Former Gopher A.J. Barker arrested UPDATED 5/9: Sid says AJ wants back on team

Though this ultimately would be Coach Kill's decision, I think :eek: it would do him well to see how open the team is and how he would be received. It would be a very difficult decision as well. Regardless of justification, Barker did bail on the team. He would have to earn some serious trust in a short amount of time.

Along with that, I suspect Coach Kill would rather go on with the team and not have to revisit this whole scene rather then mend fences to the level this would require. Kinda simply lets all just go on with our lives.

Anyway, I suspect more will be made known within the next couple of weeks...

I understood you completely. But pleading No Contest is not the same as pleading Not Guilty. And it is not in the same universe as being Innocent of the charges. Trevor maybe the nicest guy in the world but with his extremely checkered past he was welcomed back on the BB team with open arms by Gopher fans everywhere. Whether or not AJ Barker plays for the football team again there are a lot of GopherHole posters who are complete hypocrites on this issue.

And it's not the same as being found "guilty". Our justice system doesn't seek out to prove someone is innocent, so there has never been a case where someone was found innocent. You said he plead guilty and he did not. Prosecutors continuously reject pleas of No Contest (in plea bargaining) in lieu of forcing the person to plea guilty. This is especially true in cases of violent types of crimes like Trevor's alleged issue.

I get it, you're trying to make Trevor look bad and try to point out a hypocrisy but you're wrong. He didn't plead guilty and in the world of plea bargaining there is a HUGE difference.

Wow. . . this is a tough situation.

I would probably take AJ back as a walk on with absolutely no promises. He has not earned a scholarship, PT or anything. He can earn his way from the bottom on up. I've always said, AJ was dead wrong and I hoped he got help (his letter came across as being the delusions of someone who wasn't right). I'm not saying that in a derogatory way, he genuinely came across a bit off, and I questioned his mental health. He can certainly get that figured out and regardless of what happens to him here, I hope he does figure it out.

He's a talented kid, but he dogged his teammates. If they did not want him back, I would fully support Kill not allowing him to be on the team. Ripping on the coach is one thing, quitting in the middle of the season before a big game against MSU and drawing all kinds of controversy to yourself is another.

So yeah, I'd take him back. The nonsense of Kill apologizing should be ignored. AJ should beg to come back to the team and show some humility (something he isn't very good with). If he does and Kill is comfortable with him and the team is comfortable with him, welcome aboard.

Rejoining the team would be a dream scenario for AJ. It would leave no doubt that he regrets his prior actions and that he is willing to take his medicine to fix it.

It would be up to coach Kill and the team leaders to accept him, but it would be a good idea to give him a second chance. I don't even care if he plays, it is more about him learning to step up and make the best of the situation. He would have to earn his playing time.

And of course, if they were just meeting to clear the air and move on, than never mind....

Wow. . . this is a tough situation.

I would probably take AJ back as a walk on with absolutely no promises. He has not earned a scholarship, PT or anything. He can earn his way from the bottom on up. I've always said, AJ was dead wrong and I hoped he got help (his letter came across as being the delusions of someone who wasn't right). I'm not saying that in a derogatory way, he genuinely came across a bit off, and I questioned his mental health. He can certainly get that figured out and regardless of what happens to him here, I hope he does figure it out.

He's a talented kid, but he dogged his teammates. If they did not want him back, I would fully support Kill not allowing him to be on the team. Ripping on the coach is one thing, quitting in the middle of the season before a big game against MSU and drawing all kinds of controversy to yourself is another.

So yeah, I'd take him back. The nonsense of Kill apologizing should be ignored. AJ should beg to come back to the team and show some humility (something he isn't very good with). If he does and Kill is comfortable with him and the team is comfortable with him, welcome aboard.

Feel exactly the same way. The manner in which this kid left was simply appalling and if he comes back, I have a feeling it won't necessarily be because he feels sorry for what he did, but rather that he found out the hard way that nobody else in Division 1 wanted to put up with his crap. I wouldn't even say welcomed back would be the correct term, but rather allowed back. I would also get the opinions of his former teammates before deciding. After that, if the rest of the team thinks its worth the risk, he starts at the very bottom and tries to work his way back up.

Of course, this is all just my opinion, but his public temper tantrum should be grounds for a hard road back.

Wow. . . this is a tough situation.

I would probably take AJ back as a walk on with absolutely no promises. He has not earned a scholarship, PT or anything. He can earn his way from the bottom on up. I've always said, AJ was dead wrong and I hoped he got help (his letter came across as being the delusions of someone who wasn't right). I'm not saying that in a derogatory way, he genuinely came across a bit off, and I questioned his mental health. He can certainly get that figured out and regardless of what happens to him here, I hope he does figure it out.

He's a talented kid, but he dogged his teammates. If they did not want him back, I would fully support Kill not allowing him to be on the team. Ripping on the coach is one thing, quitting in the middle of the season before a big game against MSU and drawing all kinds of controversy to yourself is another.

So yeah, I'd take him back. The nonsense of Kill apologizing should be ignored. AJ should beg to come back to the team and show some humility (something he isn't very good with). If he does and Kill is comfortable with him and the team is comfortable with him, welcome aboard.

Absolutely correct. Complete nonsense that Kill would apologize to AJ. Sportsfan is dead wrong on this. Kill is the coach and players need to do what he says otherwise they just don't deserve to be here. There isn't a single shred of evidence that the medical staff misdiagnosed or mistreated his injury at all because AJ didn't follow their treatment and instead did his own thing. Even if the med staff did misdiagnose it AJ did a disservice to both himself and the team by getting accupuncture instead of the recommended treatment. I'm no doctor but accupuncture isn't commonly considered a treatment for ankle sprains and especially isn't for anything more serious than that. If anything AJ should apologize to the team. Couldn't care less if he does to Kill and I am pretty sure Kill doesn't care if he does either because it does nothing for him. Coming back and contributing to the team does more for Kill than any apology could ever do.

Gopher players would welcome AJ back in heart beat and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

Some of you need to let go of the antiquated belief that respect comes with a job title....sorry it doesn't, respect is EARNED. Coach Kill excepting AJ back after AJ over reacted to being mistreated would earn respect of people familiar with the details. The medical staff misdiagnosed his injury. They tried to get AJ back on the field when he knew it was more severe than they were telling him. They gave that bad information to coach Kill. Coach Kills reaction was based on that bad information.

AJ reacted badly. Bad in the sense that he should have went to his own doctor and presented those results to Kill and the medical people, versus blowing up publicly like he did. AJ owes coach Kill an appology for that but coach Kills owes AJ an appology for not listening and insinuating that he couldn't give AJ a scholarship because he wasn't tough enough ie the medical said he was ready to play. Now; before some of you lady's assume I'm trashing my buddy, keep in mind I have said from day one that I believed coach was set up (given bad information).

To be clear:

AJ believed he was being forced to play injured or he wouldn't receive a scholarship and coach based on what the medical staff had told him thought AJ was capable of playing but was being soft. I believe both of them are victims of misinformation.

Gopher players would welcome AJ back in heart beat and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why.

Some of them may not care to have him back on the team and I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why either.

You may very well be correct about everything in your post, but the fact remains he became a huge distraction right before senior day. It would be very easy to understand if some of his former teammates felt his actions were extremely selfish.

They very well may welcome him back with open arms (if that is even an option) but I don't think it's a certainty by any means.

So he totally trashes Kill in the media...and there is talk he will come back. I seriously doubt that.

hell yeah, take him back. This country loves second chances. Kill would come out smelling like Roses as well. I am sure there would have to be some stipulations to his return, such as him needing to apologize to the team for quitting on them, and doing whatever Kill asks of him, as well as staying out of trouble. The upside of bringing him back, is someone who would never question the coach, would do everything that is asked, and would give solid production...the downside is that you kick him off the team if you need to.

Some of them may not care to have him back on the team and I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out why either.

You may very well be correct about everything in your post, but the fact remains he became a huge distraction right before senior day. It would be very easy to understand if some of his former teammates felt his actions were extremely selfish.

They very well may welcome him back with open arms (if that is even an option) but I don't think it's a certainty by any means.

I'm sure that would be the wr's who would ALL eventually fall one spot on the depth chart.;)

I agree he was a major distraction. But I believe it was based on his response; he didn't initiate it, and that is the only reason why I believe Kill would give him a 2nd shot.

Here is the deal, we all understand the major implications of what AJ did in publicly trashing Kill and the U. However, it is not as if Kill is totally innocent in the publicly trashing department (not looking to go into detail just making a point). People make mistakes (I put myself at the top of that list), if a person asks for forgiveness they should be able to forgive. Personally I have faith in coach Kill. I believe he understands AJ has some growing up do to but recognizes overall he is a good kid. No doubt it would take a special coach/man to give AJ a 2nd chance....that's why I believe AJ will be back on the team.

Let's remember an old axiom: "Those who can't forgive are as bad as those that need the forgiving."

Listen to you people....If you go back to the thread when he left the team all of you that are saying forgive the man and take him back were ripping AJ all day long. Now that he wants to come back all you can see is that he would be one of the better WR on the team, so turn the other cheek and bring him back!

Pathetic and sad. Hes unstable and a cancer. If i was on that team i wouldnt want the quitter back.

Listen to you people....If you go back to the thread when he left the team all of you that are saying forgive the man and take him back were ripping AJ all day long. Now that he wants to come back all you can see is that he would be one of the better WR on the team, so turn the other cheek and bring him back!

Pathetic and sad. Hes unstable and a cancer. If i was on that team i wouldnt want the quitter back.

I absolutely do not want him back. If he comes back, that sends the message to talented players that they can get away with what they want, and discipline breaks down among the talent. It also sends the message to less talented players that they are second class citizens who play by a different set of rules. Totally messes up team chemistry. I don't want someone who yells at coaches, and I sure as heck don't want someone who, immediately after a scene like he had at the U, goes out and gets himself in legal trouble.

Pathetic and sad. Hes unstable and a cancer. If i was on that team i wouldnt want the quitter back.

My guess is he has no other options and wants (and likely expects), more chances. This is not an isolated instance in this young man's life - he was the same way in High School. He's established a pattern of behavior of undermining authority. Can he change....yes, but this social experiment could do much more harm than good for the team. If allowed back right away with no repercussions, someone else will push the envelope a little further and refer to the "AJ situation" to justify bad behavior.

If it were up to me, the only way I would give him a chance would be if he apologized to everyone he negatively affected. If that sufficed, I would give him the dirtiest, least visible job - janitorial or equipment clean-up and see if he's really serious about "serving" his former teamates. If he's willing to do that and does a good job, perhaps he'd be worth a look for the practice team - promising him nothing. Who knows, maybe he'd flourish and get a chance at playing time. But....he would be on the shortest of leashes.

Really tough call here.
On one hand he acted SO terribly on the way out, literally trashing the program and the coach. He's a poster boy for the absolute wrong way to live life.

On the other, I don't doubt there were miscommunication issues all around, made much worse by AJ's immaturity and possible mental disease.

If Kill decides to take him back, I'm ok with it. Kill took more of a hit than anyone, including negative press on a national scale. I'd love for AJ to make public ammends, but more likely Kill will take the hit again and keep things internal.

An apology to teammates and outgoing seniors would be good, a peacemaking meeting with the medical staff also good. I'm assuming whatever happens Kill will have a plan and goals AJ needs to accomplish before being welcomed back.

As far as the football side of things goes, it would be great. We need alot of help at WR and AJ coming back would only help Nelson's development.
I've been impressed what lengths Kill goes to to upgrade the talent on his team. He's an all and everything recruiter, whether that be walk ons, JUCos, small school prospects, out state walk ons, Aussie rules punters, regular recruits or even rehabbing troubled players in the program and getting production out of them.

Get the popcorn ready for this one, very interesting.

There is waaayy too much risk in bringing Barker back. It's not about forgiveness, I'm sure both Coach Kill and Barker have forgiven each for whatever transgressions they believe the other is responsible. At this point it's about what is good for the team, and why would you take a risk on an unstable personality like Barker. We have a number of receivers that should be ready to step into the spotlight. While Barker had developed into our best receiver by mid season last year, he was and remains entirely replaceable. Will we go through the drama again if Barker is not a starter? If he gets nicked up will he insist on his own treatment or be willing to follow the direction of the medical staff? Is he going to secretly write another self-centered blog then turn it over to the media at the worst possible time? Barker burned this bridge. As Herbie put it many years ago; fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

I absolutely do not want him back. If he comes back, that sends the message to talented players that they can get away with what they want, and discipline breaks down among the talent. It also sends the message to less talented players that they are second class citizens who play by a different set of rules. Totally messes up team chemistry. I don't want someone who yells at coaches, and I sure as heck don't want someone who, immediately after a scene like he had at the U, goes out and gets himself in legal trouble.

Ding ding ding.

Hell no.

It won't surprise me if Coach Kill gives Barker a second chance. Coach has gone on record as doing his best to help his players become the best they can be on and off the field. If he does, I think Coach Kill is big on helping kids work through tough times. If he returns, I hope he runs AJ through the guantlet to make amends.

Personally, I hope he doesn't take him back as there is the potential for the players taking sides which doesn't help in the long run. He is gone and the team has moved on.

I'm sure that would be the wr's who would ALL eventually fall one spot on the depth chart.;)

I agree he was a major distraction. But I believe it was based on his response; he didn't initiate it, and that is the only reason why I believe Kill would give him a 2nd shot.

Here is the deal, we all understand the major implications of what AJ did in publicly trashing Kill and the U. However, it is not as if Kill is totally innocent in the publicly trashing department (not looking to go into detail just making a point). People make mistakes (I put myself at the top of that list), if a person asks for forgiveness they should be able to forgive. Personally I have faith in coach Kill. I believe he understands AJ has some growing up do to but recognizes overall he is a good kid. No doubt it would take a special coach/man to give AJ a 2nd chance....that's why I believe AJ will be back on the team.

Again, I was talking about Kill. I'm talking about the other players on the team. You can't deny that he let his teammates down and was a big distraction, even if Kill was at fault as well. I'm just saying I don't think it should be a certainty that his former teammates will all want him back on the team.

It won't surprise me if Coach Kill gives Barker a second chance. Coach has gone on record as doing his best to help his players become the best they can be on and off the field. If he does, I think Coach Kill is big on helping kids work through tough times. If he returns, I hope he runs AJ through the guantlet to make amends.

Personally, I hope he doesn't take him back as there is the potential for the players taking sides which doesn't help in the long run. He is gone and the team has moved on.

Not to be overly cynical but like any D1 football coach Kill is all about winning football games. I am sure there is a part of him that would like to help Barker out but if he didn't believe that Barker would be able to help him win football games there is no way any form of discussion about him coming back would happen.

Look at all the discussion that has occured here based solely on the fact they have supposedly talked. We have no real concrete proof that Barker is trying to get back on the team or that Kill is considering it.

Look at all the discussion that has occured here based solely on the fact they have supposedly talked. We have no real concrete proof that Barker is trying to get back on the team or that Kill is considering it.

Yes, the GopherHole has never needed facts or verifiable information to have a discussion. They are tossed aside like excess baggage. That way everybody's opinion is valid. The great equalizer.:rolleyes:

Look at all the discussion that has occured here based solely on the fact they have supposedly talked. We have no real concrete proof that Barker is trying to get back on the team or that Kill is considering it.

exactly. not to be a wet blanket, but you would think that if A.J. Barker possibly coming back had legs, someone from the local media would have said something by now. Joe C. has been pretty quick to address team issues since he took over and not a peep from him yet. Seems like it is most likely much ado about nothing

exactly. not to be a wet blanket, but you would think that if A.J. Barker possibly coming back had legs, someone from the local media would have said something by now. Joe C. has been pretty quick to address team issues since he took over and not a peep from him yet. Seems like it is most likely much ado about nothing

Ya where did this story come from who broke it? I saw the tweet from gopherhole but has anyone else said anything?

Again, I was talking about Kill. I'm talking about the other players on the team. You can't deny that he let his teammates down and was a big distraction, even if Kill was at fault as well. I'm just saying I don't think it should be a certainty that his former teammates will all want him back on the team.

Barker's teammates are going to be the least of his problems. They may not welcome him back with open arms but athletes usually don't hold grudges when winning and losing are at stake. They are going to want the first downs and touchdowns he can give them. I have to believe Nelson will do backflips if Barker rejoins the team.

Again, I was talking about Kill. I'm talking about the other players on the team. You can't deny that he let his teammates down and was a big distraction, even if Kill was at fault as well. I'm just saying I don't think it should be a certainty that his former teammates will all want him back on the team.

Fairly stated; I can agree with your point.

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