The Minnesota football roster has 128 names. 59 of these athletes come from MN or neighboring states. 22 of the 45 MN high school athletes originally signed on as scholarship athletes. Seventy-five of the 100 athletes on the ND roster come from MN or one of the bordering states. In the last 5 years, only 28 of 125 scholarships have been granted to athletes from MN or a bordering state, while we have issued 46 of our scholarships to athletes from TX, CA or FL.
I think we have been brainwashed into believing MN and its bordering states do not produce Division I talent. Yes, we need some out of state talent especially in the defensive backfield and wide receiver positions. But we need to become a MN football team, where the "heart and soul" come from MN. Some don't believe we can do this. Well, we've tried your method for the past 20-40 years, and it is not working. How about trying the MN-Midwest method for 5-10 years?