After 25 years… I’m out

I feel your pain, folks.

I have two degrees from the U. I’ve had season tickets since my undergrad days, in the mid-80s. I worked for the athletic department during my time there. If there is such a thing as “bleeding maroon and gold,” I do.

For the first time ever, on our way home from the game tonight, my wife and I discussed giving up our season tickets after this year, for many of the same reasons others have brought up in this thread.

We love the whole game-day experience, from eating and drinking near the stadium before the game, to the band, to bringing our grandkids, to the team generally being pretty competitive. We just need to decide whether that’s enough to justify spending the money, time, and emotional energy.

We’re not going to make the final decision tonight, or tomorrow, or even this week. It’s something that we’ll have to put some thought into, at a time when our emotions are more even-keel than they are now.

Sorry guys......after 94 years....I'm going to have to switch to the Twins. I'll be back next week to talk about the Gophers.

I feel your pain, folks.

I have two degrees from the U. I’ve had season tickets since my undergrad days, in the mid-80s. I worked for the athletic department during my time there. If there is such a thing as “bleeding maroon and gold,” I do.

For the first time ever, on our way home from the game tonight, my wife and I discussed giving up our season tickets after this year, for many of the same reasons others have brought up in this thread.

We love the whole game-day experience, from eating and drinking near the stadium before the game, to the band, to bringing our grandkids, to the team generally being pretty competitive. We just need to decide whether that’s enough to justify spending the money, time, and emotional energy.

We’re not going to make the final decision tonight, or tomorrow, or even this week. It’s something that we’ll have to put some thought into, at a time when our emotions are more even-keel than they are now.

This is a sincere post....unlike OP.

Nevada was paid $1.2 million to take a loss. We will continue to take our $20 million a year to take our beat downs. It doesn't matter how many people are in the stands. The U still gets its money. The 6 top teams in the new B1G need the lower tier to pad their stats. We need to know our place and stay in our lane. I just don't have to watch or contribute any longer.

I’m not *that* invested but I feel ya.

There’s zero reason to be optimistic. Not about this season, but about this program and Gopher sports in general. The deck of modern college athletics and the dynamics of the U (pro sports town, lots of transplants, mediocre recruiting base, etc) are heavily stacked against us.

I’m not mad, just demoralized and becoming apathetic. It’s a cost-benefit thing now. Do I get more joy or entertainment from Gopher football than I would doing other things on my Saturday? Increasingly no. So why stay invested?
Well stated. It’s why I gave up my tix this year after 20 years.

I like PJ Fleck, but his seat is hot. He gets paid too much for it not to be. He works hard and cares about the kids, but this is a results business.

The Gophers have been a tier II or lower program for all of their modern history. I’m not sure where the surprise is here? A lot of the best athletes in our state play hockey. I saw recently we have 200 D1 hockey players out there right now. If even 5-10% of them could be really good football players, it would make a big difference. I just like football better. Sucks for me! Ha!

Almost none of Iowa’s best athletes are lost to hockey and they have a better recruiting radius than we do being closer to Illinois and the south.

Iowa might be pretty good this year given how well Iowa State is playing. NC just smacked around by JMU so that doesn’t say much for us. Again, just a reality check.

My expectations are not that high, but it still sucks when we lose. It will be fun to see if we improve over the rest of the year. If not, PJ will be gone soon and we’ll bring in another hot shot coach to see if the Gophers can rise up for a short time of glory!

Like many of you, I enjoy the tailgating and stadium atmosphere and time with family and friends. It beats the years when I was at the U and we played in the Metrodome! Again, it helps that my expectations are not that high. Hahahaha!

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