All Things 2014 Basketball Recruiting Thread

Amelia Rayno (@AmeliaRayno) tweeted at 1:14 PM on Thu, Oct 10, 2013:Looks like PG Nate Mason's official visit to Minnesota is now all set -- he will arrive in Minneapolis tomorrow. #Gophers

Amelia Rayno (@AmeliaRayno) tweeted at 1:14 PM on Thu, Oct 10, 2013:Looks like PG Nate Mason's official visit to Minnesota is now all set -- he will arrive in Minneapolis tomorrow. #Gophers

That's fantastic news. Lock him down Rich!

Hoping to hear some news about how Nate Mason's visit is going tomorrow!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Reid Travis and Delshon Strickland unofficially on campus today at Minnesota. Nate Mason of course is on his official trip.</p>— Ryan James (@RyanJamesMN) <a href="">October 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Reid has been on campus A LOT lately, at least 2 or 3 times since the Duke visit. There isn't even a football game today.

Reid has been on campus A LOT lately, at least 2 or 3 times since the Duke visit. There isn't even a football game today.

Probably watching the scrimmage today. I have to believe he's seriously considering us. He wouldn't keep showing up if he was dead set on a different school like Duke.

Doesn't say much but 247sports also have put us as the "warmer" favorite (for whatever that's worth.)

“It was good, really good,” Mason told by phone. “The place was nice. I like the offense, the tempo they played at. They [would] use me to run the team, score, get some wins under their belt.”

He is being recruited by head coach Richard Pitino and assistant Kimani Young.

“They’re real straight dudes, I like that,” he said.

Go Gophers!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>At the Barn for this Maroon vs. Gold scrimmage&#55356;&#57280;</p>— Delshon Strickland (@DelStrickland_) <a href="">October 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

A couple random thoughts I had the might generate some discussion, but are not worthy of a new thread:

1. The Carlos Morris recruitment: Reading the tea leaves here is tough. Are the Gophers slow playing him? Is he just waiting to see if another school jumps in to offer? He was quoted as saying that he intended to visit UAB and possibly Arkansas in October, but neither visit has been scheduled and his JUCO team is already playing some games which might complicate visits. It also did seem like he was ready to make a decision a few days ago, but nothing happened.

2. The potential of a mystery big man: This is a stretch, but I wonder if Pitino and staff either have a big quietly committed to them or feel great about their chances with somebody. The reason I mention this is the piece of information during the Tum Tum recruitment that had Richard Pitino see a big while watching Tum Tum that was undiscovered, but tipped off his dad to him because he didn't need him. The elder Pitino offered and I am not sure if that particular recruit has committed anywhere. It seemed strange to just not take a talented big with so many scholarships available, unless Coach Pitino felt good about someone else. I guess that could have been Josh Martin and we are only taking one big. The only big we are known to be looking at is Abdoulaye Gueye from Alabama, but 247 sports also mentions the Gophers in connection with JUCO Anthony Allen (7'1, 240) and Quakerdale (IA) prep Jordan Tribble (6'10,210). Allen got at least a look from Louisville recently and Tribble played his HS ball in Kentucky. I can find no evidence of either having a Gopher offer, just thought the names were worth mentioning.

A couple random thoughts I had the might generate some discussion, but are not worthy of a new thread:

1. The Carlos Morris recruitment: Reading the tea leaves here is tough. Are the Gophers slow playing him? Is he just waiting to see if another school jumps in to offer? He was quoted as saying that he intended to visit UAB and possibly Arkansas in October, but neither visit has been scheduled and his JUCO team is already playing some games which might complicate visits. It also did seem like he was ready to make a decision a few days ago, but nothing happened.

2. The potential of a mystery big man: This is a stretch, but I wonder if Pitino and staff either have a big quietly committed to them or feel great about their chances with somebody. The reason I mention this is the piece of information during the Tum Tum recruitment that had Richard Pitino see a big while watching Tum Tum that was undiscovered, but tipped off his dad to him because he didn't need him. The elder Pitino offered and I am not sure if that particular recruit has committed anywhere. It seemed strange to just not take a talented big with so many scholarships available, unless Coach Pitino felt good about someone else. I guess that could have been Josh Martin and we are only taking one big. The only big we are known to be looking at is Abdoulaye Gueye from Alabama, but 247 sports also mentions the Gophers in connection with JUCO Anthony Allen (7'1, 240) and Quakerdale (IA) prep Jordan Tribble (6'10,210). Allen got at least a look from Louisville recently and Tribble played his HS ball in Kentucky. I can find no evidence of either having a Gopher offer, just thought the names were worth mentioning.

I regards to #2 - I think by the way Pitino is offering, he is only looking for one big man in 2014 to go along with 2 wings and a PG. We already have Josh Martin committed, so I think at this point Pitino isn't really looking to add another forward (unless his name is Reid Travis). That'd be my guess as to why he didn't pursue the guy he told Rick about.

Reid has been on campus A LOT lately, at least 2 or 3 times since the Duke visit. There isn't even a football game today.

He lives a block from my buddies house across 35. It is probably just the ease of getting here that allows him to come here so often, but hopefully leads to him getting to know the staff well and liking the situation at Minnesota.

He lives a block from my buddies house across 35. It is probably just the ease of getting here that allows him to come here so often, but hopefully leads to him getting to know the staff well and liking the situation at Minnesota.

The point is that (regardless of where he lives) he wouldn't be on campus if he wasn't seriously considering us.

I'm curious to see what happens with Strickland. I think he is a kid who could be a good role player for this team. He seems to be ever improving.

A couple random thoughts I had the might generate some discussion, but are not worthy of a new thread:

1. The Carlos Morris recruitment: Reading the tea leaves here is tough. Are the Gophers slow playing him? Is he just waiting to see if another school jumps in to offer? He was quoted as saying that he intended to visit UAB and possibly Arkansas in October, but neither visit has been scheduled and his JUCO team is already playing some games which might complicate visits. It also did seem like he was ready to make a decision a few days ago, but nothing happened.

2. The potential of a mystery big man: This is a stretch, but I wonder if Pitino and staff either have a big quietly committed to them or feel great about their chances with somebody. The reason I mention this is the piece of information during the Tum Tum recruitment that had Richard Pitino see a big while watching Tum Tum that was undiscovered, but tipped off his dad to him because he didn't need him. The elder Pitino offered and I am not sure if that particular recruit has committed anywhere. It seemed strange to just not take a talented big with so many scholarships available, unless Coach Pitino felt good about someone else. I guess that could have been Josh Martin and we are only taking one big. The only big we are known to be looking at is Abdoulaye Gueye from Alabama, but 247 sports also mentions the Gophers in connection with JUCO Anthony Allen (7'1, 240) and Quakerdale (IA) prep Jordan Tribble (6'10,210). Allen got at least a look from Louisville recently and Tribble played his HS ball in Kentucky. I can find no evidence of either having a Gopher offer, just thought the names were worth mentioning.

Not recruiting Tribble right now to my knowledge. Tubby recruited him a little bit and I think Pitino may have touched based with him but nothing serious.

I am guessing all the guys at the scrimmage are loving the style of play pitino is throwing out there.

Not that the Gophers were really in the running anymore, but Marial Shayok committed to Marquette and Tory Miller committed to Colorado recently. The Gophers had been involved with both for awhile.

On a different note, is anyone else a little surprised that we haven't heard anything regarding Carlos Morris or Nate Mason in a while (potential other visits, decision timeline, etc.)?

I'd suspect we hear something this week. Reid also has his official visit to the U this weekend.

On a different note, is anyone else a little surprised that we haven't heard anything regarding Carlos Morris or Nate Mason in a while (potential other visits, decision timeline, etc.)?

Wondering that myself, no news can be good new also, haven't heard anyone else has becoming interested, I'm going with they are taking their time so they make the right decision.

considering he lives here i don't think that's gonna be a problem

I'm guessing there may have been a little sarcasm in Stoa's post.

I'm actually a little worried that the waiting we are seeing in the Morris and Mason recruitments could possibly be related to waiting for additional offers to come in from other schools as the picture becomes a little clearer? Hopefully not.....not prediciting another Tum Tum scenario

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