Fire Tubby

You could care less?

Nope. Who wants to be part of a shill? Where negative comments are met with name calling and personal attacks. Better get some in quick before they ban me like they did Minngg. Then you can laugh like a real adult because you quieted someone by banning them just because he talked bad about a coach that is a loser.

I will continue to say the same thing every time someone starts another one of these threads...the MN job, with our second rate facilities, is not a top 50 job. Who worth while would come here until we at least have a plan and have started building the practice facility?

It isn't like we are going to pay a BB coach $3 mil plus to coach here...and this job isn't a stepping stone to a better position...never has and never will be. IF you come to MN, it is to win...and you just can't with our current situation. Just my opinion. We are on the outside with our noses pressed against the glass of big time college basketball.

Pretty much summed up my feelings on the whole situation. I've been supportive of Tubby, even though I'm frustrated with the recent stretch of games.

What GH is best at is the kind of roller coaster hyperbole that makes us think Final Four after a big win and Fire Tubby after a bad loss.

No matter how much you hate Tubby right now, he will win 20+ games again this season.

Now for those of you that aren't good at math, that's 5 seasons of that benchmark in 6 years here.

You have to go back a quarter of a century to scrape together that many recognized 20 win seasons by Gopher basketball before that.

Tubby is bringing this program back to respectability, because between not winning and the Clem debacle, this program was anything but respectable for a long time.

With all that said, the next time Tubby misses the NCAA tournament he'll be fired.

Pretty much summed up my feelings on the whole situation. I've been supportive of Tubby, even though I'm frustrated with the recent stretch of games.

What GH is best at is the kind of roller coaster hyperbole that makes us think Final Four after a big win and Fire Tubby after a bad loss.

No matter how much you hate Tubby right now, he will win 20+ games again this season.

Now for those of you that aren't good at math, that's 5 seasons of that benchmark in 6 years here.

You have to go back a quarter of a century to scrape together that many recognized 20 win seasons by Gopher basketball before that.

Tubby is bringing this program back to respectability, because between not winning and the Clem debacle, this program was anything but respectable for a long time.

With all that said, the next time Tubby misses the NCAA tournament he'll be fired.

20 wins is an outdated and useless bench mark.

How exactly are they going to fire a coach who is owed a $2.5M buyout when they are still paying off some combination of Brewster, Monson and Mason?

Unless there is a loophole in the contract that hasn't been disclosed or there is a big booster who is sufficiently furious to write a humongous check or checks to make this problem go away, I don't see any way out of this mess. This extension is almost entirely on Kaler and Woody. They signed it and they could have and should have said no.

It's an academic point because we are stuck with Tubby for a while, but I think that almost any fresh face would have a better shot with the big three than the current coach. They have seen how he operates and I can't imagine that they haven't concluded that there are better paths to the NBA.

Could care less. I will never be a blind homer for anyone.

Because refusing to cheer for and support the team when they are playing poorly and scoffing at what success they do have (the NIT run) makes you a better fan.

Pretty much summed up my feelings on the whole situation. I've been supportive of Tubby, even though I'm frustrated with the recent stretch of games.

What GH is best at is the kind of roller coaster hyperbole that makes us think Final Four after a big win and Fire Tubby after a bad loss.

No matter how much you hate Tubby right now, he will win 20+ games again this season.

Now for those of you that aren't good at math, that's 5 seasons of that benchmark in 6 years here.

You have to go back a quarter of a century to scrape together that many recognized 20 win seasons by Gopher basketball before that.

Tubby is bringing this program back to respectability, because between not winning and the Clem debacle, this program was anything but respectable for a long time.

With all that said, the next time Tubby misses the NCAA tournament he'll be fired.

Mostly agree, but i really don't like the 20 game thing. It shouldn't be that hard to 2 win 20 with all the home cup cakes and tournaments. I think Tubby is 17-30 in the B10 the last 3 years, that is what matters.

Because refusing to cheer for and support the team when they are playing poorly and scoffing at what success they do have (the NIT run) makes you a better fan.
No, I have been a fan for 50 years. I cheer for MN every game. My son goes to the U. But I refuse to give someone false praise for winning a few games in the NIT. If that satisfies you, fine. Don't accuse me of not rooting for the Gophs. It is because I care that I want Tubby gone. get it? I am sick of lousy recruiting and lousy coaching and I knew we had big recruiting class for 2014. I don't rate fans based on their opinions.

Mostly agree, but i really don't like the 20 game thing. It shouldn't be that hard to 2 win 20 with all the home cup cakes and tournaments. I think Tubby is 17-30 in the B10 the last 3 years, that is what matters.

I wouldn't consider a season with 20+ wins a success automatically.

That statistic was more for some proper perspective on how much this team has won historically.

How far back do we have to go find a coach with a better B1G record than Tubby? Musselman/Dutcher era? So we are turning the clock back 40 years at that point, which is probably ironically the last time the Barn was considered a modern facility.

IF the only thing that counted in the world was college bb and college fb, I'd seriously believe that the Gophers would be better off in the WCC or something.

Getting recruits to come to our Frozen Tundra is tough, esp when UMn is reknown for the lack of support given to its fb and bb programs. And when we have to play 1/2 to 2/3rds of our in conf games vs Top 25 ranked teams every year, well, that just makes it even tougher.

Just this year, for example, in bb, we'd easily be in the Top 3 in the SEC, Big 12, Pac and probably the ACC as well. We'd probably be right about where we are now, in the BE, but in fb, we'd do much better playing in the BE

BUT, the reality of the situation is that cbb and cfb are NOT the only things that matter in the world, and in fact, they matter FAR TOO MUCH as it is. But because of this reason, we are NEVER leaving the Big Ten.

So, what is the solution?!

Either just give up caring so much about cfb and cbb, and just be happy when we do well on the rare occasions its going to happen, OR...

MAKE THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED to bring about the desired affect. PONY UP sports fans. You want Tubby Fired, PAY FOR IT.

Come on, PUT UP or SHUT UP.

Or, the other option is to go out into the world, prove yourself to be the expert coach or AD that you think you are, and get the U to hire you and then fix the problems yourself.

Oh wait?! None of the critics that post here COULD GET EITHER OF THOSE JOBS. Am I right?!

You people, how do you live with yourselves?! Man, I watch sports for the purpose of ENTERTAINING myself. I'm bored this winter and so I TRY to come to the Gopherhole for entertainment, but all of the negativity is far from entertaining.

Maybe I do accept mediocrity, and the thing is, I ENJOY life so much more than you do, I bet. Because I'm not upset over this loss. I'm looking forward to the next game, and hoping that we do as Illinois has done, and pull off some upsets and get back into the race. And if we lose the next 4, well, I'll just watch the hockey and wrestling teams and all the other fine Gopher sports teams that are doing well this year, and will wait and see and hope for better things in the future.

So I guess I DO accept mediocrity. Yep, I'm coming to accept that and am going to stop living in denial. I'm also a bandwagon Gopher fan. I just watch the successful teams. Thankfully there are so many to choose from. And if, like back in the late 80's and early 90's, there are not many good teams to follow, well, then that will kind of suck, but thankfully I have a full life and lots of friends and family and other activities. Whether the Gophers win or lose, doesn't affect my life, or at least it shouldn't. I have lots of vacation time this winter, so I'm going all out trying to have fun following the Gophers, but have let the negative nancies here bring me down on occasions. I guess I rolled with it because I enjoy the challenge of confronting their bs with counter-points, playing the devils advocate. I'm not lying about anything, I'm just not a true believer for either camp right now. I'd be 100% behind firing Tubby if I felt like our situation would improve if we did fire him. I'm not a huge fan of his. But I will defend most anyone when the critic is spouting bu11sh1t.

I HATE exaggeration when its used in criticism.

I hate simple minded blowhards.

I hate bandwagon fans who are quick to vent about their frustrations.

What is wrong with holding your tongue, thinking before you speak, or post?

You people are what is wrong with sports today.

From T-ball up through jv and b-squad and varsity to college and then to the pros, our sick society and its unrighteous ways of thinking about everything makes me seriously consider giving up on sports altogether.

Are there positives about playing and following sports?! Sure there are, but do they outweight the negatives?! I think they used to, but I'm not sure anymore?! I LOVE being a Gopher fan, but its my attachment and love of the Gophers that makes it almost impossible for me to give up on sports. I could do without the Vikes and Twins and T-Wolves and Wild and all of pro sports easily. And the olympics?! Please, too easy. And when I have ignored sports, my life has been better for it. But like I said, I truly have loved the Gophers my whole life and the Gophers are the only reason I have given sports any attention in the last 25 years of my life.

I used to question how brilliant professors at the U could ever think it would be a good thing to do away with football at the U, but I'm starting to understand why they may have had such negative feelings towards football. BB is not as bad, but its close.

Well, I doubt anyone truly cares one way or the other, but if I all of a sudden disappear and never return to the GH, it will be all the negative nancies who drove me away.

All I have to say to them is, PUT UP or SHUT UP. I'm not willing to pony up my own money, I have higher priorities, and so because of that, I'm not going to criticize the U and how they handle the athletic dept, I'm just going to be a loyal fan through the good and the bad. I guess I DO accept mediocrity.

And that is my American Right, and imho, my MORAL responsibility as well.

No, I have been a fan for 50 years. I cheer for MN every game. My son goes to the U. But I refuse to give someone false praise for winning a few games in the NIT. If that satisfies you, fine. Don't accuse me of not rooting for the Gophs. It is because I care that I want Tubby gone. get it? I am sick of lousy recruiting and lousy coaching and I knew we had big recruiting class for 2014. I don't rate fans based on their opinions.

Can you just admit your him and get your ban over with?

IF the only thing that counted in the world was college bb and college fb, I'd seriously believe that the Gophers would be better off in the WCC or something.

Getting recruits to come to our Frozen Tundra is tough, esp when UMn is reknown for the lack of support given to its fb and bb programs. And when we have to play 1/2 to 2/3rds of our in conf games vs Top 25 ranked teams every year, well, that just makes it even tougher.

Just this year, for example, in bb, we'd easily be in the Top 3 in the SEC, Big 12, Pac and probably the ACC as well. We'd probably be right about where we are now, in the BE, but in fb, we'd do much better playing in the BE

BUT, the reality of the situation is that cbb and cfb are NOT the only things that matter in the world, and in fact, they matter FAR TOO MUCH as it is. But because of this reason, we are NEVER leaving the Big Ten.

So, what is the solution?!

Either just give up caring so much about cfb and cbb, and just be happy when we do well on the rare occasions its going to happen, OR...

MAKE THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED to bring about the desired affect. PONY UP sports fans. You want Tubby Fired, PAY FOR IT.

Come on, PUT UP or SHUT UP.

Or, the other option is to go out into the world, prove yourself to be the expert coach or AD that you think you are, and get the U to hire you and then fix the problems yourself.

Oh wait?! None of the critics that post here COULD GET EITHER OF THOSE JOBS. Am I right?!

You people, how do you live with yourselves?! Man, I watch sports for the purpose of ENTERTAINING myself. I'm bored this winter and so I TRY to come to the Gopherhole for entertainment, but all of the negativity is far from entertaining.

Maybe I do accept mediocrity, and the thing is, I ENJOY life so much more than you do, I bet. Because I'm not upset over this loss. I'm looking forward to the next game, and hoping that we do as Illinois has done, and pull off some upsets and get back into the race. And if we lose the next 4, well, I'll just watch the hockey and wrestling teams and all the other fine Gopher sports teams that are doing well this year, and will wait and see and hope for better things in the future.

So I guess I DO accept mediocrity. Yep, I'm coming to accept that and am going to stop living in denial. I'm also a bandwagon Gopher fan. I just watch the successful teams. Thankfully there are so many to choose from. And if, like back in the late 80's and early 90's, there are not many good teams to follow, well, then that will kind of suck, but thankfully I have a full life and lots of friends and family and other activities. Whether the Gophers win or lose, doesn't affect my life, or at least it shouldn't. I have lots of vacation time this winter, so I'm going all out trying to have fun following the Gophers, but have let the negative nancies here bring me down on occasions. I guess I rolled with it because I enjoy the challenge of confronting their bs with counter-points, playing the devils advocate. I'm not lying about anything, I'm just not a true believer for either camp right now. I'd be 100% behind firing Tubby if I felt like our situation would improve if we did fire him. I'm not a huge fan of his. But I will defend most anyone when the critic is spouting bu11sh1t.

I HATE exaggeration when its used in criticism.

I hate simple minded blowhards.

I hate bandwagon fans who are quick to vent about their frustrations.

What is wrong with holding your tongue, thinking before you speak, or post?

You people are what is wrong with sports today.

From T-ball up through jv and b-squad and varsity to college and then to the pros, our sick society and its unrighteous ways of thinking about everything makes me seriously consider giving up on sports altogether.

Are there positives about playing and following sports?! Sure there are, but do they outweight the negatives?! I think they used to, but I'm not sure anymore?! I LOVE being a Gopher fan, but its my attachment and love of the Gophers that makes it almost impossible for me to give up on sports. I could do without the Vikes and Twins and T-Wolves and Wild and all of pro sports easily. And the olympics?! Please, too easy. And when I have ignored sports, my life has been better for it. But like I said, I truly have loved the Gophers my whole life and the Gophers are the only reason I have given sports any attention in the last 25 years of my life.

I used to question how brilliant professors at the U could ever think it would be a good thing to do away with football at the U, but I'm starting to understand why they may have had such negative feelings towards football. BB is not as bad, but its close.

Well, I doubt anyone truly cares one way or the other, but if I all of a sudden disappear and never return to the GH, it will be all the negative nancies who drove me away.

All I have to say to them is, PUT UP or SHUT UP. I'm not willing to pony up my own money, I have higher priorities, and so because of that, I'm not going to criticize the U and how they handle the athletic dept, I'm just going to be a loyal fan through the good and the bad. I guess I DO accept mediocrity.

And that is my American Right, and imho, my MORAL responsibility as well.

Would you mind summarizing in 500 words?

Disagree that this is a crappy 'not top 50' job that no one good will want. Alone in a major metro. Only D-1 school in a state of 5 million. Good fan support. Can't comment on how 'big' of a hire Clem was, but he turned out OK (on the court). Monson was a hot young coach at the time, and we got him even though we were in shambles. Then Tubby. The facilities are an issue, but hopefully we can convince the next coach that we're actually addressing them. This is still a top 30-40 job.

Firing Tubby would result in endless transfers and decommits unless you hire Vince Taylor. If you think Tubby's first five years were bad wait untill the next five.

That's potentially true of every coaching change. It depends who the new hire is. There are reasons not to fire Tubby, but this isn't one of them.

No, I have been a fan for 50 years. I cheer for MN every game. My son goes to the U. But I refuse to give someone false praise for winning a few games in the NIT. If that satisfies you, fine. Don't accuse me of not rooting for the Gophs. It is because I care that I want Tubby gone. get it? I am sick of lousy recruiting and lousy coaching and I knew we had big recruiting class for 2014. I don't rate fans based on their opinions.

In the context of an entire season, I guess an NIT run isn't satisfying, like I didn't go into this season hoping for another deep run in the NIT. But when injuries have killed yet another season, and the NIT is all you're left with, I personally prefer to enjoy it, cheer on the team, and watch some more Gopher basketball. I really enjoyed our NIT run last year, I'm very glad I didn't turn my nose up at it and stop watching because it's the NIT and who cares about the NIT. My team was playing in it, and so I cared, I watched every game, and it was a lot of fun and gave me hope for this year. Considering we only have 11 tournament appearances all-time, even including the vacated ones, if you're only going to be happy when we start regularly winning a game or two in the tournament every year, I don't think being a Gopher fan is going to be, or has been, a positive experience for you.

Personally I hope Tubby gets it turned around and we can still make the tournament and maybe get that upper-half Big Ten finish, as I don't think there will be a lot of great coaches knocking down the door to take this job.


he really hasnt delivered the bluechip classes i expected. in my view we arent that much better off than we were under monson for better or worse.

Perhaps it's time that we just quit this denial that we're all in and admit to ourselves that no Minnesota team will ever be good in any sport again, particularly Gopher football and basketball. It's a lot less painful to be apathetic. Maybe this is why so many Minnesota folk don't give a damn.

I said higher rated players. Check the star ratings and they are higher. Who are the 4 NBA players on the gophers roster? Just curious?

Rodney and Trevor are projected 2nd round picks this year. The Hollins brothers are projected picks for next years draft.

he really hasnt delivered the bluechip classes i expected. in my view we arent that much better off than we were under monson for better or worse.

We have a lot better talent than Monson brought us and that's a credit to Tubby. Unfortunately, Monson was a better coach than Tubby. And that's too bad. Monson would have made a killing with this talent.

I can sum it up in 50 words.

Put up or shut up. You want Tubby fired, come up with the 2.5 mil to pay for it.

Until then, I simply ask you, does being negative all the time really make your life better? Being negative isn't going to bring about the changes you desire? Or are you deluded in thinking that Teague reads the GH and seriously considers the opinions of knee-jerkers with no true insight into all the details of the situation?!

I say, if you pledge $1000 to the buyout fund, THEN you have my blessing to bitch all you want. lol

Tubby is the most overrated coach in the country

The guy won a national championship with all of pitino's guys and UK program went downhill with Tubby at the helm.

He doesnt know how to coach, and neither do any of his 4 assistants.

His recruiting is so so, but he doenst know how to coach during a game.

This is most talented gopher team since '97 final four squad and they are trying to put themselves on the bubble b/c tubby has no answers when it comes to coming up with player and proper roles for his team.

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