WOW, Brew has BIG WORDS for BB after the game

No one in Madison has anything to be ashamed of in regards to our Basketball program against any team in the conference. We're quite comfortable about it.

Sign of the times when you have to point to your 6th place basketball program on the football board.

Your buddy is the one who brought up basketball on this board. Since you're here: we can always get a new coach Wisconsin will always be the nation's leader in necrophilia and zoonecrophilia.

I'm not mad at BB for running up the score. Big fan when teams do it to their rivals. Not mad at BB for doing it, wasn't mad at Kiffin for doing it against the team that didn't hire him.

that late dunk attempt was awesome too, can't wait to beat sconny in bball this year

No, you guys are right. I shouldn't have brought up the Westbrook dunk. I was having trouble coming up with ANY time that Gopher fans would have a football dilema with regards to running up ths score. Since that hasn't been the reality for you guys in God knows how long, I was applying a single play from a UW/MN basketball game.

if brewster would have backed up his words and created a winning program, we would have the axe right now and not having this conversation; in other words, shut up brewster and take it; you suck as a coach and you will not get fired soon enough; if teams run up the score, so be it- we have had to witness your destruction of our beloved fb program; in some sense you deserve to get embarrassed for the way you have made our program an embarrassment. I just wish the players did not have to suffer this embarrassment with you - you POS!

that late dunk attempt was awesome too, can't wait to beat sconny in bball this year

Exactly. I am fine with BB running up the score, fine with his excuse for doing it, fine with Brew talking to him after. fine with Westbrook's dunk, fine with MN's 6 national titles, and fine with beating Wisconsin 3 straight times in bball.

Just in case people were wondering.

It's just classless. That's all. DiNardo is right. I don't condone Brewster going after him, but this is something Ferentz would never do and why you'll never see me go after Ferentz. "Scoreboard" should be enough. But nowadays, you have to obliterate the other team instead of simply winning comfortably.

Can't believe you Wisconsin guys are all up in our face about it. Why can't Bielema take the high road and show a little sportsmanship? According to you, Brewster started all of this with his gum-flapping. Shouldn't Bielema have enough class to be above that and simply accept a two-touchdown-plus win as enough?

Brewster shot his mouth of from day one. Bielema is just letting know who Daddy is. The better move is to not care. But Brew has not known how to handle himself or his program since he arrived.

Ironic how so many on here had no problem with Westbrook's late dunk. For the record, I didn't care then, nor do I now. Stop the opponent, or shut up.

You guys should be thankful. Brett is doing his part to try to get you a new coach.

The dunk was Westbrook's call, not Tubby's. I think most of us on here would agree that Westbrook can be a d-bag. The decision to go for two was 100% Bielema's call. IMO, if you're upset with Brewster, be a man and tell him face-to-face.

What's Brew going to say to Ferentz when his traveling fan base is dangling on the goal posts renaming his stadium Kinnick North? Will he have words for Maturi for not arranging to have Pawlenty call out the National Guard to protect his house?

Brewster has been running his mouth since he got here, is anyone surprised he can't control himself now when he's on the verge of unemployment?

Upset with Brewster? Bielema loves having Brewster in Minneparis.

You guys have thin skin. Stop the other team or shut up. There is little more to this.

What's Brew going to say to Ferentz when his traveling fan base is dangling on the goal posts renaming his stadium Kinnick North? Will he have words for Maturi for not arranging to have Pawlenty call out the National Guard to protect his house?

I doubt Ferentz will go for two when he's up 25. Can't believe so many here are missing the obvious point of Brewster's pique.

Both coaches are at fault here:

If you put a S@*# defense on the field in a rivalry game, expect the other team to get cocky and run up the score.

If you go for 2 up 25 in the fourth quarter, expect the opposing coach to be rightfully pissed. Think about it this way - would there be any possible way Joe Paterno goes for 2 in that scenario? That should tell you whether the move is appropriate or not.

Both coaches are at fault here:

If you put a S@*# defense on the field in a rivalry game, expect the other team to get cocky and run up the score.

If you go for 2 up 25 in the fourth quarter, expect the opposing coach to be rightfully pissed. Think about it this way - would there be any possible way Joe Paterno goes for 2 in that scenario? That should tell you whether the move is appropriate or not.


Both coaches are at fault here:

If you put a S@*# defense on the field in a rivalry game, expect the other team to get cocky and run up the score.

If you go for 2 up 25 in the fourth quarter, expect the opposing coach to be rightfully pissed. Think about it this way - would there be any possible way Joe Paterno goes for 2 in that scenario? That should tell you whether the move is appropriate or not.

You beat me to this. There is a reason Joepa is so respected beyond just the wins. There is a reason people think BB is a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# even with a winning record.

I think BB is a jerk. But i really don't see why people are ticked at him. I am of the belief that it is your team's responsibility to stop the other team. We can't and, therefore, we must suffer the consequences. If Brewster would have been a half way decent coach we would never have gotten in this position in the first place. We need to win, simple as that, and everything else falls into place.

I would rather have a d!ck as a head coach and win, then have a whiny b!tch like Brew and be 15-29.

I think BB is a jerk. But i really don't see why people are ticked at him. I am of the belief that it is your team's responsibility to stop the other team. We can't and, therefore, we must suffer the consequences. If Brewster would have been a half way decent coach we would never have gotten in this position in the first place. We need to win, simple as that, and everything else falls into place.


I hate BB just for who he is, not running up the score. Heck, I'd hate the Wisconsin coach whoever it was. That's our rival. If you like your rival, its not a rivalry. Do you think any OSU fan has liked a Michigan coach?

I am glad Brew got in his face simply because he's the coach of WI and an SOB

I think BB is a jerk. But i really don't see why people are ticked at him. I am of the belief that it is your team's responsibility to stop the other team. We can't and, therefore, we must suffer the consequences. If Brewster would have been a half way decent coach we would never have gotten in this position in the first place. We need to win, simple as that, and everything else falls into place.

Agree with the three posts before this.

I don't think anyone is saying it's Bielema's job to lay down or that the Gophers shouldn't be required to stop the opposition. The POINT is the Badgers were up 25 and there was no way the Gophers were going to come back and win the game. There was no need for Bielema to thumb Brewster in the eye. But he chose to do that.

This is not an arena and Brewster and Bielema aren't gladiators. It's just another sad example of how a sense of class, which used to be so prevalent in sport, has been replaced by preening self-importance. If Bielema doesn't like Brewster, he should have kept blitzing or whatever and beating the tar out of the Gophers within the confines of the game rather than making a lame statement. And then go to the press afterwards and truthfully explain his actions.

I would rather have a d!ck as a head coach and win, then have a whiny b!tch like Brew and be 15-29.

I like how some people even bring up his overall record like it matters.

We are 0-fer in trophy games. That means 0 wins against wisky, 0 wins against Iowa.


At Minnesota, you have to START there and only then can you count the other wins as valuable in any way.

Brewster happens to be an epic failure in this case. I'll be disappointed if he survives the week here.

No, you guys are right. I shouldn't have brought up the Westbrook dunk. I was having trouble coming up with ANY time that Gopher fans would have a football dilema with regards to running up ths score. Since that hasn't been the reality for you guys in God knows how long, I was applying a single play from a UW/MN basketball game.

And then you whined when someone commented on YOUR post about the basketball programs.

I have no problem with what Bielema did, it's pretty typical of him. It really doesn't make the U look any worse, but I certainly think it makes Bielema look a little worse. He wants to play the Belichek role but he doesn't have the guts to actually follow through with his actions. He made excuses. When you make excuses for what you've done, you are essentially admitting that it was the wrong thing to do. If he thought there was nothing wrong with running up the score, he should have just said that.

WTF are you talking about. Ferentz runs up the score all the time.

There is a gigantic difference in the way the two programs run up the score. Iowa just keeps running their offense, Bielema does quirky things that he wouldn't do in a close game.

I personally don't really care as a Gopher fan, I am much more annoyed with the fact that we are in a position to sample the different flavors of how a team runs up the score. However, what Bielema did is different than what Ferentz does.

Re: Bringing up MN's 6 national titles...

to hang your hat on is totally moronic. It was over 50 years ago! I just cringe when I hear tools make that argument. You've just lost 14 out of 16 to your rival but "we've got 6 natl. titles". Ahhhhhhhhhhh

Upset with Brewster? Bielema loves having Brewster in Minneparis.

You guys have thin skin. Stop the other team or shut up. There is little more to this.

Then why did Bielema feel the need to make an excuse for why he went for 2?

And then you whined when someone commented on YOUR post about the basketball programs.

I have no problem with what Bielema did, it's pretty typical of him. It really doesn't make the U look any worse, but I certainly think it makes Bielema look a little worse. He wants to play the Belichek role but he doesn't have the guts to actually follow through with his actions. He made excuses. When you make excuses for what you've done, you are essentially admitting that it was the wrong thing to do. If he thought there was nothing wrong with running up the score, he should have just said that.

I will say that Belichick doesn't run up the score like BB did. Belichick simply sticks to his gameplan for 60 minutes. He doesn't ease up. If it is 3rd and 10, he passes and if the open reciever is Moss for a 70 yard TD so be it.

I don't think Belichick has ever gone for 2 up 25.

I don't think that makes BB any worse or better or anything, just saying.

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