Fire Tubby

Over the past couple of seasons, Tubby has looked somewhat bored and disinterested while coaching. He had a lot of pressure to win while at Kentucky and when he stopped winning, he was out. This is just my opinion, but I think he came to Minnesota where he knew that we would all be happy with a winning season and he could enjoy his coaching years with very little pressure. I believe he's gotten so complacent that it's coming back to bite not only the fans, but himself. He should be getting more from this team than he is. This is not the same team from November - early January.

Over the past couple of seasons, Tubby has looked somewhat bored and disinterested while coaching. He had a lot of pressure to win while at Kentucky and when he stopped winning, he was out. This is just my opinion, but I think he came to Minnesota where he knew that we would all be happy with a winning season and he could enjoy his coaching years with very little pressure. I believe he's gotten so complacent that it's coming back to bite not only the fans, but himself. He should be getting more from this team than he is. This is not the same team from November - early January.
This is what I see, little did he know he'd entered a crowded sports market and one of the best conferences in college basketball.

Is it possible to design an in-bounds play from under the basket that would result in a score ? We took it out 10 times there,and every time it was passed 60 feet into the backcourt. You would think a five-man coaching staff could come up with something a little more creative than that.

That was pretty bad. I felt like in the last few games, we had finally been generating some good chances and easy baskets off those inbound plays under the hoop, but then last night we did that lob to the backcourt over and over again. Why we would want to forgo a chance at setting up a score on an inbounds to instead get into our anemic half-court offense is beyond me.

Why was EE on the floor with less than one minute in the game? He created 4on 5 on offense, hence the hard double on Mbawke and the turnover. EE made a lazy attempt to help Trevor actually running away from the ball. Simple strategy for Illini on last possession, run pick and roll with whomever EE is guarding and create mismatch. If he switches isolate him and take shot. Another guard on the floor on these two plays may have made difference in game. Poor EE thinks he played great, but he was instrumental in losing the game. Tubby should start giving Walker the lions share of minutes at the five. He is the teams only true low post presence and will only get better with more time and touches. EE is great for five minutes off the bench with hustle plays to fire up crowd. Tubby must see this.

It's Time!!!

If Teague can get confirmation from Smart that he will leave VCU and become the next coach here at Minnesota, the Gophs need to bite the 2.5 million dollar bullet and hire Smart. The confusion, substitution patterns, lack of progression, and in ability to be creative are truly befuddling! I was a big supporter of Tubby up until recently. He has his best squad on paper, their healthy, and yet he still looks confused and cannot think outside of the box to out coach his opponent. I can't stand it when he publicly calls out individual players especially when he's not putting them into positions to succeed.

Good Riddance!!!

I wouldn't consider a season with 20+ wins a success automatically.

That statistic was more for some proper perspective on how much this team has won historically.

How far back do we have to go find a coach with a better B1G record than Tubby? Musselman/Dutcher era? So we are turning the clock back 40 years at that point, which is probably ironically the last time the Barn was considered a modern facility.

I get your point, but I have to laugh at this a little. Since the Musselman/Dutcher era, we've had Clem, who had a better Big Ten record than Tubby. If we don't count Clem for obvious reasons, then we've only had one coach to look at in between the Dutcher era and Tubby. Gopher basketball has turned into Gopher football. But we're not at 40 years of ineptitude quite yet.

Incidentally, Monson's tenure wasn't good, but he had two seasons above .500 in the Big Ten. Tubby: zero.

The guy won a national championship with all of pitino's guys and UK program went downhill with Tubby at the helm.

He doesnt know how to coach, and neither do any of his 4 assistants.

His recruiting is so so, but he doenst know how to coach during a game.

This is most talented gopher team since '97 final four squad and they are trying to put themselves on the bubble b/c tubby has no answers when it comes to coming up with player and proper roles for his team.

Good to see a former player with his first post-- Thanks Colton.

and BTW-- I agree

Gopher basketball has turned into Gopher football.

This is the attitude I don't understand. Why are the expectations higher for Gopher basketball than Gopher football? When has Gopher basketball ever been any good? One conference title in 31 years? Gopher football at one time was Alabama, USC, Texas, and Notre Dame all rolled into one. Gopher basketball has never been anything than occasionally decent. It's like people are willfully oblivious to the (lack of) history of this program.

We are still paying Mason, Brewster, and Monson. We aren't going to add Tubby to that list, we can't afford it. Tubby is here until at least one or two of those other coaches aren't receiving checks from us any more.

This is the attitude I don't understand. Why are the expectations higher for Gopher basketball than Gopher football? When has Gopher basketball ever been any good? One conference title in 31 years? Gopher football at one time was Alabama, USC, Texas, and Notre Dame all rolled into one. Gopher basketball has never been anything than occasionally decent. It's like people are willfully oblivious to the (lack of) history of this program.

I think that people expect more because Minnesota typically produces better talent on the basketball side. Expectations should be high for both programs IMO.

This is the attitude I don't understand. Why are the expectations higher for Gopher basketball than Gopher football? When has Gopher basketball ever been any good? One conference title in 31 years? Gopher football at one time was Alabama, USC, Texas, and Notre Dame all rolled into one. Gopher basketball has never been anything than occasionally decent. It's like people are willfully oblivious to the (lack of) history of this program.

YOUR attitude towards winning BB is what most of us dont understand.

You constantly tell us about history, which doesnt matter today or tomorrow.

Results are what matter, and this coach and his staff have been and are currently underachieving.

Stop with the excuses and recognize reality.

We are still paying Mason, Brewster, and Monson. We aren't going to add Tubby to that list, we can't afford it. Tubby is here until at least one or two of those other coaches aren't receiving checks from us any more.

We can afford it, we would rather just now pay up! If we could land Flip or Shaka I would be willing to pay the 2.5 million it'll cost to get rid of Tubby. Keep in mind that both Flip and Shaka have distinct connections to the program. Obviously, Flip is an alumni and Shaka's connection with Teague is well documented so either are real possibilities.

This is the attitude I don't understand. Why are the expectations higher for Gopher basketball than Gopher football? When has Gopher basketball ever been any good? One conference title in 31 years? Gopher football at one time was Alabama, USC, Texas, and Notre Dame all rolled into one. Gopher basketball has never been anything than occasionally decent. It's like people are willfully oblivious to the (lack of) history of this program.

I agree with your post in general, but with this team (from the staff to the players) I am expecting more this year. This program should be able to break the cycle without cheating and achieve some greater success than our historical average, before we regress to the mean.

We can afford it, we would rather just now pay up! If we could land Flip or Shaka I would be willing to pay the 2.5 million it'll cost to get rid of Tubby. Keep in mind that both Flip and Shaka have distinct connections to the program. Obviously, Flip is an alumni and Shaka's connection with Teague is well documented so either are real possibilities.

You have $2.5 million? How do you know we can afford it? We can't afford any of the numerous facility upgrades we need, not sure why you think we can pay 4 former head coaches while hiring a pricey new head basketball coach.

You have $2.5 million? How do you know we can afford it? We can't afford any of the numerous facility upgrades we need, not sure why you think we can pay 4 former head coaches while hiring a pricey new head basketball coach.

I know it's pricey, however if it's for the good of the program and you can get a "Big Name," than we have to pull the trigger. Below, are just a few reasons as to why I believe we can afford the switch:

A. Dude we're in the B1G 10, have you seen the t.v contract.
B. Mens Basketball and Football generate plenty of revenue.
C. A new exciting hire such as Smart or Flip will produce results and greater revenues.
D. We need to find a donor for the facility upgrades.

I agree with your post in general, but with this team (from the staff to the players) I am expecting more this year. This program should be able to break the cycle without cheating and achieve some greater success than our historical average, before we regress to the mean.

I agree, I just think the attitude of "Gopher basketball is becoming like Gopher football" is ridiculous and not based in reality. If anything, it's more like Gopher football has slowly regressed to Gopher basketball levels over the past 45 years.

I know it's pricey, however if it's for the good of the program and you can get a "Big Name," than we have to pull the trigger. Below, are just a few reasons as to why I believe we can afford the switch:

A. Dude we're in the B1G 10, have you seen the t.v contract.
B. Mens Basketball and Football generate plenty of revenue.
C. A new exciting hire such as Smart or Flip will produce results and greater revenues.
D. We need to find a donor for the facility upgrades.

You must be one of those suckers that thought we could afford Obamacare and that there wouldn't be any tax increases associated with it.

Unless somebody takes Tubby off of our hands or there is loophole language in the contract that hasn't been disclosed, Tubby isn't going anywhere. The university isn't going to pay anybody $2.5M to go away. Wishing it were so, saying "we can afford it" or building up Woody's relationship with Shaka (we have no idea how strong it is) isn't going to make it so. Based on what is publicly known, I don't see any way out of this mess for about two more (lost) seasons. Woody, as the new sheriff, was in a perfect position to say no to the extension. The U had all of the leverage;Tubby had none (nobody was going to pay him what he makes here and take the kid). It was a mistake that will cost the program another decade.

This thing will die a long, painful, expensivel death, just like Monson.

Unless somebody takes Tubby off of our hands or there is loophole language in the contract that hasn't been disclosed, Tubby isn't going anywhere. The university isn't going to pay anybody $2.5M to go away. Wishing it were so, saying "we can afford it" or building up Woody's relationship with Shaka (we have no idea how strong it is) isn't going to make it so. Based on what is publicly known, I don't see any way out of this mess for about two more (lost) seasons. Woody, as the new sheriff, was in a perfect position to say no to the extension. The U had all of the leverage;Tubby had none (nobody was going to pay him what he makes here and take the kid). It was a mistake that will cost the program another decade.

This thing will die a long, painfu, expensivel death, just like Monson.

Wrong. With the right hire he can justify the money.

This is the attitude I don't understand. Why are the expectations higher for Gopher basketball than Gopher football? When has Gopher basketball ever been any good? One conference title in 31 years? Gopher football at one time was Alabama, USC, Texas, and Notre Dame all rolled into one. Gopher basketball has never been anything than occasionally decent. It's like people are willfully oblivious to the (lack of) history of this program.

It only takes 5 players to be successfull in basketball, Minnesota has produced their share of division 1 players, it is much easier to recruit as long as you keep a fair number of instate recruits, that is not the case in football.

It would be tough to compete for the B1G title every year but a top five finish and above 500 play occasionally is definately achievable and should be demanded, anything less should be considered a failure.

Be ignorant all you want, but this is a categorically false statement.


Look in the mirror.

You cant see reality.

In your wolrd, tubby can just go on being tubby because MN has not historically been a top program.


It only takes 5 players to be successfull in basketball, Minnesota has produced their share of division 1 players, it is much easier to recruit as long as you keep a fair number of instate recruits, that is not the case in football.

It would be tough to compete for the B1G title every year but a top five finish and above 500 play occasionally is definately achievable and should be demanded, anything less should be considered a failure.

Amen, this is a far better Bball talent state than football. Below .500 B1G basketball is unacceptable for any coach, especially Tubby Smith. This is far worse than Brewster.

It only takes 5 players to be successfull in basketball, Minnesota has produced their share of division 1 players, it is much easier to recruit as long as you keep a fair number of instate recruits, that is not the case in football.

As I've stated many times before, a bevy of local talent means nothing if you can't actually get the players to choose your school and play there. The list of mediocre basketball colleges near HS basketball hotbeds is a mile long. The local players have to see some chance at greatness before they're willing to sign on with any regularity. I'm not sure why everyone thought Tubby was guaranteed to be the guy to turn around a century of mediocrity (at best). I expected Minnesota basketball to remain about the same as it's always been regardless of the coach, and that way I can still enjoy the games and the seasons without the aneurysms that develop from baseless expectations.

It would be tough to compete for the B1G title every year but a top five finish and above 500 play occasionally is definately achievable and should be demanded, anything less should be considered a failure.

The Gophers have finished top 5 in the Big Ten twice in the past 20 years, and 5 times in the past 31 years. If you go by the more aggressive metric (the latter) the Gophers should be expected to finish in the top 5 once every 6 years. If Tubby did so this year, he'd be right in line with historical trends. Unfortunately for us, Tubby's best starting 5 also happened to coincide with the conference being as good and as deep as it's been in many years, perhaps ever. For everyone who wants to fire him immediately, they should also note that we are currently in 6th place in the conference, and the Gophers do not customarily finish in the top half of the league.

In your wolrd, tubby can just go on being tubby because MN has not historically been a top program.

Nope. Never said or insinuated any such thing. Unlike you, though, I can understand and appreciate the difference between possibilities and expectations. You're just mad because I told you all of this before the season even started. Sweet Sixteen expectations were ridiculous then, and they're even more ridiculous now. The Gophers will be lucky to make the Tournament if they continue playing this way. I, for one, am not surprised. The average Gopher team doesn't make the Tournament at all.

Nope. Never said or insinuated any such thing. Unlike you, though, I can understand and appreciate the difference between possibilities and expectations. You're just mad because I told you all of this before the season even started. Sweet Sixteen expectations were ridiculous then, and they're even more ridiculous now. The Gophers will be lucky to make the Tournament if they continue playing this way. I, for one, am not surprised. The average Gopher team doesn't make the Tournament at all.

So, how do you explain Clem's two run's to the 16 & 8?

Expecting a shot at success with a 25 year old All-Big type player-a guy who can pour in 40 on a given night-a high flying NBA talent-shouldn't be ridiculous. If Tubby wasn't hired to make these type of seasons possible then why is he here? We could have kept Molinari (sp.?) for a fraction of the cost.

Wrong. With the right hire he can justify the money.

There are very few "right hires" out there who are bankable and who would commit to coming here up front. The cash to pay Tubby to go away has to come from somewhere. Finally, the dismissal would take place in March which is right in the middle of the legislative session. Paying somebody $2.5M to go away is too inviting of a target for grandstanding legislators. Twenty five years ago they went nuts at the capitol over Ken Keller's $10K desk.

(BTW, I hope I'm wrong and you are right but I don't see a way out of this unless Flip takes the job for a buck the first year.)

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