12/27 - Rashad Vaughn will NOT attend the U

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If anyone still thinks Tubby had a better shot at these kids then you are kidding yourself.

What's most important when deciding on where you'll go?

Style of play, plus the coach and that relationship, and whether they can develop me.

Richard's style of play better for you than ex-coach Tubby Smith's?

I would say so. He just gets up-and-down more.

So, that's the key: playing at a hectic, fast pace?

Just to get up-and-down, show what you can do. Every kid wants to play in a style like that.

This morning Sid said Tyus' mother wants him to stay here so she can see him play. She was quoted in Sid's column and sounded impressed with Pitino. I am convinced that Pitino has a much better chance at signing any of the Big 3 than Tubby.

As much as I want to believe this great news, it IS Sid. Sid can be, well... You know..

However his younger brother Tre loves the gophers and Tyus did say in 9th grade in a news interview that he hoped to play for the gophers (who knows how much that changed). We'll see if those gopher bloodlines in the family prove to be true.

It's hard to read Rashad Vaughn, but one thing I really like about him is that old school kind of competitiveness, especially because he's a scorer.

I'm not comparing him in style of play or caliber or anything like that, but it's like Kobe or MJ. Both of those guys would be slightly annoyed (probably in a less respectful way than Rashad) about being always talked about in terms of being part of this group or being second fiddle to Tyus. A SG is sort of like a WR, you want him to think he is always open, he is always taking good shoots and no one can cover him (like WR's are ALWAYS open, just ask them).

Rashad seems to have that. He is respectful to the other two, but in my brief reading in his quotes, he has a certain amount of competitiveness to him that you sometimes don't see anymore because of the AAU circuits.

Agreed completely. IMO Rashad had the Kobe / MJ attitude while Tyus has the LeBrob / Nash / Magic attitude.

I believe they'd be one of the best PG / SG combos in awhile.

If they were to play together they'd have to sacrifice shots. Both would. But if they could, man it'd be scary. One of them needs to call the other and get it figured out. That is how Kobe got Nash on board. Tyus needs to realize playing with Vaughn will Increase his assist numbers and Rashad that playing with Tyus would bump his points total.

I'd envision it like a more talented Burke / Hardaway back court or Siva / Smith backcourt. Could be really really special.

It's too bad none of the big 3 have ever really been friends. That probably would've helped our chances. It would be interesting to know what that altercation was.

It's too bad none of the big 3 have ever really been friends. That probably would've helped our chances. It would be interesting to know what that altercation was.

Tyus and Reid wil likely become friends being on the same AAU team now. It is too bad about Vaughn, but the Celtic players weren't friends prior to the Big 3 forming there so I would think there is still hope.

Tyus and Reid wil likely become friends being on the same AAU team now. It is too bad about Vaughn, but the Celtic players weren't friends prior to the Big 3 forming there so I would think there is still hope.

KG was traded and so was Ray Allen.

Agreed completely. IMO Rashad had the Kobe / MJ attitude while Tyus has the LeBrob / Nash / Magic attitude.

I believe they'd be one of the best PG / SG combos in awhile.

If they were to play together they'd have to sacrifice shots. Both would. But if they could, man it'd be scary. One of them needs to call the other and get it figured out. That is how Kobe got Nash on board. Tyus needs to realize playing with Vaughn will Increase his assist numbers and Rashad that playing with Tyus would bump his points total.

I'd envision it like a more talented Burke / Hardaway back court or Siva / Smith backcourt. Could be really really special.

Tyus doesn't appear to care that much about getting his shots so I'm not sure Rashad would have to sacrifice anything. Assuming Dre is still here he is the only other guy on the entire roster I'd want to shoot.

Tyus and Reid wil likely become friends being on the same AAU team now. It is too bad about Vaughn, but the Celtic players weren't friends prior to the Big 3 forming there so I would think there is still hope.

Haha why are you comparing NBA super stars at the end of their career to the Big 3? There is absolutely no relevance to that situation and the Gophers pursuit of the big 3, other than they were both called the Big 3.

That is probably one of the weirdest and most pointless comparisons I have ever seen on here.

Haha why are you comparing NBA super stars at the end of their career to the Big 3? There is absolutely no relevance to that situation and the Gophers pursuit of the big 3, other than they were both called the Big 3.

That is probably one of the weirdest and most pointless comparisons I have ever seen on here.


Merely pointing out you don't have to be friends up front to play well together. Didn't realize that was such a stretch?

Wasn't comparing how the teams came to be, just that "superstar" players can co-exist. Also didn't realize that was such a stretch.

Tyus doesn't appear to care that much about getting his shots so I'm not sure Rashad would have to sacrifice anything. Assuming Dre is still here he is the only other guy on the entire roster I'd want to shoot.

To clarify a bit more, not necessarily shots, but having the ball. Both players are very ball dominant players where they like to have the ball and make plays. They'd have to give a bit there if they played together. More about touches than shots I guess.


Merely pointing out you don't have to be friends up front to play well together. Didn't realize that was such a stretch?

Wasn't comparing how the teams came to be, just that "superstar" players can co-exist. Also didn't realize that was such a stretch.

Garnett and Ray Allen were traded to the Celtics, they weren't free agents. All 3 were old NBA players that didn't care about anything but winning a championship. Ray Allen even left them when he could have re-upped. So I'm not sure I see any relevance. Do you even know if they are "good friends?"

If you were merely pointing out that "superstar players can co-exist," why didn't you just point to Coach Cal's Kentucky teams? Or even some of the UNC and Duke teams of past? Seems like it would have been a lot more relevant than randomly choosing a Celtics championship team. I mean you might as well have used the Kobe/Shaq Laker teams because they actually didn't have much of a friendship. Just a lazy comparison in my opinion. I have a feeling you are a Garnett fan from his T-Wolves days and just wanted to find a way to compare the Minnesota Big 3 to Garnett's championship team.

Garnett and Ray Allen were traded to the Celtics, they weren't free agents. All 3 were old NBA players that didn't care about anything but winning a championship. Ray Allen even left them when he could have re-upped. So I'm not sure I see any relevance. Do you even know if they are "good friends?"

If you were merely pointing out that "superstar players can co-exist," why didn't you just point to Coach Cal's Kentucky teams? Or even some of the UNC and Duke teams of past? Seems like it would have been a lot more relevant than randomly choosing a Celtics championship team. I mean you might as well have used the Kobe/Shaq Laker teams because they actually didn't have much of a friendship. Just a lazy comparison in my opinion. I have a feeling you are a Garnett fan from his T-Wolves days and just wanted to find a way to compare the Minnesota Big 3 to Garnett's championship team.

I realize they were traded there.

You are completely missing my point, except for when you made my point in your post and yet you are arguing with me. That yes, if you care about winning over all else it doesn't matter if you are best friends or not, or played on the same AAU team, or if you take enough shots. If winning is the number 1 goal for everyone, as it was in Boston, none of that other stuff matters. I was responding to someone who said it'd be better if the Big 3 were all friends prior to them playing in college. I'm saying that doesn't matter.

For the record, I actually think KG Is very over rated and wanted LA to win the title. But nice assumption. I compared them because they are both referred to as the "Big 3", should I use the Heat's big 3 next time instead? Is there a different big 3 we should actually be comparing them to you'd like to suggest?

Had no idea this would turn into such a big deal ...

This is a Rashad Vaughn thread. If posters want to discuss the Boston Celtics, please take it to the OT board. All future posts about the Celtics will be deleted.


I thought this was a discussion of weather or not being friends prior to joining the same team matters. Vaughn is not playing on the same team as the other 2 at the moment. Didn't seem so irrelevant.

IMO I think Rashad sounds like a young man focused on the end goal of the NBA and is considering Minnesota independently of Jones and Travis.

I realize they were traded there.

You are completely missing my point, except for when you made my point in your post and yet you are arguing with me. That yes, if you care about winning over all else it doesn't matter if you are best friends or not, or played on the same AAU team, or if you take enough shots. If winning is the number 1 goal for everyone, as it was in Boston, none of that other stuff matters. I was responding to someone who said it'd be better if the Big 3 were all friends prior to them playing in college. I'm saying that doesn't matter.

For the record, I actually think KG Is very over rated and wanted LA to win the title. But nice assumption. I compared them because they are both referred to as the "Big 3", should I use the Heat's big 3 next time instead? Is there a different big 3 we should actually be comparing them to you'd like to suggest?

Had no idea this would turn into such a big deal ...

I just think it's a completely irrelevant comparison when you consider the context.

I just think it's a completely irrelevant comparison when you consider the context.

Shut up already!!! He just made a comparison, thank you for pointing out a hundred times that you don't like it. Oh what would we do without you?

Back to Mr. Vaughn ...

I think this interview was posted a couple of pages back, but I agree a good read. I thought Vaughn's father's interview was pretty interesting. Sounded like he was pretty skeptical of Pitino until they went to the practice and saw him coaching in person. Almost seems like that experience was enough to completely flip his opinion on the hire. Also sounds like he wouldn't mind if it if his son stayed close to home so he could see him play while keeping his family in place in Minnesota. I think we stand a decent shot at landing him.

I think this interview was posted a couple of pages back, but I agree a good read. I thought Vaughn's father's interview was pretty interesting. Sounded like he was pretty skeptical of Pitino until they went to the practice and saw him coaching in person. Almost seems like that experience was enough to completely flip his opinion on the hire. Also sounds like he wouldn't mind if it if his son stayed close to home so he could see him play while keeping his family in place in Minnesota. I think we stand a decent shot at landing him.

I had the same reaction. I thought it was really positive, a sign that the family may have changed their mind about the Gophers, even.

Anybody know what the altercation was with Pulley that lead him to play for the Milwaukee AAU team?

per the Daily:

Robbinsdale-Cooper High School coach Steve Burton leads one of Minnesota’s most touted 2014 recruits in Rashad Vaughn. Burton said youth might help the Gophers net the budding star.

“Maybe from Rashad’s point of view, having somebody younger reach out might help,” Burton said. “I remember getting my first job at 26; people weren’t sure I should be coaching either.”


Go Gophers!!

This makes no sense. Isn't Iowa State going on two years of probation for recruiting violations?

As discussed before, it's Shooter... And... Well... He likes to speculate, and speculate some more, and give out information made up in his head with no credible source.

Don't read too much into it! ;)

I think Vaughn really likes Hoiberg and the Hilton Magic. I don't think it's enough to make him choose that over his other offers, but I do think it would be an option if he didn't have the offers like UNC and the other big boys.

+1 Shooter is by far the worst columnist in the TC market.

I thought that was Reusse, or no wait Souhan, or was it Soucherey, maybe Sid, or was it Sansavere? :) too many options to say one is "by far the worst"

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