12/27 - Rashad Vaughn will NOT attend the U

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There has been a lot of talk about Vaughn being a bit of a ball hog and selfish in his style of play. You don't fix that by playing on a team with no other players at your level and where you are expected to carry the load every night. Why wait until your first year of college to play with a better team and more challenging competition? Transferring to an out of state prep school eliminates all of local resident restrictions and bickering that will happen amongst schools/fans. Many top national college prospects go the prep school route.

he wants to play against better competition on a regular basis so he can be more prepared for the next level and beyond.

I love when people put words in recruits/players mouths. Did he or his father say this to you directly? If not, don't post it.

These prep schools play plenty of terrible teams as well. He likely would have stayed at Cooper if the coach was still there. Perhaps he needs a little boost on the academic side as well. Could be fun to travel, which the Minnesota High school league banned a few years ago due to jealousy among the have-nots.

I love when people put words in recruits/players mouths. Did he or his father say this to you directly? If not, don't post it.

katze019, I take it you didn't read the STrib article which quotes Kaffey:

Kaffey, a former Cooper coach, picked his words carefully when explaining Vaughn’s choice to leave the school.

“This is just for his development,” he said. “Cooper has been great to him, but I think moving forward, he wants to be at a place where basketball is part of the school’s main focus.

I think Rashad’s one of those guys who wants to play against better competition night in and night out. Not saying there’s not better competition in Minnesota; I just know he wants to play against other nationally ranked players consistently every night.”


Granted, it's not his Dad as you mandate, nor was it said directly to GophersOnTheRise, but it seems as credible as we'll likely get for now.

Go Gophers!!

I love when people put words in recruits/players mouths. Did he or his father say this to you directly? If not, don't post it.

What are you talking about? Him, his dad, and Pete Kaffey (his mentor) have said numerous times that he wants to play against better competition. Rashad himself has said he wants to go wherever is going to prepare him best from the next level. That to me implies that he wants better competition. Here are some actual recent quotes that I found.

"The kid is a gym rat, so he needs access to the gym as much as he can. He also needed to play against better competition.”

I think Rashad’s one of those guys who wants to play against better competition night in and night out. Not saying there’s not better competition in Minnesota; I just know he wants to play against other nationally ranked players consistently every night.” -Pete Kaffey

katze019, I take it you didn't read the STrib article which quotes Kaffey:

Kaffey, a former Cooper coach, picked his words carefully when explaining Vaughn’s choice to leave the school.

“This is just for his development,” he said. “Cooper has been great to him, but I think moving forward, he wants to be at a place where basketball is part of the school’s main focus.

I think Rashad’s one of those guys who wants to play against better competition night in and night out. Not saying there’s not better competition in Minnesota; I just know he wants to play against other nationally ranked players consistently every night.”


Granted, it's not his Dad as you mandate, nor was it said directly to GophersOnTheRise, but it seems as credible as we'll likely get for now.

Go Gophers!!

Beat me to it. Thanks. I've read other articles too, I believe on Rivals, where the quotes come directly from Rashad.

These prep schools play plenty of terrible teams as well. He likely would have stayed at Cooper if the coach was still there. Perhaps he needs a little boost on the academic side as well. Could be fun to travel, which the Minnesota High school league banned a few years ago due to jealousy among the have-nots.

You spend more time at practice than you do playing games. When you can practice against someone on a regular basis who is actually close to your level it makes a big difference.

I heard from people who knew Royce and Rodney personally that those two would not come to the U. They did. Sometimes even friends aren't in the know.

Exactly. I knew people at Park HS who said Sam Jacobson would never be a gopher too.

There were comments from Rashad's summer AAU team and parents that he was a ball hog as well. There was plenty of talent on that team. I love Rashad's skills, but he does need to learn to play better team basketball. Going to a Prep school with a more talented roster will not change that perception if he doesn't change his approach.

Coach: 'Cooper would be the best place' for Rashad Vaughn

Robbinsdale Cooper High School boys' basketball coach Steve Burton spoke out on the news Rashad Vaughn is leaving the Hawks for his senior season to attend a yet-to-be-determined prep school.

"I still think Cooper would be the best place for him and I'm not going to waver from that," Burton said. "It's bigger than just basketball. It's about relationships and the students, and that's going to be a loss."

Burton said he is concerned that Vaughn might receive backlash for his departure from Minnesota basketball. He said the family's intentions are good, though.

"As a fan base, and as a school, and as a community, I can see where people would ask the question, 'What is it about Minnesota that isn't good enough?" Burton said. "In making a decision like that, they are going to have to deal with the fallout. People will feel like they jumped ship."


Go Gophers!!

There were comments from Rashad's summer AAU team and parents that he was a ball hog as well. There was plenty of talent on that team. I love Rashad's skills, but he does need to learn to play better team basketball. Going to a Prep school with a more talented roster will not change that perception if he doesn't change his approach.

I think the fact he "needs" to is not the right word. You may feel he should, but needs to? Nope. His "ball hog" style got him a top 10 recruit ranking. That "ball hog" style worked out okay for guys like MJ, Kobe, Iverson, Carmelo, etc. etc. you (and others) may want him to play more like LeBron, Tyus, etc. not me. I want Rashad Vaughn to put the ball in the hoop. I couldn't care less if others feel he is a "ball hog" just score and win. And that's what I have no doubt Rashad will do.

Coach: 'Cooper would be the best place' for Rashad Vaughn

Robbinsdale Cooper High School boys' basketball coach Steve Burton spoke out on the news Rashad Vaughn is leaving the Hawks for his senior season to attend a yet-to-be-determined prep school.

"I still think Cooper would be the best place for him and I'm not going to waver from that," Burton said. "It's bigger than just basketball. It's about relationships and the students, and that's going to be a loss."

Burton said he is concerned that Vaughn might receive backlash for his departure from Minnesota basketball. He said the family's intentions are good, though.

"As a fan base, and as a school, and as a community, I can see where people would ask the question, 'What is it about Minnesota that isn't good enough?" Burton said. "In making a decision like that, they are going to have to deal with the fallout. People will feel like they jumped ship."


Go Gophers!!

Judging by the quotes, I wouldn't want to play for Burton if I were Vaughn. He sounds bitter. Sure, socially it's beneficial to graduate with the same class he grew up with. But he's going to be gone in a year anyway and most/if not all of those relationships will dissolve.

Burton should acknowledge that this is a great opportunity for Rashad and should be congratulating him. Sounds like he's on the front end of the backlash. As a leader, he could support Vaughn's decision and help alleviate any backlash.

You spend more time at practice than you do playing games. When you can practice against someone on a regular basis who is actually close to your level it makes a big difference.

Makes sense both from a defensive and offensive capability, playing everyday with someone that challenges you is going to make you better.

Makes sense both from a defensive and offensive capability, playing everyday with someone that challenges you is going to make you better.

Exactly. So as much as I dislike the decision right now, if he ends up committing here we might be even better off. It'll also be nice to have him and Perkins develop more chemistry before playing together here :)

Exactly. So as much as I dislike the decision right now, if he ends up committing here we might be even better off. It'll also be nice to have him and Perkins develop more chemistry before playing together here :)

PREDICTION: Rashad is going to go play at Huntington Prep With Perkins and then realize how sh*tty West Virginia is / miss Minnesota so much that he gets on a plane back to MN with his new buddy & teammate Josh & they both sign to play under Richard Pitino... The Final 4 will then come the following season. :clap:

PREDICTION: Rashad is going to go play at Huntington Prep With Perkins and then realize how sh*tty West Virginia is / miss Minnesota so much that he gets on a plane back to MN with his new buddy & teammate Josh & they both sign to play under Richard Pitino... The Final 4 will then come the following season. :clap:

That's what we're aiming for! ;)

PREDICTION: Rashad is going to go play at Huntington Prep With Perkins and then realize how sh*tty West Virginia is / miss Minnesota so much that he gets on a plane back to MN with his new buddy & teammate Josh & they both sign to play under Richard Pitino... The Final 4 will then come the following season. :clap:

To go along with Reid, Cohen and whitehead

I think the fact he "needs" to is not the right word. You may feel he should, but needs to? Nope. His "ball hog" style got him a top 10 recruit ranking. That "ball hog" style worked out okay for guys like MJ, Kobe, Iverson, Carmelo, etc. etc. you (and others) may want him to play more like LeBron, Tyus, etc. not me. I want Rashad Vaughn to put the ball in the hoop. I couldn't care less if others feel he is a "ball hog" just score and win. And that's what I have no doubt Rashad will do.

The point is that Rashad does "need to" if he wants to play on a team that is going to be successful. Teams that play together over achieve, teams that don't under achieve. Rashad will be a better player if he plays to win rather than play to improve his ranking or his statistics.

The point is that Rashad does "need to" if he wants to play on a team that is going to be successful. Teams that play together over achieve, teams that don't under achieve. Rashad will be a better player if he plays to win rather than play to improve his ranking or his statistics.

I think we are closer to agreeing than we think. I absolutely don't think he should play with the only interest of ranking or stats. Just to clarify that.

Absolutely agree that it takes a team as well. My only point is that Rashad's biggest strength is scoring. I don't want him trying to be Rondo in the same way I don't want Shaq trying to shoot 3's. what Rashad does best is score and I'd like to see him not stop doing that. He still needs to play smart, but he's one guy I don't have an issue with "forcing the issue" because he is so talented. Same way I don't get upset if Blake takes an open 3 on a fast break, a lot if guys may get benched for that, but with Blake's strengths you're okay with it.

per Sid:

• Guard Rashad Vaughn, a standout guard in the Class of 2014, is expected to visit Findlay Prep in Henderson, Nev., soon as he decides on which school to play at after leaving Cooper. If Vaughn were to attend Findlay Prep, he would team up with Gavin Schilling, who was recruited hard by the Gophers but ended up signing with Michigan State.


Go Gophers!!

per Sid:

• Guard Rashad Vaughn, a standout guard in the Class of 2014, is expected to visit Findlay Prep in Henderson, Nev., soon as he decides on which school to play at after leaving Cooper. If Vaughn were to attend Findlay Prep, he would team up with Gavin Schilling, who was recruited hard by the Gophers but ended up signing with Michigan State.


Go Gophers!!

Poor Sid, he's so out of touch.

Does anybody know when he's going to trim his list??

I think he said he was going to trim his list "soon" back in April or May but hasn't done so yet at least publicly. I may be wrong but I remember reading that.

per Sid:

• Guard Rashad Vaughn, a standout guard in the Class of 2014, is expected to visit Findlay Prep in Henderson, Nev., soon as he decides on which school to play at after leaving Cooper. If Vaughn were to attend Findlay Prep, he would team up with Gavin Schilling, who was recruited hard by the Gophers but ended up signing with Michigan State.


Go Gophers!!

IMO, this, not the Gavin Schilling part is the most embarrassing. Why would Rashad visit Findlay prep after he decided on a school (especially if it were another school)? Common Sid...

IMO, this, not the Gavin Schilling part is the most embarrassing. Why would Rashad visit Findlay prep after he decided on a school (especially if it were another school)? Common Sid...

It's just punctuated incorrectly. Should read: is expected to visit Findlay Prep in Henderson, Nev. soon, as he decides on which school to play at after leaving Cooper

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