Exhibition Game Tonight: Cardinal Stritch

King and Mathieu looked good. Oto has to do more. What was the story with Buggs not playing in the 1st half? Is he that far behind or was it punishment for something? Whether he's ready or not, we'll need some minutes from him at the 4. McNeil looks like he may be headed for a red-shirt? And despite what our resident expert says, the FT shooting will be the death of us in the B1G. I pray it's all uphill in that department.

I think we all need to face the fact that Buggs & McNeil aren't going to play much this year. I'm a broken record with this but Buggs A) is not a PF. He doesn't have an aggressive or rugged bone in his body from everything I've seen/heard/read. He'd probably be much better suited to the SF position. He's not a rebounder, he's not a banger, he's a jump shooter/3 point shooter who likes to run & dunk in transition, as well as block some shots in transition & has the frame to be a defensive monster for us. Someone else posted this (forget who I'm giving credit to?) but the best thing that could probably happen is that Reid Travis commit so that he & Josh Martin could play PF (along with Oto) & Buggs could play SF along with King/Wally (I added this part). Also, as much as we want McNeil to outplay Mav, it's not going to happen. Mav is a Sr, McNeil is a Fr.

-- Gophers definitely moved more on offense and defense than we have seen the last few years. They defended the whole court pretty much the entire game.
-- Hollins and Hollins are clearly the best two players on this team. (no surprise)
-- I was surprised how well King played tonight. I think he will end up starting over OO.
-- Gophers protected the ball very well tonight. Mav was the only one that appeared out of control at times.
-- Crowd was pretty sparse except for the Cardinal Stritch girls that kept screaming in my ear with every bucket.
-- Pitino subbed constantly, but never five for five line shifts.
-- Mathieu is a nice upgrade at the point but had trouble finishing at the rim.
-- Mo played well but still needs to play bigger.
-- Rebounding will definitely be a problem for this team, no surprise
-- McNeil and Buggs are clearly the last two into the rotation right now
-- Fun brand of basketball. Nice to have them back!

I also thought the Dusty Rychart = Joey King comparison was dead on. I thought the same thing tonight as I was watching the game. That would be far better than I expected from him when they signed him.

I also thought the Dusty Rychart = Joey King comparison was dead on. I thought the same thing tonight as I was watching the game. That would be far better than I expected from him when they signed him.

I agree that King reminds me of Dusty, but Dusty always seemed to have a magnet that just drew in rebounds. Hopefully King can develop that too.

Ryan James said Oto played a good all-round, floor game despite missing those ducks.

i thought Oto had a bad game, against better more physical teams he has to show up or this team is in trouble, King looked much better, not physical enough yet, wish he wasn't needed this year and could red shirt, he is active and quick, he will be a player in Pitino's defense.

Big Mo looked like he might provide some inside scoring as the season progresses, good to see that and hope he continues to develop.

Amelia's pretty hot. Sid has looked better.

Now THATs damn funny! Nice work!

I hope so too. But I liked his assists (6?), one in particular where he made an appropriate extra pass. Quick, accurate put backs - a skill we've lacked.

Moonlight, good to see you on here. Haven't been on the hoops board much so maybe you've been around but it's good to see you posting.

Stritch is obviously a good team and is well coached. Beating up on them 46-19 in the first half is a creditable outcome.

The team looks like it knows what it's doing out there. They were some missed dunks, layups, bunnies and free throws away from a more impressive final score. They definitely needed to get out on shooters better in the second half. Part of that was the ineffective interior defense by King and the other forwards, which forced them to double team. They defended the perimeter extremely well in the first half.

-Austin continues to look like a senior on a mission.
-Mo continues to look better and better, approaching his freshman game. But he needs to finish and/or make free throws. I thought he rebounded well.
-EE rebounded well, too, but as a whole I think the team is going to have to block out better and generally do the little things better in order to rebound against better teams.
-King is light on his feet and has the scoring knack. If he can get playing time with better defense and rebounding, he'll score some points this year. Defensively he did a good job of moving his feet and getting in people's way, but he needs to be a more physical presence and stick his nose in there for rebounds.
-Same old %&$# Oto. There seems to be something in his mental makeup that, when the bullets are flying and the other team is wearing a different colored jersey, he can't make shots, even layups and dunks. I don't think he can be trusted with a lot of playing time. You only get so many offensive possessions and you can't waste them on dud shots. Coaches like him because he does some of the little things right and puts himself in decent position, but... At any rate, if he's going to be on the floor at all, they need him to be tough and rebound a few.
-There are things that Malik does that I love. He has sticky hands, so he gets to rebounds and loose balls and secures them. He will be a streaky shooter; he definitely has confidence. He will be a doomsday weapon that will obliterate some team when he gets hot. He has range.
-Deandre was not finishing last night like he did in the scrimmage, but as he gains confidence at this level he'll be a nice player.
-As I watch this team play, it's clear how well Nate Mason's skill set will fit in next year.

Overall I feel the Gophs played well enough that it's good (confidence) and poorly enough that it's good (humility, things to work on). There is obviously much to work on, but there are some nice pieces here, and I'm confident Richard will have this squad continuously improving the whole year, like he did last year at FIU. Similar to his group last year, who got blown out early by Louisville, I don't know if we are going to have our act sufficiently together to give Syracuse much of a game, but I like this team's chances to knock off some good teams in the conference schedule.

Madman and others did a great job reporting on the exhibition - thanks for that.

From everything I'm hearing, the team will be effective defensively on the press and often control the tempo. No surprises: Gophers will rise and fall based upon play of EE, Mo and King. If these three can develop a tenacious streak, Gophers can exceed expectations. 70-75% from the line guys, as Gophers can't throw away points. Otherwise, Gophs will only periodically rise up on hot shooting nights in the B1G. It will be fun to watch the plot twists.

I wasn't at the game to know for sure, but I think our being outrebounded likely went hand in hand with the poor free throw shooting. Minnesota missed 19 free throws while the opponent missed only 1. The defensive team is going to get a large majority of rebounds on missed free throws. CS having been granted inside position 18 more times in the game for a rebound makes a big difference in the stats. Another thing, if we are going to take more three pointers this year that should mean more long rebounds, hopefully the guards can run some of those down and help make up for any lack of rebounding at the 4.

I wasn't at the game to know for sure, but I think our being outrebounded likely went hand in hand with the poor free throw shooting. Minnesota missed 19 free throws while the opponent missed only 1. The defensive team is going to get a large majority of rebounds on missed free throws. CS having been granted inside position 18 more times in the game for a rebound makes a big difference in the stats. Another thing, if we are going to take more three pointers this year that should mean more long rebounds, hopefully the guards can run some of those down and help make up for any lack of rebounding at the 4.

You are totally off the cuff here, SkookM. According to Gopher Warrior, free throws are not important. According to dboy, rebounds off free throws should not count. So, take that for what it is worth. :)

I wasn't at the game to know for sure, but I think our being outrebounded likely went hand in hand with the poor free throw shooting. Minnesota missed 19 free throws while the opponent missed only 1. The defensive team is going to get a large majority of rebounds on missed free throws. CS having been granted inside position 18 more times in the game for a rebound makes a big difference in the stats. Another thing, if we are going to take more three pointers this year that should mean more long rebounds, hopefully the guards can run some of those down and help make up for any lack of rebounding at the 4.

Great point. Totally didn't think about that.

Ahh, thanks for the heads up Dr. Don. I wasn't aware that of previous opinions on the subject. ;) Coincidentally, I have a good friend who is also "Dr. Don" from the U of M.

I don't see the King - Dusty comparison. Dusty was an outstanding rebounder and had some grit to his game. He over achieved from original expectations. King appears to be too soft to be compared to Dusty.

A few thoughts.

- First off, the free throw shooting and rebounding were atrocious. We expected that, I think. Some of the rebounding issues came in the second half, where we obviously lost focus. I was close enough to Richie to see that he was not at all pleased with the second half effort level. I'm sure the free throws will come around, but I am worried about the rebounding. I liked what I saw from King at times, but he's nowhere close to Dusty, because Dusty rebounded the ball like a monster. King had at least two or three rebounds plucked right from his hands. We are not only thin inside, we're soft. Mo and Elliot looked good, but everybody else was getting bodied, and I shudder to think of what will happen when we face a very physical team.

- Our press and halfcourt D are nasty, when we're on in terms of effort. We extended it out, and really hampered their three point shooting. Everything they took they had to earn. I liked that aspect a lot. We also created off of turnovers well.

- Little Dre is fast. But I'd like to see him more aggressive getting into the lane. He could have penetrated a bit more. In fact, a lot of our guys could have penetrated more. I'm sure the coaches didn't want to open up the playbook that much, so I'm not all that worried. We certainly looked to pass the ball with purpose. Malik was unimpressive again, though he looked like the toughest guard we have, physically. Elliot and Mo actually both had some good post moves and help D. Austin and Andre were exactly what you'd expect. Buggs won't do much this year. No idea where to go on the court. Oto was pitiful. Missed two dunks, and missed them badly. Was outmuscled for rebounds. Badly off on his shooting and free throws.

- All in all, I didn't mind that effort. I thought we played reasonably well. One thing I liked was that our press was disruptive, and our half court D still managed to get back and play well (when we weren't exhausted).

King and Oto are going to have to man up. Would like to see an athlete like Wally play the four a little as well when possible.

I'm starting to hope Oto graduates this year and moves on. I'd rather Pitino have an extra scholarship to bring in someone that fits his system.

I'm starting to hope Oto graduates this year and moves on. I'd rather Pitino have an extra scholarship to bring in someone that fits his system.

Pitino sure saw the Oto theme.....shoot ok in practice and lay an egg in games.

His line for the game:

0-6 from the floor
0-2 from the line
0 points
3 rebounds
2 fouls

Against Cardinal Stritch.....not gonna get it done without some major improvement.

King should end up getting more minutes than Oto unless Oto shows he can defend and bang inside better than King, cause Oto won't be able to out score king.

I was close enough to Richie to see that he was not at all pleased with the second half effort level.

I'm glad to hear that. You can ask my season ticket mates - I was fuming during the second half, too.

I don't see the King - Dusty comparison. Dusty was an outstanding rebounder and had some grit to his game. He over achieved from original expectations. King appears to be too soft to be compared to Dusty.

Other than being white and lacking in the athleticism department I don't see any similarities. I think they're basically total opposites.

I trust Ryan's opinion over anyone else in the TC basketball scene. He understands all the little things like positioning, team defense, screening, ball rotation, etc. A player can have a bad night shooting free throws (didn't they all?) & still contribute. What am I missing?

Ryan's actual quote (note: this was still in the 1st half)

"Oto Osenieks continues his free throw struggles missing two more. That said, he 's played a nice floor game actively moving on both ends."
Well, I'd love to see Oto do well. Really, I be delighted if he suddenly became the player he seems to be able to be.

Someone listed his stats here. Free throw shooting was the least of his struggles. While he looks like a basketball player in terms of knowing the game, as someone here suggested, he seems to have a block in regards to performing during a game. I am sorry to say that he looked worse as the game wore on.

Moonlight, good to see you on here. Haven't been on the hoops board much so maybe you've been around but it's good to see you posting.
Its been an interesting year - I'm just tuning into the so-called non-essentials again. Thanks for the shout out - nice to be welcomed back!

I'm glad to hear that. You can ask my season ticket mates - I was fuming during the second half, too.

As bad as they played at times last year, the second half exceeded even that level of futility, stood around, no half court offense, slow on defense, bad bad bad basketball, my expectations for this team dropped a bit, looked good in the first half though.

As bad as they played at times last year, the second half exceeded even that level of futility, stood around, no half court offense, slow on defense, bad bad bad basketball, my expectations for this team dropped a bit, looked good in the first half though.

Basketball is funny. Less than full effort can make you look awful. Look at the T'Wolves against Orlando and then OKC.

Liked what I saw of Mathieu. Quick, but seems to go to his right all the time. He'll help the Gophers.

Other things that stood out were Mo's frame and seeing Buggs at the bottom of the rotation. At least early on, it appears Buggs is the odd man out.

Other than being white and lacking in the athleticism department I don't see any similarities. I think they're basically total opposites.

I must admit that I was going to rip your take of "total opposites" in the comparison mentioned previously.....which I still think is absurd to suggest after watching twelve minutes of exhibition basketball. But after clicking your Big Ten Preview link, I softened my stance. Not sure why.


Liked what I saw of Mathieu. Quick, but seems to go to his right all the time. He'll help the Gophers.

Other things that stood out were Mo's frame and seeing Buggs at the bottom of the rotation. At least early on, it appears Buggs is the odd man out.

Feels like Buggs needs some more muscle to be a regular-season longer producer.

Overall I was really impressed Friday night. The flow of the offense in the first half was unlike anything we've seen from Tubby lead teams.

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