Cam Christie is entering the Transfer Portal

A very fair & balanced article was posted...listing the pros & cons of going into the draft early. And guys here who hate Ben jumped all over it...saying Christie needs to go.

Listing all the same old tired arguments we've heard here a hundred times. Of course with the getting better coaching mantra.
I think he should’ve stayed in college another year but he’s gone and he’s not coming back so I wish him all the best and I’m glad we got him for one year

I get your in full blown meltdown mode. Your mad your angry and upset .. no one said he needed to go to get better coaching. Most of what I've read has been if an NBA team is looking at him as a developmental player the those teams interested in him would prefer he received coaching from within their organizations... Just like MLB... They sign kids to the minors to get them within the organization and that they recieve their training...

And yes the training and coaching cam will be receiving in the NBA is far better than what he would receive at the u.
Many here are saying he needs to go to get better coaching.

I visit a few Timberwolves boards and I'm surprised how many fans would be happy with Christie at #27, let alone #37.

Seems ridiculous for a "win now" team to grab a guy that needs at least 2-3 years development to contribute but what do I know...I love dill pickle potato chips.
I'm sure there's a bit of bias going on there, even if they're not all big Gophers fans.

I get your in full blown meltdown mode. Your mad your angry and upset .. no one said he needed to go to get better coaching. Most of what I've read has been if an NBA team is looking at him as a developmental player the those teams interested in him would prefer he received coaching from within their organizations... Just like MLB... They sign kids to the minors to get them within the organization and that they recieve their training...

And yes the training and coaching cam will be receiving in the NBA is far better than what he would receive at the u.
So I'm angry, upset, & melting down. And no one said Cam needed to leave to get better coaching.

And then you end by saying Cam will now be receiving far better training & coaching.

You guys seem unhinged to me.

I think he should’ve stayed in college another year but he’s gone and he’s not coming back so I wish him all the best and I’m glad we got him for one year
Based on what he should have stayed? To support a below average program? Charity?

Like why would a top 40 prospect ever come back? Make no mistake about it Love and others that have returned are only because they weren't going to be drafted.

Based on what he should have stayed? To support a below average program? Charity?

Like why would a top 40 prospect ever come back? Make no mistake about it Love and others that have returned are only because they weren't going to be drafted.
Supporting a below average program is exactly what WE are doing!

Supporting a below average program is exactly what WE are doing!
Speak for yourself, well define support? In Christies case it would have been forgoing millions of potential earnings

I will always be a gopher fan, I am a proud alum. But I no longer live in Minnesota and haven't gone to a game in years. I also watched exactly one full game last year. If you call that support, yeah I guess.

New regime and I will be back to where I was and tune in to 70-80% of the games
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Speak for yourself, well define support? In Christies case it would have been forgoing millions of potential earnings

I will always be a gopher fan, I am a proud alum. But I no longer live in Minnesota and haven't gone to a game in years. I also watched exactly one full game last year. If you call that support, yeah I guess.

New regime and I will be back to where I was and tune in to 70-80% of the games
I guess if "support" means financial, neither of us qualify.
I am also an out of state alum who watches games on television.
That is what it is.

And no one should expect Christie to do it......
I agree with all this. Christie doesn't know us from Adam. He owes us nothing. And I'm not wishing him well...any more or less than I'd wish anyone well.

These players have no connection whatsoever to us or to the University Of Minnesota.

In the past...there used to be at least some connection or appearance of a connection at times. But those days are gone now.

Mock Draft
In this one Christie is at #30 to the Celtics. He is #34 and #35 a lot. In one above he was #20.
So, it seems real likely he will get drafted.
Also, he is getting enough buzz at the end of the first and top of 2nd round that it seems if somebody likes him they might move into round one to be sure to get him if he's still there towards the end of round one.
He has the coveted "potential" label when it comes to drafts.

I agree with Ben it would be a very good thing for the Gophers recruiting if he could get drafted with a good contract.

I would not draft him that high, but more power to him if he can get that. It would validate his decision to stay in the draft, for sure.
If he does it’s because this is an historically bad draft class.

Yup, Cam hasn't put in any work and is entirely a product of how poor everyone around him is. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

So many posts in this thread that show an incapability to be happy for or give credit to other people.
It is very weird how some are reacting to Cam going into the draft. A gopher player going into the draft and likely getting picked should be seen as a good thing.

I think some are just so jaded by all the roster movement that they can't separate a guy going into the NBA from a guy transferring to a different college. Fans should be rooting for the guys like Cam who are moving on to the next level.

Being negative about guys transferring out makes perfect sense....but that is not what is happening here so the reaction some are having is very strange.

Mock Draft
In this one Christie is at #30 to the Celtics. He is #34 and #35 a lot. In one above he was #20.
So, it seems real likely he will get drafted.
Also, he is getting enough buzz at the end of the first and top of 2nd round that it seems if somebody likes him they might move into round one to be sure to get him if he's still there towards the end of round one.
He has the coveted "potential" label when it comes to drafts.

I agree with Ben it would be a very good thing for the Gophers recruiting if he could get drafted with a good contract.
Amari Allen specifically mentioned Cam, as a reason for his interest.

Those must be some sour grapes...

This thread is hilarious to a very sad way.
But there are guys on here who hate the coach so much that they say that it's great for our players to leave. Practically cheer for them to go. Always saying the same delusional crap that they're going to get better coaching elsewhere.

But there are guys on here who hate the coach so much that they say that it's great for our players to leave. Practically cheer for them to go.
You were rooting for him to get injured so he wouldn't leave. Is that better?

It is very weird how some are reacting to Cam going into the draft. A gopher player going into the draft and likely getting picked should be seen as a good thing.

I think some are just so jaded by all the roster movement that they can't separate a guy going into the NBA from a guy transferring to a different college. Fans should be rooting for the guys like Cam who are moving on to the next level.

Being negative about guys transferring out makes perfect sense....but that is not what is happening here so the reaction some are having is very strange.
It was the same as it was with Amir.

It is very weird how some are reacting to Cam going into the draft. A gopher player going into the draft and likely getting picked should be seen as a good thing.

I think some are just so jaded by all the roster movement that they can't separate a guy going into the NBA from a guy transferring to a different college. Fans should be rooting for the guys like Cam who are moving on to the next level.

Being negative about guys transferring out makes perfect sense....but that is not what is happening here so the reaction some are having is very strange.
The problem is that a lot of people were expecting that Cam would be the catalyst to another year of improvement, especially after Payne and Hawkins left. Cam had the potential and the swagger to be a difference maker and a lot of people around here talked about that. They also thought when he entered the draft that there was little chance he would be advised to leave and since originally he had not entered the portal everything seemed great.

Then everything went sideways and some just couldn't get over being spurned. All of a sudden he wasn't good enough and the NBA scouts were mistaken and he is replaceable. Makes sense at first, bitterness is normal. But the more obvious it becomes that he made the right choice the more they seem to get bitter and double down and that is just sad.

Look does this likely mean that the team will be rough to watch next year...yes. Is having a player come in and after 1 season be a legit draft pick possibly end of the first round? Absolutely not.

But there are guys on here who hate the coach so much that they say that it's great for our players to leave. Practically cheer for them to go. Always saying the same delusional crap that they're going to get better coaching elsewhere.
Who is saying it was great for players to leave? These delusions you come up with are not healthy.

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