WOW, Brew has BIG WORDS for BB after the game

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

Its a little different in basketball when it is not a call from the bench. Westbrook made a poor decision but he is not the coach.

If you go for 2 up 25 in the fourth quarter, expect the opposing coach to be rightfully pissed. Think about it this way - would there be any possible way Joe Paterno goes for 2 in that scenario? That should tell you whether the move is appropriate or not.

All coaches should wear a bracelet that says WWJoPaD.


Remember, Bielema also before the year started actually admitted he was working on improving his relationship with the media and his public image. I WONDER WHY?????!!!!!

to hang your hat on is totally moronic. It was over 50 years ago! I just cringe when I hear tools make that argument. You've just lost 14 out of 16 to your rival but "we've got 6 natl. titles". Ahhhhhhhhhhh

You're right. Joe Montana is no longer relevant when talking about football because his super bowl rings came years ago. Clearly only a tool would include him in one of the best QB's of all time conversation.

Gopher Ace:

You don't get it. Only Badger trolls can talk about basketball on this board, even if they bring up the subject.

Its a little different in basketball when it is not a call from the bench. Westbrook made a poor decision but he is not the coach.

It's way different. It's not even close to an analygous situation.

LOL!!!! I have nothing to whine about in our program! Show me where? LOL!!!!!!

he said you were whining about people's posts ... not anything to do with programs

Originally Posted by Bob_Loblaw
And then you whined when someone commented on YOUR post about the basketball programs

good try though ...

LOL!!!! I have nothing to whine about in our program! Show me where? LOL!!!!!!

You might want to improve your reading comprehension. I said that you whined about people bringing up basketball, and you did. I believe it's the second page of this thread.

You brought up the basketball game when Westbrook dunked late in the game. Someone else commented on the basketball programs (in response to your initial post) and then you whined that people are bringing up the basketball programs on this board.

So, I never said that you whined about your program. I said that you whined about someone talking about basketball on this board (in response to you bringing it up).

Wrong. I said I didn't care about Westbrook. Only pointing out the hypocracy of you thin skinned pansies complaining about Bielema. Both places, stop em or shut up.

Re: Bringing up MN's 6 national titles...

You're right. Joe Montana is no longer relevant when talking about football because his super bowl rings came years ago. Clearly only a tool would include him in one of the best QB's of all time conversation.

Uh, you had me til Joe Montana. WTF? Joe Montana?

You might want to improve your reading comprehension. I said that you whined about people bringing up basketball, and you did. I believe it's the second page of this thread.

You brought up the basketball game when Westbrook dunked late in the game. Someone else commented on the basketball programs (in response to your initial post) and then you whined that people are bringing up the basketball programs on this board.

So, I never said that you whined about your program. I said that you whined about someone talking about basketball on this board (in response to you bringing it up).

Whined is the operative word. I pointed out how pathetic it is for you fans to not be able to talk football on your football board. I don't care if you want to talk hoops. Just proves what a joke Minnesota is in football. Not that that is rocket science.

Whined is the operative word. I pointed out how pathetic it is for you fans to not be able to talk football on your football board. I don't care if you want to talk hoops. Just proves what a joke Minnesota is in football. Not that that is rocket science.

when has anyone claimed MN is better at football in this thread? Anyone?

And if youv're read this thread, the overall feeling seems to be that BB is a hated because of who he is, and most don't seem to have a problem with going for 2 and have actually agreed with what you are saying. Stop trying to imagine fights please.

Wrong. I said I didn't care about Westbrook. Only pointing out the hypocracy of you thin skinned pansies complaining about Bielema. Both places, stop em or shut up.

All of us on the board are admitting Brew is at fault for not stopping anyone. But that doesn't excuse BB for making a D-bag move.

Both coaches are at fault. Just admit that your coach is a prick, just like we are admitting our coaches ineptitude. Its OK to admit it. It doesn't mean we've "won" the argument. Just admit your guy is a tool, as is widely known already in the football landscape.

Whined is the operative word. I pointed out how pathetic it is for you fans to not be able to talk football on your football board. I don't care if you want to talk hoops. Just proves what a joke Minnesota is in football. Not that that is rocket science.

Jesus man, why are you here? You should be out celebrating your team's victory. YOu should be at a bar right now having a victory shot. At least go to your own team's message board to celebrate. How pathetic is your life that you are here right now? Man, you have problems.

when has anyone claimed MN is better at football in this thread? Anyone?

And if youv're read this thread, the overall feeling seems to be that BB is a hated because of who he is, and most don't seem to have a problem with going for 2 and have actually agreed with what you are saying. Stop trying to imagine fights please.

It doesn't have to be specifically mentioned in THIS thread...not when we're reading the one and only "6 National Titles Football Forum."

Whined is the operative word. I pointed out how pathetic it is for you fans to not be able to talk football on your football board. I don't care if you want to talk hoops. Just proves what a joke Minnesota is in football. Not that that is rocket science.

Then you should have worded your last posting differently. You didn't say "I didn't whine", you said "why would I whine about my program", which wrongfully insinuated that I said that you "whined about the basketball program".

We didn't want to talk hoops, YOU DID. YOU BROUGHT IT UP!!!!!

However, again you are wrong. There is almost zero outrage on this board about what Bielema did. I think everyone think's it's a bit chickensh!t, but that's not a big deal. I didn't do anything more than smirk when Bielema went for two.

i agree he is a horrible coach on the field, but he does have one good quality you look for in a coach in that he sticks up for his players. BB disrespected his team and Brew just let him know he is not ok with that. I can't help but think Brew deep down knows this was his last game vs wisconsin and he had wanted to say this to BB since he started here and this was his last chance and the going for 2 was the last straw for Brew

I agree. Well put. I will put this on the list of good memories of Brewster...along with the times he was very gracious to my kids and family. Good guy...just not getting wins.

Brewster did what I would have. It was bush league by BB.


Do unto others and you'd have done to you. Classless move by a tigerhawked meathead and four losses worth of frustration unleashed by a broken and beaten man.

Sure, Bielema is a jerk for doing it. But that's only because he pussed out and said it was because of the card. I'd love it if I was a Wisconsin fan and he did it and said he was trying to run it up.
DiNardo was saying just that - fess up that Bielema was RUTS.

For the record, I disagree with the attempt. Christ Martin was saying it was good practice for a later situation, but actually I wouldn't want to give away any secrets of my goal line/2 point offense.

Brewster sucks what difference did it make????????!!!!!!!!!!!! they missed it anyway what an complete idiot fire him NOW!!!!!

I think Bielema just wanted to kick Minnesota when they were down, which he has every right to do. He wanted to stick it to Brewster and bait him into saying something after the game and he did just that. I think it's a little low brow to go for 2 up 25 in the 4th, but Brewster should be more concerned with how his team gave up 250 yards on the ground. Don't try to take the high road about going for 2 when your team can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.

There's one other possibility here...

Bielema may be actually telling the truth. It would mean he is completely clueless and really didn't recognize what everyone else did, that going for 2 at that time would be considered running up the score. Sort of like a guy who takes a piss off his front porch every morning and wonders why the neighbors think it's a problem, "doesn't everyone do that?".

The Least of Brewster's Problems

He should be worying about his own team, they did not look prepared to play in the first quarter. This guy is a complete tool, who cares about Wisconsin and their staff. Worry about what you can control.


Brewster is such a dope. Get all worked up about a two point conversion. Bielema was classless. So you react to a guy like that by acting classless yourself? Brew needs to get worked up about execution of a game plan, tackling, QB accuracy, players doing their assignments, athlete conditioning, etc. etc. How about taking a long look in the mirror and getting upset.


Brewster is such a dope. Get all worked up about a two point conversion. Bielema was classless. So you react to a guy like that by acting classless yourself? Brew needs to get worked up about execution of a game plan, tackling, QB accuracy, players doing their assignments, athlete conditioning, etc. etc. How about taking a long look in the mirror and getting upset.

There is a point to that, but if my children are going to act like @ssholes, I'm going to let them know, in no uncertain terms that those actions are unacceptable. Of course, since I'm not on a reality show, there will be no cameras catching me doing that, so there won't be any people on a chat board critiquing my parenting either.

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