12/27 - Rashad Vaughn will NOT attend the U

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Charley Walters: Gophers' Richard Pitino calls Rashad Vaughn in short order

New University of Minnesota men's basketball coach Richard Pitino, hired Wednesday evening, April 3, wasted little time contacting at least one of Minnesota's nationally coveted high school junior recruits, shooting guard Rashad Vaughn of Robbinsdale Cooper. Pitino telephoned Vaughn on Wednesday night and told him his teams will play the same style he used at Florida International, which he coached to an 18-14 record this season.

It would be surprising if Pitino didn't also call top juniors Tyus Jones of Apple Valley and Reid Travis of DeLaSalle.


Go Gophers!!

Charley Walters: Gophers' Richard Pitino calls Rashad Vaughn in short order

New University of Minnesota men's basketball coach Richard Pitino, hired Wednesday evening, April 3, wasted little time contacting at least one of Minnesota's nationally coveted high school junior recruits, shooting guard Rashad Vaughn of Robbinsdale Cooper. Pitino telephoned Vaughn on Wednesday night and told him his teams will play the same style he used at Florida International, which he coached to an 18-14 record this season.

It would be surprising if Pitino didn't also call top juniors Tyus Jones of Apple Valley and Reid Travis of DeLaSalle.


Go Gophers!!

This is a surprise and news to who? Wouldn't any new coach start recruiting these three the day they're hired????

This is a surprise and news to who? Wouldn't any new coach start recruiting these three the day they're hired????

Lol I thought the same thing. Did the media and fans assume pitino would wait until August to start recruiting? Kinda funny

Doogie's The Scoops: Pitino has already spoken with Tyus Jones, Rashad Vaughn

Gophers basketball recruits Tyus Jones (Apple Valley) and Rashad Vaughn (Cooper) aren't talking to reporters this week, but they gladly took phone calls from new coach Richard Pitino on Wednesday night.

Vaughn, in particular, is said to have come away impressed. A likely future NBA player, he wants to play in an offense that will showcase his skill-set, and an offense that will run. Pitino will do that, or at least try. Former coach Tubby Smith often mentioned wanting to, but never really did.

Pitino tried to call the third of the local "Big 3", Reid Travis (DeLaSalle HS), but wasn't able to connect. Assume he will in the very near future.


Go Gophers!!

Doogie's The Scoops: Pitino has already spoken with Tyus Jones, Rashad Vaughn

Gophers basketball recruits Tyus Jones (Apple Valley) and Rashad Vaughn (Cooper) aren't talking to reporters this week, but they gladly took phone calls from new coach Richard Pitino on Wednesday night.

Vaughn, in particular, is said to have come away impressed. A likely future NBA player, he wants to play in an offense that will showcase his skill-set, and an offense that will run. Pitino will do that, or at least try. Former coach Tubby Smith often mentioned wanting to, but never really did.

Pitino tried to call the third of the local "Big 3", Reid Travis (DeLaSalle HS), but wasn't able to connect. Assume he will in the very near future.


Go Gophers!!

Interesting word to use there...

If Pitino could get even one of the big three, imagine the boost for next year...

This is a surprise and news to who? Wouldn't any new coach start recruiting these three the day they're hired????

Well, since we've brought up the double negative discussion, your post should have read: "This is a surprise and news to whom".

One thing that bothers me with these high school kids is how they look at systems they will play. Vaughn wants to play in an uptempo style that best suits him. That is nice but the majority of basketball is played in the halfcourt so going to a school that is well known for running a good half court offense that will teach a kid how to play outside of their comfort zone should be the priority. Finding a coach that will develope and expand a players skills is far more important than the style that is played.

One thing that bothers me with these high school kids is how they look at systems they will play. Vaughn wants to play in an uptempo style that best suits him. That is nice but the majority of basketball is played in the halfcourt so going to a school that is well known for running a good half court offense that will teach a kid how to play outside of their comfort zone should be the priority. Finding a coach that will develope and expand a players skills is far more important than the style that is played.

That is an excellent point, particularly for players with realistic aspirations of playing at the next level. Rather than highlighting what you're already good at, wouldn't it be far more useful to expand your game into areas which you might not be quite so familiar with or proficient at, in order to diversify your skill-set and attempt to make yourself as well-rounded a player as possible? I think that's somewhat indicative of the often short-term mentality of youth, ya know. You're very good at something, and so that's what you overwhelmingly want to do, and just worry about the rest later I guess.

Doogie's The Scoops: Pitino has already spoken with Tyus Jones, Rashad Vaughn

Gophers basketball recruits Tyus Jones (Apple Valley) and Rashad Vaughn (Cooper) aren't talking to reporters this week, but they gladly took phone calls from new coach Richard Pitino on Wednesday night.

Vaughn, in particular, is said to have come away impressed. A likely future NBA player, he wants to play in an offense that will showcase his skill-set, and an offense that will run. Pitino will do that, or at least try. Former coach Tubby Smith often mentioned wanting to, but never really did.

Pitino tried to call the third of the local "Big 3", Reid Travis (DeLaSalle HS), but wasn't able to connect. Assume he will in the very near future.


Go Gophers!!

I mentioned it yesterday in a different thread, but the call to Vaughn went well and they will likely get together in a few days.

One thing that bothers me with these high school kids is how they look at systems they will play. Vaughn wants to play in an uptempo style that best suits him. That is nice but the majority of basketball is played in the halfcourt so going to a school that is well known for running a good half court offense that will teach a kid how to play outside of their comfort zone should be the priority. Finding a coach that will develope and expand a players skills is far more important than the style that is played.
Up tempo doesn't mean there's no half court offense. I take it as though Vaughn wants a school that will highlight his up-tempo game to NBA scouts. To me it's not short sighted at all and it's looking at the long term. The NBA is a fast paced game and he wants to show that his game will translate.

The NBA game is only fast paced in terms of the shot clock. Watch an NBA game how much full court pressure do you see? The answer is almost none. To me up tempo means is about your defense getting out on the full court press and creating chaos. The problem is that isnt used in the NBA at all. If you want to showcase your skills get with a team that will allow you to star. Go to a team that will teach you new things and will develope your skills and be the star. If a player has true NBA potential they want to know if you are a willing defender, can you shoot, can you create offense for you and others, and most importantly they want to know what you can't do. None of what the NBA wants to know is based on the style of play you use in college because they wont be using that in the offense at the NBA level. On defense can you play quality man to man defense, are you a willing defender, and will you play help defense.

If the NBA scouts were really interested in the styles played at the college level things would be very different. Most NBA GM's are not going to be worried if you can run the break and dunk that shouldnt be a question. They want to know if you get the ball on the wing can you break a guy down off the dribble or stick a jump shot. Can you get others involved or are you a black hole? They are not concerned how quickly you can do it, its can you do it. If you can do it the amount of time you take will be the easy part, if you cant do it it doesnt matter.

The NBA game is only fast paced in terms of the shot clock. Watch an NBA game how much full court pressure do you see? The answer is almost none. To me up tempo means is about your defense getting out on the full court press and creating chaos. The problem is that isnt used in the NBA at all. If you want to showcase your skills get with a team that will allow you to star. Go to a team that will teach you new things and will develope your skills and be the star. If a player has true NBA potential they want to know if you are a willing defender, can you shoot, can you create offense for you and others, and most importantly they want to know what you can't do. None of what the NBA wants to know is based on the style of play you use in college because they wont be using that in the offense at the NBA level. On defense can you play quality man to man defense, are you a willing defender, and will you play help defense.

NBA scouts are not concerned about what you are doing at the college leve they care about what you can as an individual. If the NBA scouts were really interested in the styles played at the college level things would be very different. Most NBA GM's are not going to be worried if you can run the break and dunk that shouldnt be a question. They want to know if you get the ball on the wing can you break a guy down off the dribble or stick a jump shot. Can you get others involved or are you a black hole? They are not concerned how quickly you can do it its can you do it.
I agree- NBA scouts don't care what style a player played in college. They just care about seeing how that player's game will translate to the NBA. Succeeding at school like North Carolina, a team that employs an up-tempo NBA style offense will help talent evaluators see that his game will translate.

I guess I'm not seeing your point or I just disagree with you. It seems like you're saying that playing in a system that allows fewer offensive possessions and plays half-court offense will show NBA scouts that your well-rounded. And that's more attractive than showing you can play up and down the court with shots going up quickly and showing that you can play transition D? You said it yourself that there's only a 24 second shot clock. That's just the way the NBA game is played and I think that if you want to recruit future NBA players, than you almost assuredly need to play the up-tempo style that recruits like Vaughn are looking for.

My point is that NBA scouts and GM's are looking for your skills. Can a player shoot? Can he pass? Does he create for others? Does he defend or does he just go through the motions to get the ball back. If you have the skills in the NBA as an individual they dont care if you played in an offense that shot every 10 seconds or every 30 seconds. The pace and style of play can be tought with little problem. If a player doesn't have the skills to play the game of basketball no style will matter.


Adam Zagoria ‏@AdamZagoria 3m
2014 G @ShowtimeMr will meet today with Richard Pitino of Minnesota and Buzz Williams of Marquette. Baylor coaches come in this wknd.

. On defense can you play quality man to man defense, are you a willing defender, and will you play help defense.

If the NBA scouts were really interested in the styles played at the college level things would be very different. Most NBA GM's are not going to be worried if you can run the break and dunk that shouldnt be a question. They want to know if you get the ball on the wing can you break a guy down off the dribble or stick a jump shot. Can you get others involved or are you a black hole? They are not concerned how quickly you can do it, its can you do it. If you can do it the amount of time you take will be the easy part, if you cant do it it doesnt matter.

Exactly!! Do you have an NBA skill, for Vaughn scoring/shooting? Can you guard a position? sg yes. That is about it. When someone is a great finisher it is kind of a joke, almost everyone in the NBA can score 2 points on a break away some just do it with flare but it counts the same. Fast breaking is what 20% at most of scoring. Half court skills are so much more important. I also say for most not making others better is way down on the list. Which is why someone like UCLA's Mohammed with still go in the top 6 and he never gets an assist and he plays on the wing. It is a nice intangible, but the ability to score one on one makes NBA scouts drool.

@darrenwolfson: Spoke w/ Rashad Vaughn. He watched Pitino put #Gophers players through drills then watched tape w/ him. Vaughn likes style, likes Pitino.

Go Gophers!!

Say what you will about Doogie, at least he works to track these kids down and talk to them unlike the lazy Fat Pats that are firmly entrenched at our local media outlets.

@darrenwolfson: Spoke w/ Rashad Vaughn. He watched Pitino put #Gophers players through drills then watched tape w/ him. Vaughn likes style, likes Pitino.

Go Gophers!!

Bwahahaha...excellent :cool:

@darrenwolfson: One other Vaughn tidbit: said he was going to the gym tonight to work on some stuff he saw Pitino coaching today. Lots more on @kstp soon.

THIS, I love hearing! I have always had the gut hunch that Rashad has always wanted to go to the U, but just needed a good reason to. Tubby wasn't enough, but with Pitino here, it will be enough for him to pull the trigger and commit....or at least that's the vision I have through my maroon and gold framed glasses.

@darrenwolfson: One other Vaughn tidbit: said he was going to the gym tonight to work on some stuff he saw Pitino coaching today. Lots more on @kstp soon.

THIS, I love hearing! I have always had the gut hunch that Rashad has always wanted to go to the U, but just needed a good reason to. Tubby wasn't enough, but with Pitino here, it will be enough for him to pull the trigger and commit....or at least that's the vision I have through my maroon and gold framed glasses.

I've always kind of thought that too, but then he came out with the comment after Tubby was fired that the new coach "will have a lot of work to do". That worried me a little, but what Doogie is saying is a good sign.

I love my maroon and gold framed glasses too. ;)

It sure sounds like Pitino is making a good impression and we have a better chance on the big thee with Him compared to Tubby. Again...as eye of tiger said......could be the glasses.

I agree. It seems like Rashad and Tyus have been vocal about the impression Pitino has made so far. It seems like we haven't heard much from Reid Travis though, just my impression.

It sure sounds like Pitino is making a good impression and we have a better chance on the big thee with Him compared to Tubby. Again...as eye of tiger said......could be the glasses.

Pitino is a salesman, who is young, energetic, with a great wealth of basketball knowledge who can relate to kids.

Tubby struggled to form sentences at times and was "old-school" in every aspect of the word.

When it's all said and done, I think we get Vaughn and Travis....and adding Tyus is more of a possibility now than ever before. The thing I worry about Tyus, is Okafor getting in his ear to play at a Kentucky, Duke etc. Which in the end, is what will likely end up happening. I doubt Okafor has any interest in coming to Minnesota what-so-ever, Pitino or not. Someone also said on Gopher Illustrated that he believed there was zero chance Rashad and Tyus play in college together because they are not close, and neither wants to share the spotlight with the other. If this is indeed the case, maybe this will put pressure on Rashad to commit before Tyus has the chance to. Again, through my maroon and gold glasses.

Could you imagine this lineup in a dream world???

Tyus Jones (Freshman)
Andre Hollins (Senior)
Rashad Vaughn (Freshman)
Reid Travis (Freshman)
Jahlil Okafor (Freshman)

We need two drop dead georgeous women to greet him next time he visits. Preferably when its warm enough to wear cleavage and short shorts

You joke, but when my cousin was being recruited for track many years ago, he visited Minnesota. He was blown away be how many good looking women he saw, and he always wondered how many of them were plants.

Pitino is a salesman, who is young, energetic, with a great wealth of basketball knowledge who can relate to kids.

Tubby struggled to form sentences at times and was "old-school" in every aspect of the word.

When it's all said and done, I think we get Vaughn and Travis....and adding Tyus is more of a possibility now than ever before. The thing I worry about Tyus, is Okafor getting in his ear to play at a Kentucky, Duke etc. Which in the end, is what will likely end up happening. I doubt Okafor has any interest in coming to Minnesota what-so-ever, Pitino or not. Someone also said on Gopher Illustrated that he believed there was zero chance Rashad and Tyus play in college together because they are not close, and neither wants to share the spotlight with the other. If this is indeed the case, maybe this will put pressure on Rashad to commit before Tyus has the chance to. Again, through my maroon and gold glasses.

Could you imagine this lineup in a dream world???

Tyus Jones (Freshman)
Andre Hollins (Senior)
Rashad Vaughn (Freshman)
Reid Travis (Freshman)
Jahlil Okafor (Freshman)

I have heard from a few people close to the AAU scene that Rashad switched from NGS to Playground Elite (EYBL team) instead of Pulley because he doesn't want to have to share the spotlight with Tyus, who could interfere with the number of looks he gets. (wouldn't it be the opposite though?)

Either way, Doogie said on twitter that he can sense all three recruits are more impressed with Pitino than with Tubby. Let's hope Pitino keeps on building a relationship with them.

Darren Wolfson ‏@DarrenWolfson
According to Rashad Vaughn's dad, among the clips Pitino showed Rashad yesterday: how he/Billy Donovan used Chandler Parsons at Florida.

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