Worst 3 brands of beer ever drank by you?........ ...................

Miller Lite is what I drink to sober up.

My personal rule is that I'll only drink Miller Lite if its being served in a bong.

Many of the beers being named here (Busch Light, the Beast, Keystone, Schmidts) I wouldn't be able to put on my worst list simply because of the fond memories I have of me and my friends siphoning these beers off of our dads' stock.

Special Export
Mountain Crest
Also, anything fruity like cranberry or lime beers,etc...disgusting!

Special Export in a can is the worst beer ever

Special X the "Green death in a can", if I ever drink that crap again I will need mouthwash to get rid of the aftertaste and the crappy headaches.

Bud Light Ice was always readily available and really bad.

Spotted Cow from New glarus is flat nasty, not a good beer. Tak say's "NO GOOD".
My sister inlaw raves about it and bought us a case, I cannot drink it, just to bitter.

Amstel Light another just god awful bitter beer.

Keystone Light and Red Stripe reserves there own category of warm nastyness. Thse two are what I imagine Pee would taste like and I don't ever want to drink pee.

Do not understand the Spotted Cow hatred. I get it, it's from Wisconsin, we hate Wisconsin, boo those guys. But really, for a cheap, widely available (in WI) beer, you can do much worse. IMO, Keystone Light, Beast Light, etc are way worse example of beers. Is Spotted Cow on the same plane as, say, a Unibroue offering, a Surly, a Stone, or a St. Bernardus? No. But, for cheap, it'll do.

I will say I love New Glarus' Octoberfest offering (Staghorn). One of my favorite Octoberfests.

Thanks again fellow Gopherholer's on your cheap beer expertise! Have a great summer and we will unite again in the Gopher Football Season!! Happy Hangovers! Go Gophers!

1. Special X
2. Red Dog
3. Summit IPA (I know I am going to get crap for that selection, but that beer tastes terrible!)

1. Pig's Eye
2. Milwaukee's Best
3. Rolling Rock

Rolling Rock is so heinous and it "went national" when I was at the U. Couldn't get away from it, blech.

Olympia, Milwaukees Best, and Pigs Eye are absolute dog piss. Blatz and Red, White, & Blue are also close though. Somewhat expensive beer that I can't believe people like is the very skunky Heineken. I keep trying it thinking it will taste better but its the ultimate in skunkiness every time I drink it.

I worked at the Chi-Lake liquor store back in the late 1970's. I seem to remember a great bargain we once ran. 3 cases of North Star beer for $9.99. It doesn't get much worse than that; however, Leinenkugel(sp?) Bock tasted like something that ducks would leave behind themselves.

I worked at Otto's same time frame, an elderly retired couple came in and got 7 cases of Pfeiffer every Monday morning, they had to live on the sh$tter.

I would have to add Hauenstein and probably North Star to Pfeiffer.

I love threads like this.

FOr me, my 3 worst would be:

1 - I think it was called Iron City Lager, when we went out to Penn State a few years ago we saw it in a liquor store there and got it because it was cheap. No surprise, it was brewed in LaCrosse, WI.

2 - Natty Light. One of the guys in my intro geology field camp group would get a case of 30 every day and drink most of them. I tried it and just couldn't do it.

3 - It's a tie between Schmidt and Hamm's. I gotta wonder if they were better back when they were locally owned, or if we would still think they taste like piss.

My best 3:

1 - Paulaner Hefeweizen
2 - Just about anything by Surly
3 - Grain Belt Nordeast - I really like it and that's all that I care. My family has always been a Grain Belt family, and Premium was the first beer I tasted at the ripe old age of 16 months.

I know that my girlfriend's uncles talked about how bad Hauenstien was when they were up at UMD in the late 70's/early 80's. I also used to hear that Blatz is what you drank when you ran out of Schlitz.

Iron City Light (warm cans + terrible taste + low ABV = only consume when there's nothing else)
Little Kings Cream Ale (40 ounces of bad mistakes)
Uberbock (bottle, from the early 00s...had a bacony finish and not in a good way. Absolutely the worst possible choice for doing the century club.)

Cleaning out some old stuff recently I found an unopened grain belt can with the old wood grain design...must be from the late 1990s. Let us start the bidding at $100 Bazillions.

Iron City Light (warm cans + terrible taste + low ABV = only consume when there's nothing else)
Little Kings Cream Ale (40 ounces of bad mistakes)
Uberbock (bottle, from the early 00s...had a bacony finish and not in a good way. Absolutely the worst possible choice for doing the century club.)

Cleaning out some old stuff recently I found an unopened grain belt can with the old wood grain design...must be from the late 1990s. Let us start the bidding at $100 Bazillions.

You pay me, and I will take it off your hands.

Schmidt tasted Very different when it was brewed on west 7th. It really had bite to it, but it didn't taste BAD. Hamm's pretty much tasted like it does now. I like it. Stroh's, even when brewed in St. Paul tasted,well, awful.

My mom told me a story about the guy who lived in our house before us. My parents lived next door, and she would visit him every now and then since he was blind. He would always tell her to have a beer when she was over. He only drank Hamm's, and he did not own a refrigerator. He kept it in the basement and at best is was cool. She had to open it and drink it when she visited with him, and she would definitely say Hamm's was the worst she ever had. If I had to drink a lukewarm beer, I think I would vomit.

My mom told me a story about the guy who lived in our house before us. My parents lived next door, and she would visit him every now and then since he was blind. He would always tell her to have a beer when she was over. He only drank Hamm's, and he did not own a refrigerator. He kept it in the basement and at best is was cool. She had to open it and drink it when she visited with him, and she would definitely say Hamm's was the worst she ever had. If I had to drink a lukewarm beer, I think I would vomit.

Zales, you haven't lived until you have drunk a mid-July car trunk warm Blatz Light!!! :drink:

Wow! I've been dry almost 30 years and there are brands being named here I had no idea existed.

The worst beers I ever tasted may all be defunct now. But here goes:

(1) Rhinelander
(2) Hauenstein (Even though I've been dry as long as I have, I can still taste a Hauenstein in my memory. That's bad.)
(3) Schell's circa 1975 (May have been a phase of Schell's, as I understand they changed things up dramatically)

I always thought Pfeiffer's was the best "bad" beer and at 4 cases for $10 at Zipp's liquors back in those days, what it lacked in quality was easily washed away by quantity.

One of my roommates had a beer can collection and whenever he'd take a trip, he'd come back from other parts of the country with all kinds of local brews that we would quaff so he could add the cans to his collection. It was kind of a pain to have to open the cans from the bottom and there were some god-awful forms of amber liquid refreshment coming out of those containers, but I tasted some very interesting concoctions.

Did "Marketing Audits" for an "unnamed Major Brewery" (Miller) in the mid-80's while I finished my degree. We'd go to a number liquor stores, track how much beer they ordered, sold, who they displayed on the floor, how much cooler space and face they'd give different beers etc. The client was suppose to be a secret but after a brewery rep lectured me on the glories of Lowenbrau he copped to being from Miller!

Three things I learned: - A Brewmaster from the old Schmitt Brewery in St.Paul told me that G. Heileman's only had a handful of recipes, Old Style, Special, Blatz and a light beer or two. All their other beers, Pfeiffer, Hauenstein, Grain Belt etc. we just "overruns". When you were drinking them you were drinking overruns of their major brands.

When I laughed he said "think about it. How many ingredients do you think are in a beer? Do you think we'd have a special recipe for a beer going for $5-6 a case?" I felt a little silly but it made sense.

- Bud did they same thing only it was apparently a little more planned. Bud Light and Natural Light for instance were the same beer. People would walk right by a stack of Natural Light for $7.99 saying "I'd never drink that piss water" and head for the cooler to get some Bud Light for $13.99. We were told not to say anything to influence their purchase.

- Slow turnover beer is often "bad beer".

Worst beers:

-Any "Ice" Beer.
- Heineken's

Schmidt tasted Very different when it was brewed on west 7th. It really had bite to it, but it didn't taste BAD. Hamm's pretty much tasted like it does now. I like it. Stroh's, even when brewed in St. Paul tasted,well, awful.

the schmidt brewery on west 7th in st. paul sits right on top of the jordan aquifer. they have a super deep well with direct access to it's water. from the time it was built more than 100 years ago, schmidt had access to some of the best brewing water available. might explain some of what you described above regarding taste and a "good" bite to it.

Blatz Light
Special Export
Pigs Eye Lean

All just horrible!

I'm not a Busch Light fan, but I know a lot of guys who drink that as their beer of choice. The muni in my hometown stocks Busch Light bottles in the on-sale section of the store and sells tons of it. It's all subjective.

There is no question that many people have very bad taste.

Ever notice how many breweries sit along the banks of a river and then claim they go "deep underground to find perfect brewing water"? Uh huh.

1. Mountain Crest, gave me an instant headache.
2. Miller Lite, I enjoy light crappy beers but for some reason don't like this stuff. Natty Lite during softball on a hot summer day isn't too bad.
3. Bud Ice, first beer I got drunk on and nearly puked on my first sip.

1. Mountain Crest, gave me an instant headache.
2. Miller Lite, I enjoy light crappy beers but for some reason don't like this stuff. Natty Lite during softball on a hot summer day isn't too bad.
3. Bud Ice, first beer I got drunk on and nearly puked on my first sip.

Hey, I admire your determination. Way to hang in there!

Back in the mid 90's when our band was starting out, we'd drink the cheapest swill at rehearsal. I lived in St. Paul at the time, and we practiced at my house, so Pig's Eye was always a favorite. I don't remember it being that bad. That said, someone brought Olympia one week, and it was so bad nobody would drink it.

I'm a home brewer, and I like really good beer. I also drink a fair amount of PBR as my cheap beer of choice, so I'm all over the map. That said...

For regular beers, I'd have to say the worst three would be:
Olympia (see above)
Hamms (I suspect back in the 60's and 70's, this might have been okay, but today it's undrinkable)
Grain Belt Premium
Okay - that last one is probably blasphemy to a lot of people here, but I just don't like Primo. It's way too sweet - like beer with sugar added.

The worst "beer" I've ever had though was Pit Bull malt liquor. I bought a 4-pack and brought it to softball to give to a guy who would drink ANYTHING. Even he poured it out. I tried a couple sips, and it tasted like a mix of corn syrup and everclear.

I also don't get the hatred for New Glarus. I like pretty much everything they make. Spotted Cow was a bit of an acquired taste, but overall, they're a really good small brewery.

Do not understand the Spotted Cow hatred. I get it, it's from Wisconsin, we hate Wisconsin, boo those guys. But really, for a cheap, widely available (in WI) beer, you can do much worse. IMO, Keystone Light, Beast Light, etc are way worse example of beers. Is Spotted Cow on the same plane as, say, a Unibroue offering, a Surly, a Stone, or a St. Bernardus? No. But, for cheap, it'll do.

I will say I love New Glarus' Octoberfest offering (Staghorn). One of my favorite Octoberfests.

Its true. The people saying they hate all WI beers just haven't experienced some of the really good craft beer offerings the state has to offer. Its one of the few redeeming qualities of Wisconsin that they can produce some tasty beverages. I'm Definitely a New Glarus fan. Love a lot of the stuff that comes out of Lakefront in Milwaukee, Hinterland in Green Bay, and Capitol in Middleton as well.

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