Like it or not the Supreme Court ruled that is a woman's right to have an abortion. It is the law of the land.
Those tearing limb from limb procedures are medical necessities not convenience . And that is a fact.
In any event when life begins is an opinion and not a fact and no one particularly men have any right to say their opinion is the only valid one.
This is all becoming moot because the oral abortiofacients are cheap, nearly 100 % effective in the first few months and are taken at home.
And my mind has not been programmed by the media to call the anti choice zealots patriarchal misogynists because the most rabid are men, anti science and very "religious". My opinion was formed by observation and experience.
But my basic point is this issue does not belong on this board. It is fought out in the courts and at the ballot box.
Llife begins is at conception. It's simple science. You aren't killing a rabbit, dog, or carrot.
You are killing a human being.
Also, If I climb a tree and break an eagles eggs, I can be prosecuted. Imagine that! I can be prosecuted for aborting a birds mass of nothingness, yet it's no problem to abort a woman's mass of nothingness.
Hey, it's the law both ways! The supreme court says so. LOL
Keep being programmed! By the way, the reason I say programmed, is I have a cousin who does not believe in God, yet believes abortion is murder. There are millions of people who think that way, but the programming says it's bible thumpers. Bible thumpers is a form of programming .
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