I agree. GB game was a big stage and Darnold rightly got full credit from everyone. (By the way, after that game, GB media and fans were saying the same things about their QB and coach that Vikings fans are saying about ours now.)
Sunday night was another level or two up on the big stage meter compared to the GB game.
The last chapter on Darnold has not been written. He certainly has an opportunity to redeem himself by beating the Rams and playing better against the Lions the next week. Here's to hoping that happens.
PD did an assigning blame segment:
10% - Hockenson
10% - KOC
10% - interior offensive line (lions had a season high 15 pressures)
10% - Will Reichard
60% - Darnold
They said game might be a blessing in disguise as made it crystal clear we need a new interior offensive line. There is no doubt. Also saved us from making a potentially large mistake by giving big bucks to Darnold.
Ok, thanks. Who (or what) is PD? Apologies, not familiar.
I think I would have assigned a higher percentage to the Kicker. Also I would not completely excuse the Defense. Played great in the 1st half but got rolled in the 2nd.
Also I don't know about "1 game saving the Vikings from making a potentially large mistake by giving big bucks to Darnold," again I would hope whatever the decision is it's not based on this 1 game.
I trust KOC/KAM will wait until al the data is in on Darnold after all the games are played, survey the market, evaluate the other improvements needed are needed for the roster, determine what the prognosis is for JJM and go from there. I would surely hope that was the plan before this past Sunday as well as after.
He's been successful enough to win 14 games, and only 1 or 2 were won in spite of his play. Maybe it was just a marvelous game plan by Detroit they Darnold and the coaches could not deal with. Perhaps they can come up with a counter that they think they could roll with Darnold.
They might not have been willing to give Darnold the "big bucks" (before Sunday) and instead be intent on sticking with the plan of him as a placeholder QB. Maybe that's changed with JJM's health status.
Sidenote, watching JJM hobble around the sidelines now a couple months after the 2nd procedure was a jarring image. I'm not claiming any medical knowledge or know what is recovery time is, just saying it gives me pause to think he'll be good to go for 2025 Week 1 or at minimum have his short term development stunted.