ISU thread is pretty amusing. first it started out with everyone calling the initial report BS and saying stuff like don't ever believe a woman reporter, than someone posted a tweet from an assistant apologizing to the fans and saying he tried the best he could, and than they all said he was probably referring to the game against wvu, then it was noted that said assistant coach unfollowed vaughn right after making that tweet, and then the story turned into this probably joke that RV and the coaching staff are in on together, than wolfson, james, and isu writers started to confirm that he isn't going to ISU, and then it finally dawned on them he wasn't going there. For the most part they have been classy about it, most blame the handler, and saying fred should never recruit a player with one anymore, and others think he just wants to play with his buddies at unlv. Was really interesting to see all go down in front of my eyes with minutes