WOW, Brew has BIG WORDS for BB after the game

Bielema may be actually telling the truth. It would mean he is completely clueless and really didn't recognize what everyone else did, that going for 2 at that time would be considered running up the score. Sort of like a guy who takes a piss off his front porch every morning and wonders why the neighbors think it's a problem, "doesn't everyone do that?".

Awesome. Thanks for the laugh.

Jesus man, why are you here? You should be out celebrating your team's victory. YOu should be at a bar right now having a victory shot. At least go to your own team's message board to celebrate. How pathetic is your life that you are here right now? Man, you have problems.

He's here because he wants to inform us all how superior he and Wisconsin are because they won a football game. Which is like you said, is pathetic. Typical of drunkards from Wisconsin, but pathetic.

Brewster sucks what difference did it make????????!!!!!!!!!!!! they missed it anyway what an complete idiot fire him NOW!!!!!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing someone make fun of the intelligence of others, only to reveal themselves to be quite the dullard as well.

Could it be that both of these guys have revealed themselves to be immature and classless throughout the entire "rivalry" that Brewster attempted to stoke up when he arrived? As many have stated, Brewster should concern himself with the ills of his team and Bielema showed yourself not only to be a dick by going for two, but then followed it up by going the chicken*#@ route when explaining the decision. It seems like these two are in competition to embarrass themselves more in public. I can't imagine the next coach of MN will be anything like Brewster, so Bielema will have to find a new foil to try to one-up in the ass department.

And to echo tikited, honestly, you celebrate your win over a Gopher team that's probably at its lowest point as a program since 84-13 Nebraska (1983) by coming over and gloating and pointing out something we all know too well? I'll defer to William Shatner on this one:

It's the defense's job to keep the score down not the offense. However, this has been "Brewin" for about four years.

Lot of frustration on display here.

Comparing Ferentz to Bulimia is like comparing Filet Mignon to poop. Ferentz is class....Bulimia is a D-bag! Let's fire Brew and bring in a coach who can beat Becky and then we can run up the score!

It's the defense's job to keep the score down not the offense. However, this has been "Brewin" for about four years.

Scoring a touchdown by executing your gameplan is different than choosing to score a meaningless 2 PT conversion. If they had scored a garbage touchdown on the last drive, I would have said, "it's our job to stop them.". The conversion was bush league.

Does "the chart" even go up to 25? The samples I found online only go up to a 20-point lead.

If Brewster had coldcocked Bielema, that might just be enough to convince me he should keep his job.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

I agree. When the Cowboys whined about the Vikings running up the score in last year's playoffs, I never laughed so hard. Yes, the Cowboys are my least favorite team in all of sports. Still, if you have any pride, something "America's Team" should have, you don't whine about the other team rubbing it in. You just never let it happen.

I agree. When the Cowboys whined about the Vikings running up the score in last year's playoffs, I never laughed so hard. Yes, the Cowboys are my least favorite team in all of sports. Still, if you have any pride, something "America's Team" should have, you don't whine about the other team rubbing it in. You just never let it happen.

Childress didn't go for two and say it was the chart that made him do it.

Agree with the three posts before this.

I don't think anyone is saying it's Bielema's job to lay down or that the Gophers shouldn't be required to stop the opposition. The POINT is the Badgers were up 25 and there was no way the Gophers were going to come back and win the game. There was no need for Bielema to thumb Brewster in the eye. But he chose to do that.

This is not an arena and Brewster and Bielema aren't gladiators. It's just another sad example of how a sense of class, which used to be so prevalent in sport, has been replaced by preening self-importance. If Bielema doesn't like Brewster, he should have kept blitzing or whatever and beating the tar out of the Gophers within the confines of the game rather than making a lame statement. And then go to the press afterwards and truthfully explain his actions.

Guess what- Bielema wouldn't do this to ANY other coach or team in the B10. He would only do this to Brewster. Don't come into a new job thumping your chest and blowing smoke, saying how you'll be the first person to touch that axe, etc. etc. etc.

Was Woody Hayes a good coach? When asked why he went for two despite a 36-point lead against Michigan, Hayes quipped, "Because I couldn't go for three."

My only beef with the 2pt try was saying it was because the card said so. He should have just quoted Woody.

You're right. Joe Montana is no longer relevant when talking about football because his super bowl rings came years ago. Clearly only a tool would include him in one of the best QB's of all time conversation.

Montana played until the mid 90s. The gophs haven't been successful post-desegregation.

Honestly, congrats on your 6 national titles. The college football landscape has changed. You can continue to hang your hat on the glory days, Badger fans will continue to live in the present. I don't think you'd find too many Badgers willing to switch football programs with you.

Guess what- Bielema wouldn't do this to ANY other coach or team in the B10. He would only do this to Brewster. Don't come into a new job thumping your chest and blowing smoke, saying how you'll be the first person to touch that axe, etc. etc. etc.

Was Woody Hayes a good coach? When asked why he went for two despite a 36-point lead against Michigan, Hayes quipped, "Because I couldn't go for three."

My only beef with the 2pt try was saying it was because the card said so. He should have just quoted Woody.

I hate to say it because I can't stand Bielema but you're right. Brewster talked big and challenged Bielema when he arrived. He couldn't back that big talk with results on the field. I've moved on. Time for a new regime.

Of course Bielema was running it up. He's a jackass, but that's always been a known fact. Personally, I don't really care one way or the other. To me, it doesn't really matter if you lose by 1 or 100 points, it still counts as a loss. It was for sure a petty move and Bret's resulting explanation was beyond laughable. Having said that, the Badgers were the better team, so I'm not going to quibble too much about a two-point conversion that doesn't ultimately affect the overall outcome of the game.

"I told him I didn't agree with his decision and I thought it was a poor decision for a head football coach," Brewster said. "He'll have to live with it. It was wrong. Everybody in here knows it and everybody in college football knows it. It was wrong."

It was a DB move and all, but I doubt many are or will be consulting Tim Brewster on head football coaching decisions.

Don't suck so bad and this doesn't happen.

Bielema: The card said go for 2.
Dinardo: Just say you were running up the score, don't hide behind a card.
Mason: (grinning) it's your job to stop them
Dinardo: I get it's your job to stop them. It's one thing when both programs are winning and it's gamesmanship. But, when one coach is obviously down, as Brewster obviously is (going to get fired) it is rubbing salt in the wounds.

Dinardo has plenty of experience being down by 25

Guess what- Bielema wouldn't do this to ANY other coach or team in the B10. He would only do this to Brewster. Don't come into a new job thumping your chest and blowing smoke, saying how you'll be the first person to touch that axe, etc. etc. etc.

Was Woody Hayes a good coach? When asked why he went for two despite a 36-point lead against Michigan, Hayes quipped, "Because I couldn't go for three."

My only beef with the 2pt try was saying it was because the card said so. He should have just quoted Woody.

But that doesn't make it right. And that's my point. I'm not defending Brewster. I'm denigrating Bielema as a classless ass.

Could it be that both of these guys have revealed themselves to be immature and classless throughout the entire "rivalry" that Brewster attempted to stoke up when he arrived? As many have stated, Brewster should concern himself with the ills of his team and Bielema showed yourself not only to be a dick by going for two, but then followed it up by going the chicken*#@ route when explaining the decision. It seems like these two are in competition to embarrass themselves more in public. I can't imagine the next coach of MN will be anything like Brewster, so Bielema will have to find a new foil to try to one-up in the ass department.

And to echo tikited, honestly, you celebrate your win over a Gopher team that's probably at its lowest point as a program since 84-13 Nebraska (1983) by coming over and gloating and pointing out something we all know too well? I'll defer to William Shatner on this one:


Brewster made himself look like a high school coach.
Worry about your own team and keep your mouth shut.

Brewster made himself look like a high school coach.
Worry about your own team and keep your mouth shut.

Aren't you an Iowa fan posting on a Minnesota message board about a Wisconsin game?

Do as I say, not as a I do type of guy?

Go Gophers!!

Brewster made himself look like a high school coach.
Worry about your own team and keep your mouth shut.

I don't disagree, but the point is what Bielema did was pretty classless. Ferentz wouldn't do it.

No winners on this one. While you certainly can go for two, it does not demonstrate any sportsmanship. And if it's my team, I'm a little embarrassed we couldn't win with any class.

That being said, when you're losing, you've got to take it like a man. Crying about the other team trying to score more points on you is sad. Also embarrassing.

I just as soon not be associated with either. Unfortunately, I get the classless guy who can't win. Not the classless guy who does win (some).

Why is it ok to still score a 6 point touchdown, but not ok to go for 2? Is one more point really that insulting? How exactly is adding 1 point "running up the score". If 1 point is that big of a deal then you should be thanking him for not kicking the extra point!

If UW kicked the extra point and then after Minn scored would you all be this upset if UW scored another touchdown? If not upset about 6 more, why upset about 1 more. This makes no sense to me.

And how is it sticking up for your team for Brewster to get mad? For Brewer to be upset about it just shows how little he believes in his team. He is clearly stating that with 6:39 left in the game there was no way his team could win. What kind of motivation is that? If you expect your team to play hard to the end, then expect to support them hard to the end. It seems to me BB shows more faith in MN than Brewster does.

= Scoring a touchdown by executing your gameplan is different than choosing to score a meaningless 2 PT conversion. If they had scored a garbage touchdown on the last drive, I would have said, "it's our job to stop them.". The conversion was bush league.


People don't get it. This was a two-point conversion. Yes, the defense has to stop the offense, and no one can fault WI for continuing to run their offense to score TDs, FGs, etc. 2-pt conversion! The TD was already scored. The clock is stopped and ball is placed at the 3 yd line by the refs. You only go for two when you need two pts., - everyone knows this. Of course Bielema was just running it up, and he's a punk that needed to be called-out by Brewster for not admitting what he was doing. MN did stop the play, it doesn't excuse why it was tried.

Once we have good coaches, next year, 5-years, however long it takes, WI and IA are scared. New Stadium on campus, Major metro market (jobs, networking, life after football), once there is a good coach in place ,WI and IA are done. Bielema has already been losing recruits he wants to us from MN and WI, and we suck right now. Bielema scared of what we can become, - no other reason to attack a young team and coach which are really struggling.

I'd feel more sympathy for Brewster if he wouldn't have called repeated timeouts in the final two minutes on multiple occasions this season to score a meaningless touchdown and make a game look closer than it was.

If you do that, you lose the right -- in my book -- to bitch about what another coach does late in a game.

Seriously, BB tried to "run up the score" by 1 point because he is scared about what might happen in 5 years? You really believe that?

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