After 25 years… I’m out

I've resorted to this with Gopher football: I record the game and watch up to the first half. I then stop watching and watch something else or do something else. Once we are about 4.5 hours after kickoff I look up the Big Ten standings. If we see that we lost, I don't bother watching the second half. If I see we won the game, I watch the second half completely relaxed and enjoying it. I look at the standings, because I don't want to know the score, just whether we lost.

I have basically decided that I'm willing to sacrifice the surprise element, to avoid the misery of watching a loss. Probably weird to most, but it's been a real good move for me. For those at the point of quitting on the team like the OP, give this method a try.
I just watch and assume we are the underdog during most B1G games so if we win it's a bonus! I'm also not opposed to moving on to something else if things start to go bad. I do like your idea however. I'm sure tons of the lifelong Gopher/Minnesota sports fans on here have their various coping mechanisms. It's the only way you can survive.

What's that saying, "Hope for the best, but expect the worst." Haha!

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