Worst 3 brands of beer ever drank by you?........ ...................

Actually, if you drink enough bad beer, it will turn into a pissing contest...........

Most of my candidates have been named. I'm not sure if anyone mentioned Wisconsin Premium.
I would have to put Fox Deluxe at the top. I see some people ripped "Special X" - there used to be a beer called "Special Export" that was brewed by G. Heileman in La Crosse - I actually liked that, because it had a slightly higher alcohol content.

And I have to say a word about Buckhorn. I had some friends who went to St. Cloud State in the 70's. They used to have a party every year at a local lake called the "Buckhorn Blast." I think I went to it once, but my memories are very fuzzy.......

Actually, short ornery, it would not be a pissing contest, per se. It would be a group piss, like this:


1) Pointe blue bullets(5)- Chipping porcelain velocity from the squirts. Circa- 1975
2) Pointe blue bullets(4)- really bad squirts but may make it to the truck
3) Pointe blue bullets(3)- Bad gas, You can control it and may get some nooky, if quick.

In reverse order:

3. Busch Light
2. Natural Light
1. Budweiser Chelada: Bud Light + clamato + salt + lime = worst beer ever

Beers I like:
Deschutes Obsidian Stout
Newcastle (I assume ales count)
Shiner Bock

I can't believe how many people have Miller Lite on their lists. Don't get me wrong, it's not a good beer but if someone threw me a Miller Lite, I could easily still chug it down.

My bottom 3:
1: Icehouse - You might as well drink on the toilet.
2: the Beast (Milwaukee's Best)
3: Berryweiss - Blueberry beer? Seriously?


I can't believe how many people have Miller Lite on their lists. Don't get me wrong, it's not a good beer but if someone threw me a Miller Lite, I could easily still chug it down.

My bottom 3:
1: Icehouse - You might as well drink on the toilet.
2: the Beast (Milwaukee's Best)
3: Berryweiss - Blueberry beer? Seriously?

I realize that taste is a personal thing but the problem with Miller Late is not that it tastes bad but that it has no taste. Any resemblance to beer in the case of Miller Late is purely coincidental.

I realize that taste is a personal thing but the problem with Miller Late is not that it tastes bad but that it has no taste. Any resemblance to beer in the case of Miller Late is purely coincidental.

exactly. have to agree that miller lite, coors light and bud light barely qualify as being true beer. budweiser, coors and miller are at least a little closer to being beer. the mega-brewery "lights" are very much just watered down stuff for the sole purpose of allowing people to drink as many as possible. i.e. kind of like chugging cans of water.

I remember when I lived in Menomonie, WI and while I was frugal, I refused to buy canned beer. So I was relegated to buying the cheapest BOTTLED beer. Which happened to be Milwaukee's Best(Light/Ice). 12 pack bottles I think we got for $4 or something extremely cheap like that.

I certainly hope you went with the Beast Ice. When forced to go that low on the beer scale, my buddies and I always went with the Ice. Why? Simple economics. Same price as Beast Light but with an alcohol content that was 1% higher by volume. :)

exactly. have to agree that miller lite, coors light and bud light barely qualify as being true beer. budweiser, coors and miller are at least a little closer to being beer. the mega-brewery "lights" are very much just watered down stuff for the sole purpose of allowing people to drink as many as possible. i.e. kind of like chugging cans of water.
Miller Lite is what I drink to sober up.

In reverse order:

3. Busch Light
2. Natural Light
1. Budweiser Chelada: Bud Light + clamato + salt + lime = worst beer ever

Beers I like:
Deschutes Obsidian Stout
Newcastle (I assume ales count)
Shiner Bock

I love Chelada... best excuse ever to have a beer before noon. Many fishing outings have begun with me drinking a couple Cheladas before cracking open a REAL beer. And, people have been mixing clamato and beer for a long, long time.

exactly. have to agree that miller lite, coors light and bud light barely qualify as being true beer. budweiser, coors and miller are at least a little closer to being beer. the mega-brewery "lights" are very much just watered down stuff for the sole purpose of allowing people to drink as many as possible. i.e. kind of like chugging cans of water.

No, I agree that those beers barely qualify as beer. They have zero taste. However, my point was that the bottom 3, should be beers that awful tastes. I'd rather taste nothing than have to drink on the toilet and drink something as putrid as Natty Ice.

1. Fatcat- Seriously can make you sick with just 1-2 12oz cans!
2. Crazy Horse 40oz (90's)...pretty sure it is banned now, or name changed to crazy stallion
3. Heineken- skunky beer through and through, not hoppy just pure skunk.
4. MGD- taste like it was filtered through dirt!!

Kölsch has some the best beer and worst beer I have ever had. I made the mistake of thinking that the breweries would be similar.

However for American stuff Keystone Light and Mickey's widemouth.

1. Fatcat- Seriously can make you sick with just 1-2 12oz cans!
2. Crazy Horse 40oz (90's)...pretty sure it is banned now, or name changed to crazy stallion
3. Heineken- skunky beer through and through, not hoppy just pure skunk.
4. MGD- taste like it was filtered through dirt!!

Fat Cat: Could get a 12 pack over at Dinkytown W&S for like 5 bucks. It was horrendous. Loved the box and cans, though!

Fat Cat: Could get a 12 pack over at Dinkytown W&S for like 5 bucks. It was horrendous. Loved the box and cans, though!
"Malt, hops, water, bla bla bla..." Maybe it tastes so bad because they forgot to add the yeast.

As you can see i don't post much, but this thread made me laugh. After reading I guess I'm in the minority, but I love Hauenstein!

1) Grain Belt Nordeast
2) Grain Belt Premium
3) Anything Schell's, Summit, Surly........If it's local I'll drink it.

1) Old Milwaukee, or the "old shoe." Cause it tastes like you're drinking out of an old shoe.
2) Special Export - It's so special it's probably still in your fridge.
3) Anything produced in wisconsin - I just can't get myself to purchase it.

I love Chelada... best excuse ever to have a beer before noon. Many fishing outings have begun with me drinking a couple Cheladas before cracking open a REAL beer. And, people have been mixing clamato and beer for a long, long time.

Maybe it's just me and Clamato.

I do like a good Dos Rita, though.

Again, my fellow Gophers and Gopherettes (?) Your knowledge of disgusting, putrid, stomach-wrenching beers has impressed me so much that I might even try a few above-mentioned brews for my own personal discomfort! Did anyone mention Billy Beer or Olympia? Does someplace even make that crap anymore? Just wondering. Go Gophers!!

1. Fox Deluxe, 3 cases for $12, circa 1984
2. Wisconsin Premium, cheaper than that
3. Yellow and Black generic, 3.2 version, it was Sunday,and I was broke and fishing

Pfeiffer was a Giant step up from these.

Hamm's is still pretty drinkable.

I don't really get the appeal of Nordeast. It tastes like they mix in flat Pepsi with Premium. Of the beers people have listed as their favorites, Nordeast & Shiner Bock are on my Worst list.

I'm suprised to see so many people complaining about Busch, Old Milwaukee, and PBR. These are by no means my favorite, but I still buy a case from time to time.

I think it's no longer in production, but what about Bud Dry? That stuff was terrible. Why ask why? Try Bud Dry.

Bud Dry
RedDog - shirts cool, beer bad
Cold Spring
Miller Lite

Boxer would be the latest to add to my "never again" list. We bought a 36 pack last year at this time in Indianapolis when we were there for the Indy 500 to be consumed ice cold while in extreme heat and it still sucks. I have one can left in my bar fridge and it is going to be consumed at the next poker night with the guys as an extra penalty for losing one of the games.

Next would be pretty much anything fruity like the lime beers or shandys that seem to be so popular. Especially all the crap that Leinies is putting out now. It tastes like they are just adding kool-aid powder to cheap beer.

Finally, I have to add Grain Belt Nordeast. Not so much for the flavor, I actually thought it was a pretty good tasting beer. It makes my list for what it did to my guts the morning after a night where I maybe had one to many. That alone put enough fear into me that I'll probably never drink it again.

I'm suprised to see so many people complaining about Busch, Old Milwaukee, and PBR. These are by no means my favorite, but I still buy a case from time to time.

I think it's no longer in production, but what about Bud Dry? That stuff was terrible. Why ask why? Try Bud Dry.

Bud Dry
RedDog - shirts cool, beer bad
Cold Spring
Miller Lite
I'm not a Busch Light fan, but I know a lot of guys who drink that as their beer of choice. The muni in my hometown stocks Busch Light bottles in the on-sale section of the store and sells tons of it. It's all subjective.

I forgot!!!!
Sam Adams Cranberry Lambic is one of the worst things I have ever consumed.


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