Worst 3 brands of beer ever drank by you?........ ...................

1. Miller lite
2. Beer 30
3. Kalik light (Bahamas)

I have successful drank a lot of very mediocre beer but by far the worst is 1)Rhinelander. Wisconsin has a lot of very bad breweries and this one is by far the winner.
2. any lite beer.
3.leine shanty
Best beer is Guiness on tap.

Great thread. It's hard for me to make up just one list of worst beers so I'm breaking it up.

Worst Beers In College:

1. Busch Lite - Damn keg parties, they make me feel like death just thinking about them.
2. Milwaukee's Best - Nothing like a friday night picking up a dirty 30 for 20 bucks.
3. Zwickl - Study abroad trip, drank like a thousand of these in Germany. Ugh is all I can say.

Worst Malt Liquor (this could also be worst beer in college/high school):

1. Pit Bull - Grape flavored malt liquor, enough said.
2. Crazy Horse - Just yuck.
3. 4 Loko (without caffeine) - I miss the good old days of malt liquor with caffeine. Without the caffeine to make you feel like you're invincible, it really just tastes like broken glass.

Worst beer I've had recently:

1. Boxer - Don't be fooled by the discount 30 pack at your local.
2. Blue Moon - Want some Vitamin C? Eat an orange. Don't try and save a step by drinking orange flavored beer.
3. Berryweiss - Tastes like fruit loops.

Worst Beers For Tailgating:

1. Anything from Wisconsin (obviously). (Side note: Is there such thing as Iowa beer?)
2. Anything you can't drink 1,000 of.
3. Anything that is bad luck for the team.

Oh and another thought. I've noticed a ton of Wisky beers on people's lists. Makes me want to try harder to buy Minnesota beers in general.

Great post!! Super-good choices of truly pathetic beers! The judge has just received the verdict from the jury. All Wisconsin breweries will cease "production" at midnight tonight and all Minnesota breweries may continue "reproducing" mass quantities of this state's wonderful beers. That even includes Hamm's beer! This courtroom is adjourned. GO GOPHERS! Yours truly-FROGGOPHER from Minneapolis. Happy drinking tonight boys and girls.


1.) almost anything made by leinenkugel's. hey d-bags from chippewa falls, wi. try brewing actual BEER and not fruit juice with a little bit of beer mixed it and then marketing that as beer to clueless rubes. leinie's summer shandy? terrible taste and gut rot. leinie's honey weiss? horrible mouth taste and after taste. no thanks. want to knock these two skunk beers out of people's hands when i see it and give them a real, honest to goodness american style lager beer like grain belt premium or a brooklyn lager.

2.) old style

3.) blatz

4.) stroh's


1.) almost anything made by leinenkugel's. hey d-bags from chippewa falls, wi. try brewing actual BEER and not fruit juice with a little bit of beer mixed it and then marketing that as beer to clueless rubes. leinie's summer shandy? terrible taste and gut rot. leinie's honey weiss? horrible mouth taste and after taste. no thanks. want to knock these two skunk beers out of people's hands when i see it and give them a real, honest to goodness american style lager beer like grain belt premium or a brooklyn lager.

2.) old style

3.) blatz

4.) stroh's

Nice. I had forgotten about Old Style and Strohs. My brother used to "acquire" a 30 pack of Strohs and hide it in our pine trees for weekend use.

Special X is really horrible.

Bud Light is really bad.

The worst though was a French beer that came with a plastic cup-thing sealed to the can. No idea what the name was, but I know we (college roommates) left the rest in the fridge when we moved out of the house.

I worked at the Chi-Lake liquor store back in the late 1970's. I seem to remember a great bargain we once ran. 3 cases of North Star beer for $9.99. It doesn't get much worse than that; however, Leinenkugel(sp?) Bock tasted like something that ducks would leave behind themselves.

3 cases of something for $9.99?! regardless of whatever it is/was......DAMN YOU inflation! DAMN YOU! ;-)


1 ) leinenkugel. Any kind. Just way too fruity.
2) milwaukees best. Obvious mention.
3) PBR.

Needless to say, all Wisconsin crap.


1) GB Nordeast
2) Summit IPA
3) Free State. A really good craft beer from Kansas. It's popular down in Lawrence.

I really wish I was in dinkytown right now.

A couple things occurred to me as I read every post in this thread: I have had almost every beer mentioned and mostly agree with the comments, and, man, I have put down a lot of skunky beer in my lifetime.

I I kept reading and saying to myself: "oh yeah, I'm including that one on my list. Yep, that one too. Oh, can't forget that one. Wait, how can I list only 3?"

So in the end, I'll just list my least favorite beers that I have drank the most of:

Old Milwaukee
Milwaukee's Best
Miller Lite

White Label

I will never forget the Kicks Liq Store on the West Bank special--3 cases of Buckhorn for $10

White Label

I will never forget the Kicks Liq Store on the West Bank special--3 cases of Buckhorn for $10

I remember those 3/$10 Buckhorns also. Many years ago, when I played town team baseball, we had one guy who did not play, but he always said his contribution was ice cold Buckhorn. We would chug-a-lug them while they were still ice cold, so we could not taste them. But they were free. Memories!!!

I remember those 3/$10 Buckhorns also. Many years ago, when I played town team baseball, we had one guy who did not play, but he always said his contribution was ice cold Buckhorn. We would chug-a-lug them while they were still ice cold, so we could not taste them. But they were free. Memories!!!


No way have you come across a beer that you didn't like, much less three of them.

Let's keep it honest.

While at the U in the mid 60's my room mates and I used to buy Bubs Beer, a Winona, MN product no longer made (Thank God), for 9 cents a bottle at a grocery store in NE MPLS. The price was right, but you had to make sure it was cold and plug your nose while drinking it. Ah, the good old days.

1. Boxer (had a warm one at a party. took 1 sip and gave it away)
2. Milwaukee's Best (had a warm one in Jamaica. just awful)
3. Mountain Crest

Fellow Gopher fans and skunky beer drinkers, the rotgut beer list seems to be growing and I'm very proud of all "honest" admissions from our low budget days of lore! Cheers!
Couple of humorous quotes for the day:
1.) A man who chases too many cars gets exausted!
2.) I used to be a banker; but then I started losing interest!
3.) The official state tree of North Dakota is the telephone pole!

GopherHole's Core Competency

I have always been amazed how many GopherHolers really believed that they had all the answers when it came to Gopher football. As a result of this string I now realize that we truly do have expertise here. It is just not Gopher football. What it clear is that we really know a lot about bad rotgut beer. Finally we can celebrate our 15 minutes of fame! Everybody should open up a Miller Lite and drink to our core competency!:clap:

While at the U in the mid 60's my room mates and I used to buy Bubs Beer, a Winona, MN product no longer made (Thank God), for 9 cents a bottle at a grocery store in NE MPLS. The price was right, but you had to make sure it was cold and plug your nose while drinking it. Ah, the good old days.

I'm sorry to break this to you but I think Bubs beer is still flowing in Winona. There is a local restaurant called Bubs Brewing Company which I believe still serves the stuff on tap.

I remember when I lived in Menomonie, WI and while I was frugal, I refused to buy canned beer. So I was relegated to buying the cheapest BOTTLED beer. Which happened to be Milwaukee's Best(Light/Ice). 12 pack bottles I think we got for $4 or something extremely cheap like that. My buddy, Wild Bill, and I would pregame w/ a case or two each of the Beast bottles and then hit up happy hour (which was either 1 or 2 dollar pitcher of tap beers). We'd probably go through 5 pitchers before happy hour ended.

Unfortunately, I consumed far too much Wisconsin beers.

Which is probably why I don't drink today.. lol

Special Reserve Ice.
Any beer with "Lime" in the title

Mountain Crest is easily the best beer under $.25 a can. Shame on you all.

Fellow Gopher fans and skunky beer drinkers, the rotgut beer list seems to be growing and I'm very proud of all "honest" admissions from our low budget days of lore! Cheers!
Couple of humorous quotes for the day:
1.) A man who chases too many cars gets exausted!
2.) I used to be a banker; but then I started losing interest!
3.) The official state tree of North Dakota is the telephone pole!

He who runs in front of car gets tired.

Happy Memorial Day fellow Gophers! Just one more quote to remember this "official" froggopher thread by yours truly!
Roses are purple, violets are pink, that is after, the 15th drink!

seems to me any of these 3 were the worst if that had sat in the trunk for a couple weeks. In school years you could get Buckhorn, Hamm's light or Cold Spring 3 returnable cases for 10 dollars(yes 72 beers...that is less than 15 CENTS per 12 ounce bottle)....on the other hand when I was 19, any of them ice cold, by the time you got to # 6 or 7 they were all outstanding.

I remember a group of us having a "blind" taste test of 30 some beers in the 80's and I think Blatz light won which probably has something to do with the order in which it was consumed.

froggie...This is the best and most interesting thread GopherHole has had in a long time. The one thing that makes it great, is that absolutely no one turned it into a pissing contest. That is an achievement in itself. So instead of having to referee a contest, I got to enjoy a beer without shaking my head. Thanks for the reprieve.

Actually, if you drink enough bad beer, it will turn into a pissing contest...........

Most of my candidates have been named. I'm not sure if anyone mentioned Wisconsin Premium.
I would have to put Fox Deluxe at the top. I see some people ripped "Special X" - there used to be a beer called "Special Export" that was brewed by G. Heileman in La Crosse - I actually liked that, because it had a slightly higher alcohol content.

And I have to say a word about Buckhorn. I had some friends who went to St. Cloud State in the 70's. They used to have a party every year at a local lake called the "Buckhorn Blast." I think I went to it once, but my memories are very fuzzy.......

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