WOW, Brew has BIG WORDS for BB after the game

I have zero problem with wisky running up the score. I want a coach here who would purposely run up the score on wisky and Iowa, but not necessarily anyone else.

Then in the post-game interview, he would say "You bet we ran up the score! I don't know if you knew, but this is Minnesota, and we hate wisconsin (or Iowa). I am the head football coach at Minnesota. It is my job to win games and recruit young men. I can do both of those things better when I embarrass our rivals. Remember that we are in constant competition with Iowa and wisconsin both on the field and on the recruiting trail. We want young men who play for Iowa or wisconsin to dread playing against us, especially in our house, because they stand a good chance of looking like fools."

I want a coach who is always in charge of the situation, always aggressive.

And would never dream of saying, "Oh it was on the card and I'm too big of a meathead ogre to do anything but what I am told by a card."

I am pretty certain that a sign of a sh!tty program is when the fans take time away from discussing the firing of a coach midseason to discuss whether it was classless for the opponent, in a sense, to have taunted us when destroying us versus just destroying us.

Another sign of a down and out program may be naming a message board after national titles won, when for all intensive purposes only white athletes were on the field.

While I enjoy Gopher football and travel back to almost all of the games, it is times like these that I am glad that I live on the East Coast.

Holy hell, I agree with you....

It's pretty simple really.

There are reasons that BB is where he's at with Wisconsin right now and there are reasons Tressel, Ferentz, JoePa, and even now Dantonio are where they are at. Character does matter.

With how Barry left the program, and the coaching staff (mainly Paul Chryst) he left there to babysit him, if BB were any coach at all Wisconsin would be better today than they are.

Enjoy the view, Bret. It's not going to change any time soon... There's nothing wrong with being the 4th or 5th best team in the conference (until Nebraska gets to the BT), it's a position that several BT programs, including the Gophers right now, would love to be in.

It doesn't really matter if you think going for 2 was right or wrong. By doing so, you've prompted people to have an opinion of you that they may not have had before. By doing nothing, you don't bring that kind of attention upon yourself and your program.

Blah, blah, blah. You have a lot more to worry about then a 2 point conversion. How many times have you met Bielema? I don't think you know one thing about him.

Your hatred of Wisconsin is cool, the program is in a place that a Gophers fan could only dream of. It would drive me crazy if the shoe was on the other foot. Fortunately, I have about 5 years before I will need to worry about and only if everything goes perfectly for the Gophers from now until then.

It always amazes me what people worry about after games. The Gophers just played a game where they gave up 4 straight TD drives to end the game after being down at the half 14-9 and the coach is worrying about a 2 point conversion. Why doesn't he worry about recruiting someone that can tackle.

I can tell you as a Gopher fan

there is nothing about the Wisconsin program that I envy or dream about. There are some things that I wish about Wisconsin but they are against the law.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please understand this 50Pound, going for two IS in the confines of the game! Going for two IS part of wanting to run as many different plays to build your football team! Do you find it unrealistic they might have to go for two in a game that matters at some point this season? I can not for the life of me understand how you think 14 more points would have been ok but 1 more point was this huge insult that is worth judging a man's character on.

You're the only one who doesn't get it Becky.

OOOOOH. We're so jealous of Wisconsin. You think pretty highly of that program. Don't you think if we're jealous of a program, it would be the one that's dominated the Big Ten for the past decade? (Hint, that's not Wisconsin).

Another sign of a down and out program may be naming a message board after national titles won, when for all intensive purposes only white athletes were on the field.

What does the race card have to do with anything here?

Should Florida forfeit their recent titles? For all intents & purposes, they only had black & white players on the field. Zero Asians. Zero Native Americans. Zero Pacific Islanders.

As a coach, I am speaking from experience here. This is probably what BB was thinking, for I have done the same.

1) We will not see this coach again
2) At some point this year, we will need a 2 pt conversion.
3) This is as good as practice, lets get some experience for the players
4) (I don't think UW did this), but I have also done this to show something new/unexpected to make upcoming opponents waste time in practice prepping for it.

Then again maybe he was being a dick, but oh well. These guys don't get paid to care about how the other coaches or players feel about themselves. This isn't the MSHSL where everyone needs to get a trophy and feel good.

I agree coach brewster should have taken it like a man, instead he used it as a convenient cover for his complete CRAP job of coaching...using profanity on national TV also reflects on the University.....what a fine example !?!??! the sooner he is gone, the better

Don't take any of my comments on this thread as defending Brewster. He probably should have swallowed it and let the event speak for itself. My point all along is that I believe (I don't know) Bielema was putting his thumb in Brewster's eye and I don't cotton to that kind of behavior. I get ticked at my teams when they do it, so don't think I'm pushing a double-standard.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

According to the Badger fan next to me at the game, Bielema has been hustling up the co-eds and may be more than just Brewsters Daddy.

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

It's sad but it's true.

Both coaches are at fault here:

If you put a S@*# defense on the field in a rivalry game, expect the other team to get cocky and run up the score.

If you go for 2 up 25 in the fourth quarter, expect the opposing coach to be rightfully pissed. Think about it this way - would there be any possible way Joe Paterno goes for 2 in that scenario? That should tell you whether the move is appropriate or not.

Also this.

A few things

1. Is it unheard of for a team to score enough points to overcome a 26 point lead? The Gophers once gave up 31 in the 4th quarter to Michigan and squandered a 21 point lead in the process. I know because I was there.

2. Was the game being contested? Against OSU last year Gray was in at QB with more than 7 minutes left when the Gophers went down by 38. Was Gray warming up on the sidelines? I doubt it. TB has, inexplicably not given his backup any garbage time experience this year. He was still contesting the game and had every intention to go for onside kicks until he felt it wasn't winnable.

3. Referring all the talk about who would do what to who, BB did the timeout thing with Paterno on the other sideline, so he is not applying some lower standard to Brewster. Also in Bielema's first year he was calling timeouts to get the ball back down by ten inside of two minutes and Lloyd Carr threw deep downthe sideline to Manningham as if to say, as long as you contest this gam we're going to bring it. BB was asked about I. After the game and had no issue with it.

I don't think BB goes for two if he doesnt think the game is being contested. It is that simple.

A few things

1. Is it unheard of for a team to score enough points to overcome a 26 point lead? The Gophers once gave up 31 in the 4th quarter to Michigan and squandered a 21 point lead in the process. I know because I was there.

2. Was the game being contested? Against OSU last year Gray was in at QB with more than 7 minutes left when the Gophers went down by 38. Was Gray warming up on the sidelines? I doubt it. TB has, inexplicably not given his backup any garbage time experience this year. He was still contesting the game and had every intention to go for onside kicks until he felt it wasn't winnable.

3. Referring all the talk about who would do what to who, BB did the timeout thing with Paterno on the other sideline, so he is not applying some lower standard to Brewster. Also in Bielema's first year he was calling timeouts to get the ball back down by ten inside of two minutes and Lloyd Carr threw deep downthe sideline to Manningham as if to say, as long as you contest this gam we're going to bring it. BB was asked about I. After the game and had no issue with it.

I don't think BB goes for two if he doesnt think the game is being contested. It is that simple.

Then why didn't he go for 2 when they went up 34-9? Did he all of a sudden think "oh yeah, i have this chart thing that I need to check"? I doubt it. He knew exactly what he was doing. I have no problem with it, except that he didn't just admit it afterwords. He hid behind "the chart."

Both Brew and BB looked bad here IMO.

1. Is it unheard of for a team to score enough points to overcome a 26 point lead? The Gophers once gave up 31 in the 4th quarter to Michigan and squandered a 21 point lead in the process. I know because I was there.

2. Was the game being contested? Against OSU last year Gray was in at QB with more than 7 minutes left when the Gophers went down by 38. Was Gray warming up on the sidelines? I doubt it. TB has, inexplicably not given his backup any garbage time experience this year. He was still contesting the game and had every intention to go for onside kicks until he felt it wasn't winnable

Nice try, but if Bielema was really going for 2 because he thought the Gophers could have come back he would have said so in his explanation, instead of blaming it on the "chart." End of story.

Referring all the talk about who would do what to who, BB did the timeout thing with Paterno on the other sideline, so he is not applying some lower standard to Brewster

Why are people comparing these two situations? They are not even close to comparable. The kickoff out of bounds thing at the end of the half was actually quite brilliant strategy taking advantage of a loophole in the new rules. He wasn't "showing up" Joe Pa. It wasn't some cocky D-bag move at all. It was taking advantage of a situation. Joe Pa probably wished he would have thought of it - I guarantee you he didn't feel slighted by the move at all. They are not close to being the same situation or thought process.

Why are people comparing these two situations? They are not even close to comparable. The kickoff out of bounds thing at the end of the half was actually quite brilliant strategy taking advantage of a loophole in the new rules. He wasn't "showing up" Joe Pa. It wasn't some cocky D-bag move at all. It was taking advantage of a situation. Joe Pa probably wished he would have thought of it - I guarantee you he didn't feel slighted by the move at all. They are not close to being the same situation or thought process.

Actually, the message boards at the time were full of the same weeping and gnashing of teeth as in this thread about the disrespect for the game, coach, etc. In fact, I can almost guarantee that the words cocky and d-bag appeared in some of those posts. The difference is JoePa didn't feel the need to bring it up to the media to try to divert attention from his own ineptitude.

Edited because certain words can't be used on The Hole.

Actually, the message boards at the time were full of the same weeping and gnashing of teeth as in this thread about the disrespect for the game, coach, etc. In fact, I can almost guarantee that the words cocky and d-bag appeared in some of those posts. The difference is JoePa didn't feel the need to bring it up to the media to try to divert attention from his own ineptitude.

Edited because certain words can't be used on The Hole.

I really don't remember that being the tone of the postings about that kickoff move at the time. I certainly didn't feel that way about the situation, nor recall any rumblings on the web or by the talking heads saying it was a disrespectful move. I do remember discussions about needing to have that rule altered - which it was.

Its funny how BB is not only in Punky's head but in all gopher fan's head too. You not talking about being 1-5 or how you have lost 7 in a row for the axe.

No one in Madison has anything to be ashamed of in regards to our Basketball program against any team in the conference. We're quite comfortable about it.

Sign of the times when you have to point to your 6th place basketball program on the football board.

You brought it up, dick. What BB did just goes to show the total lack of class that he personifies. Way to represent.

I wonder how insecure you have to feel to try to run up the score on a team that is about to go through transition again to compensate for the fans calling for your head, since you are 1-8 against ranked teams on the road. Maybe BB can have someone else coach for him when he has to leave Wiscy.

The real reason wiscy fans are in this thread, is that they are jealous our coach is moving on and their coach isn't.

I have no problem with going for 2...the game is 60 minutes long, play to the end.
As one Bobby Bowden once said "I coach my team you coach yours. If you don't like the results then get a better team"

Nice try, but if Bielema was really going for 2 because he thought the Gophers could have come back he would have said so in his explanation

I think it is implied in referring to the chart. This is why others have said it is, in a way, a compliment to go for two.

I think it is implied in referring to the chart. This is why others have said it is, in a way, a compliment to go for two.

And as others have said, if that's really the case, then he would have gone for two when they went up 34-9 with 11 minutes left. The chart that he uses would have told him to go for two, but he didn't. It was not a compliment at all. He was rubbing it in and you know it. I'm fine with it, he should have just been a man and admitted it. Instead he hides behind the chart.

1. Is it unheard of for a team to score enough points to overcome a 26 point lead? The Gophers once gave up 31 in the 4th quarter to Michigan and squandered a 21 point lead in the process. I know because I was there.

I'd like to see you find a game at the Division I-A level (or FBS if you prefer that name) where a team lost a game that they led by 26 points with under 7 minutes to play.

2. Was the game being contested? Against OSU last year Gray was in at QB with more than 7 minutes left when the Gophers went down by 38. Was Gray warming up on the sidelines? I doubt it. TB has, inexplicably not given his backup any garbage time experience this year. He was still contesting the game and had every intention to go for onside kicks until he felt it wasn't winnable.

Brewster has not put in his backup for garbage time all season, and Bielema's coaching staff knew that unless they're so lazy that they don't watch film on upcoming opponents. And how did Bielema know that Brewster would be going for onside kicks? Does he have a mind reader on staff? Apparently his mind reader isn't very good...

3. Referring all the talk about who would do what to who, BB did the timeout thing with Paterno on the other sideline, so he is not applying some lower standard to Brewster. Also in Bielema's first year he was calling timeouts to get the ball back down by ten inside of two minutes and Lloyd Carr threw deep downthe sideline to Manningham as if to say, as long as you contest this gam we're going to bring it. BB was asked about I. After the game and had no issue with it.

I have no problem with his using that loophole - when the rule change happened, I remember thinking about how stupid a change it was and wondered how long it would be until someone exploited it.

How do you compare a 25 point lead to a game with a 10 point lead? Of course Bielema didn't have a problem with Carr throwing deep - that game was still in doubt! 10 points can be overcome with two minutes to play, and Carr had an obligation to put the game away, either by running the ball to get first downs or scoring to make it a 3 score contest. The Badgers were probably putting 8 or 9 in the box to prevent the run, so a deep pass is a good call there.

Also, beyond whether the game was in question or not is another pertinent question - what advantage does going for 2 give in that situation? Does it take it from a 4 score to a 5 score lead? No, it doesn't. Whether they had a 26 or 27 point lead, the Gophers needed 4 scores to catch up. So, does it change the kind of scores needed? For example, changing it from 3 TDs and a FG to 4 TDs? No, in both cases, 3 TDs (with some 2 point conversions) and a FG would have been enough, or if the Gophers don't go for twos, 4 TDs would have been required in both cases. So the reality is that there was virtually no advantage gained from going for 2.

I don't think BB goes for two if he doesnt think the game is being contested. It is that simple.

If you really believe this, then YOU are pretty simple. He ran up the score. Period. No other possible explanation. So the question is, are you making excuses because you're embarrassed that he did that, or are you proud that he did it and are also hiding behind excuses just like he did?

Brewster wasn't angry that he had been showed up, he was angry that Bielema had gone out of his way to embarrass his players. Brewster has plenty of faults and probably won't be back next year, but telling off Bielema on the field and not backing down at the press conference was an example of how much he cares about his players.

And please, let's stop with the "they should be embarrassed by their performance" crap. I'm sure they are, and if they're not, then they've lost the passion needed to play Big Ten football. This isn't about whether the Gopher players/coaching staff is embarrassed. It's about Bielema deciding to throw sportsmanship out the window. This whole idea that we can't be angry about his action because our team didn't perform well is ridiculous. I'm perfectly capable of being annoyed with Brewster and how the team played while also being annoyed at Bielema for a lack of class.

10,000 views. You don't see that every day. This world has become waaaaay too complicated if anyone can take the time to try to dream up a valid reason for that two point conversion call. It was poor sports... plain and simple. This doesn't change Brewster's coaching record, the Gopher's win loss record, the direction of either program, or anything that meaningful. It was poor sports, in an age old obvious way... and now we all move on. I don't blame Brewster for his reaction. I thought it was valid. However, I do blame him for producing a horrible football team that might actually match the futility of the '07 team. Things aren't just black and white. Brewster can be correct about a single reaction at the same time he is utterly incorrect on how to build a college football team.

And as others have said, if that's really the case, then he would have gone for two when they went up 34-9 with 11 minutes left. The chart that he uses would have told him to go for two, but he didn't. It was not a compliment at all. He was rubbing it in and you know it. I'm fine with it, he should have just been a man and admitted it. Instead he hides behind the chart.

The same reasoning can be used for him "running up the score". If he really was just about "embarrassing" the Gophers why didn't he "run up the score" by going for two with 11 minutes left? The fact that he did it one way once and another way another time hurts your argument just the same.

10,000 views. You don't see that every day. This world has become waaaaay too complicated if anyone can take the time to try to dream up a valid reason for that two point conversion call. It was poor sports... plain and simple. This doesn't change Brewster's coaching record, the Gopher's win loss record, the direction of either program, or anything that meaningful. It was poor sports, in an age old obvious way... and now we all move on. I don't blame Brewster for his reaction. I thought it was valid. However, I do blame him for producing a horrible football team that might actually match the futility of the '07 team. Things aren't just black and white. Brewster can be correct about a single reaction at the same time he is utterly incorrect on how to build a college football team.

"poor sports...plain and simple." So I haven't really gotten an answer to this question yet, maybe you can explain it to me. What is this "rule" in football that you can score 6 and then one more, but trying for 2 (and not getting it) is "poor sports"? Who made this rule? Is it just some old school football idea that 2 is only to either win the game or run up the score but 3 or 6 is ok? I'm really asking an honest question and looking for an honest answer. The names and character attacks throughout this tread on BB are just pretty extreme for something I'm not understanding.

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