 5/9: Sid says AJ wants back on team

When I started reading this thread I was a Kim Royston fan.

Can this thread just go away, and can we move on from Barker finally?

This one on the Football Forum, and the Royce White one on the Basketball Forum. Pleeeeeeeeze!!!

@gopherhole: Making amends? It sounds as if #Gophers HC Jerry Kill and former Gopher WR AJ Barker spent a bit of time together last week.

Go Gophers!!

@gopherhole: Making amends? It sounds as if #Gophers HC Jerry Kill and former Gopher WR AJ Barker spent a bit of time together last week.

Go Gophers!!

I noted a few months back how Barker is still enrolled here and it was something to keep your eye on. This does not surprise me.

I think it's funny how he said he got a scholarship in Houston but yet here he is.

No way! I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand he burned us good and I wouldn't hold it against Kill not to let him on the team. On the other, he's what 21? People do dumb things when they're young and if Kill feels he can let him back on the team far be it from me to complain. It would be nice to have his production back.

No way! I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand he burned us good and I wouldn't hold it against Kill not to let him on the team. On the other, he's what 21? People do dumb things when they're young and if Kill feels he can let him back on the team far be it from me to complain. It would be nice to have his production back.

I hate to speculate but that is what message boards are for. My guess is if this meeting did happen, Kill would probably have a team vote if they would take Barker back.

I'm sorry but I do not want him back on the team if true. I know he is a kid and made a huge mistake, but the way he handled everything still doesn't sit well with me.

I hate to speculate but that is what message boards are for. My guess is if this meeting did happen, Kill would probably have a team vote if they would take Barker back.

I would also ask that AJ address the media to clear up side of things so Kill doesn't have to do it for him.

And personally I would prefer that he not have a scholarship next year, would set a bad precedent. Thankfully that's not for me to decide.

AJ owes coaches/team an apology and thats it. coaches usually promise to stand by a kid when they screw up...some kids make you prove it.

If true I don't have a problem with Barker being back on the team if certain things happen, such as an apology to Kill, the team, and the trainers and then holding a press conference to address the issue so it gets put behind us and into the past, a la Manti T'eo.

There are some advantages to getting this ironed out, namely Barker is a pretty damn good receiver and if he buys in the team is better. It would also be a benefit for Kill if he can "mold" yet another player like he did with Carter last year. What parents wouldn't want their kids to play for a guy who invests in them even if they've made some bad personal choices? Part of coaching is also teaching life lessons. If Barker truly is sorry and handles it the right way then welcome back AJ. If you think about it this really could motivate Barker to turn into a beast for the program that was willing to give him a second chance. He had already demonstrated that he was willing to do what it takes to work hard and achieve success even though he began as only a walk-on.

If anyone knows about getting a second chance in life it's Coach Kill, he is after all a cancer survivor. Those of us that have had friends or family face such a life changing event I think are more willing to realize that life is short and to let bygones be bygones (within reason of course).

Here's hoping Andre McDonald also heeds this message.

AJ owes coaches/team an apology and thats it. coaches usually promise to stand by a kid when they screw up...some kids make you prove it.

More Predictions:

Kill will apologize AGAIN to AJ and AJ will accept it this time. Furthermore, AJ will be the Gophers best receiver again this year.

Welcome back, AJ. Many of us, including more than a few of your teammates, really missed you during the bowl game.

I would have no problem with returning if he took the correct steps. Apologize to his teammates and coaches. I don't care if he talks to the media or not, I'd rather they stay out of it and let the team deal with it behind closed doors.

I'd take him back if he promises to catch 10 td's next season.

More Predictions:

Kill will apologize AGAIN to AJ and AJ will accept it this time. Furthermore, AJ will be the Gophers best receiver again this year.

Welcome back, AJ. Many of us, including more than a few of your teammates, really missed you during the bowl game.

LOL - Maybe you shouldn't start drinking so early in the day but then you do seem to march to a different drummer.

It doesn't matter if us fans hate or love him. If his teammates/coaches like, respect, and trust him bring him back. If they don't, see ya AJ.

I remember Kill said something along the lines of AJ will come back someday, but didn't know if it would be in a month or 10 years, but he said they all do come back.

I'd take him back if he promises to catch 10 td's next season.

With the way he exited if they bring him back it is for one reason only and that is that they know they need him at WR in order to win football games because they have little to nothing at the position without him.

No way do you torch every bridge within a 20 mile radius the way he did and get another shot unless the team/coaches are desperate. And frankly looking at our WR corps right now it would be tough to blame them.

Has his Mom's best friend had a change of heart?

His mom is rich. She will make a huge contribution to the practice facility. AJ will walk on and lead America's Team to the Rose Bowl. The stars are aligning.

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