All Things 2014 Basketball Recruiting Thread

Doesn't look like we will have a shot at Alex Murphy
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Alex Murphy also considering Providence, Florida and Northeastern in addition to Rhode Island, sources told ESPN.</p>— Jeff Goodman (@GoodmanESPN) <a href="">December 14, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Saw that. Can't believe Macura is blowing up now too. Rough loss.

Saw that. Can't believe Macura is blowing up now too. Rough loss.

Cant help but think had he waited to commit he would have liked what he saw.

I know nothing about whether or not he had desires to get out of Minnesota, but if I can recall correctly he made a lot of insinuations he would have liked to stick around. We'll never know if Rich gave the impression that they were going to have to wait for Rashad to decide or any number of other things. Fact is, he would have been dynamite on this squad. If he's still playing like he did when he was an 8th grader (the last time I saw him live) prototypical 2/3 for a Pitino/Donavon style team.

Have heard nothing on this. Just personal observations... and JP probably enjoys a challenge anyway.

But.. Xavier's roster situation is such that there could be a few moving pieces over the next year. Also, I believe Remy Abell (former I4 guard who they could use this year) will be eligible next year... and Bluiett (incoming 2014 frosh) is the truth - should be a sensational college basketball player; underrated.

Have heard nothing on this. Just personal observations... and JP probably enjoys a challenge anyway.

But.. Xavier's roster situation is such that there could be a few moving pieces over the next year. Also, I believe Remy Abell (former I4 guard who they could use this year) will be eligible next year... and Bluiett (incoming 2014 frosh) is the truth - should be a sensational college basketball player; underrated.
Dont go messing with my heart

Meh, I wouldn't be happy about seeing Macura come crawling back here, even if he is having a great year up to this point. And I don't see any reason that he would.

Cant help but think had he waited to commit he would have liked what he saw.

I know nothing about whether or not he had desires to get out of Minnesota, but if I can recall correctly he made a lot of insinuations he would have liked to stick around. We'll never know if Rich gave the impression that they were going to have to wait for Rashad to decide or any number of other things. Fact is, he would have been dynamite on this squad. If he's still playing like he did when he was an 8th grader (the last time I saw him live) prototypical 2/3 for a Pitino/Donavon style team.

Chris Monter reported that Creighton (and not Minnesota or ISU or whoever) finished second for JP and that he really preferred the small campus/small school "fit" for himself. One of the things that impressed me about JP during his recruitment was his desire to go to a program where he would be more than just a shooter. I think, at the time, he saw Xavier and Creighton as places where he wouldn't be pigeonholed in to the shooter role than he might have been if he played in the B1G for Minnesota or Indiana.

Hindsight is 20/20, but it appears now that Minnesota probably made a mistake not making JP a priority. When he was making a decision, Minnesota was in on guys like Whitehead, Vaughn, and Baldwin and JP was obviously down their list somewhere. In defense of Coach Pitino, Minnesota was also in a place where they need/needed to prioritize athleticism on the wing to really play the type of style they want to play. Macura certainly looks like a miss now, and you have to wonder if he was made a priority whether that would have been enough to sway him from the smaller private school choice.

One thing you can say is the Michigan game revealed the lack of scoring depth on the current roster. When Hollins bros go cold, the current squad has no other 3, 4, or 5 option to compensate for the off night. This is why the Whiteheads and Vaughns are such a prime target. A platitude, I know, but it sure showed, when Michigan in contrast could bring in a guy like Irvin and rescue the game.

As RP said, it takes time.

From Amelia's Q&A: Who out of Josh Martin, Nate Mason, and Carlos Morris will play the most their first year? Dj Hagen I think they'll all get a chance -- but if Martin proves he can rebound, he could start. Go Gophers!!

We have a gaping hole at the 3. Losing Au Hollins and Smith is going to hurt. I could see Martin and Morris getting every chance to contribute early. Next year is going to be rough unless one of those guys surprises.

We have a gaping hole at the 3. Losing Au Hollins and Smith is going to hurt. I could see Martin and Morris getting every chance to contribute early. Next year is going to be rough unless one of those guys surprises.

I don't think there is any chance Martin plays the 3. Pitino likes to go with a smaller lineup. Regardless, I think Martin is a 4 in just about any style. I could even see Martin play a little 5 down the road when we want to go very small.

I don't think there is any chance Martin plays the 3. Pitino likes to go with a smaller lineup. Regardless, I think Martin is a 4 in just about any style. I could even see Martin play a little 5 down the road when we want to go very small.

Definitely agree. I was just pointing out there is a big gap at the 3 in addition to the 4. I meant Morris has a great shot at providing some significant minutes just because of his size and lack of position depth. With the way Wally is buried on the bench, there will be some heavy competition for Austin's spot.

Another triple double from Josh Martin! 33pts 14 boards and 10 blocks! Oh and according to D1 circuit's twitter he is a Mcdonalds All American nominee! Way to go Josh!:clap:

Another triple double from Josh Martin! 33pts 14 boards and 10 blocks! Oh and according to D1 circuit's twitter he is a Mcdonalds All American nominee! Way to go Josh!:clap:

1st part is very impressive, second part isn't that distinguishing though. Edina's PG last year got nominated for the McDonald's AA game. I think they nominate like 200+ players or so, right? Anyways, besides the point. What an amazing season he's having right now!

1st part is very impressive, second part isn't that distinguishing though. Edina's PG last year got nominated for the McDonald's AA game. I think they nominate like 200+ players or so, right? Anyways, besides the point. What an amazing season he's having right now!

Yeah, I believe Alvin Ellis was "nominated" last year as well.

Yes, you are right I think they nominate 200+. Just decided to include for the sake of full-disclosure. Most likely a long shot for him to make it, but would have a chance if he keeps putting up these crazy numbers!

Yes, you are right I think they nominate 200+. Just decided to include for the sake of full-disclosure. Most likely a long shot for him to make it, but would have a chance if he keeps putting up these crazy numbers!

Martin recently retweeted video of him taking a nice pull up jumper in the most recent game. He also has some really nice moves in it against a smaller, quicker defender. From what I have heard, and the little I have seen, I think we got a really good one that could come in at start next year.

We have a gaping hole at the 3. Losing Au Hollins and Smith is going to hurt. I could see Martin and Morris getting every chance to contribute early. Next year is going to be rough unless one of those guys surprises.

I think we might be pretty good next year. Another year in Pitino's system for all these guys will help. We will be great at the PG and the SG, better at the PF with Martin. EE and Mo have another year to improve. Austin is a big loss but McNeil is coming on and based on Pitino's first group, I am confident that Morris will come in and be solid. Mason picks up the Smith role as a scorer off the bench.

Next year isn't the year I'm worried about, it's the 2015 year after losing both Dre's, Otto and EE. That's 4 of our starters gone.

We have a gaping hole at the 3. Losing Au Hollins and Smith is going to hurt. I could see Martin and Morris getting every chance to contribute early. Next year is going to be rough unless one of those guys surprises.

I could see King getting minutes at the three and Martin at the four. Morris will play the wing as well. It be great if either Wally or Buggs could step up as well

Next year isn't the year I'm worried about, it's the 2015 year after losing both Dre's, Otto and EE. That's 4 of our starters gone.

The people worried about next year are bad enough. Worrying about 2 years from now? That's just plain redonkulous.

The people worried about next year are bad enough. Worrying about 2 years from now? That's just plain redonkulous.

You're probably correct, but really no different then talking about 2015 recruits. I guess we are all redonkulous as fans!

Definitely agree. I was just pointing out there is a big gap at the 3 in addition to the 4. I meant Morris has a great shot at providing some significant minutes just because of his size and lack of position depth. With the way Wally is buried on the bench, there will be some heavy competition for Austin's spot.

Sorry, my bad.

I would hope Pitino is out selling the fact that we have 4 starters graduating in 2014 and that someone that comes to the program can make a major impact right away.

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