UPDATED 12/18: UW reportedly hires Gary Andersen with career 30-31 record

I wouldn't be to concerned about Wisconsin finding a top-level coach. This is a damn good job in a top notch college football town with a legendary AD who put football at 1, 2 and 3 followed by basketball and hockey.

Gopher fans should be scared ...less that he may come up with a coach with southern ties. Wisconsin has won with top notch players from Wisconsin and mid-level players from out of state. God for bid they start getting the same caliber outbox state players as Ohio State and Michigan.

This thread is stupid. It's been a week, they have plenty of time and I'm sure they'll find a perfectly respectable coach.

If they don't hire a great coach, it won't be for lack of quality candidates - they will have plenty.

That makes THREE! Jones, Peterson and Golden.

This Wiscosin coaching search is at the beginning of the Minnesota job when Kill was hired. They are not getting the coach they want. Why? Working under Barry? If he retired would that change the search? IMO, the BADger job is no better than the Gopher job and they have had a hell of a twenty year run. Wow! If this would have happened in Minnesota the media would have gone absolutely ape sh!t.

I wouldn't be to concerned about Wisconsin finding a top-level coach. This is a damn good job in a top notch college football town with a legendary AD who put football at 1, 2 and 3 followed by basketball and hockey.

Gopher fans should be scared ...less that he may come up with a coach with southern ties. Wisconsin has won with top notch players from Wisconsin and mid-level players from out of state. God for bid they start getting the same caliber outbox state players as Ohio State and Michigan.

Southern ties? Your base recruiting classes must come from the midwest. Because everybody in the Big Ten has southern recruiting ties.

There is a reason this job may not be attractive to an elite kind of coach.

1) It is not going to pay like an elite level job. It will pay like a very good job, but not an elite job.

2)Despite not having elite compensation, it is going to have elite expectations. Coming off 3 Rose Bowls expectations are going to be to maintain at a minimum. It is going to be tough to match 3 Rose Bowls. If you don't go to a Rose Bowl in your first 4 years at Wisconsin this time around you may be on the hot seat.

3) Michigan and Ohio State are both getting better as programs right now. The Hoke/Meyer era may end up being the worst window for non Big 2 big ten teams to win since Carr left Michigan.

There is a reason this job may not be attractive to an elite kind of coach.

1) It is not going to pay like an elite level job. It will pay like a very good job, but not an elite job.

2)Despite not having elite compensation, it is going to have elite expectations. Coming off 3 Rose Bowls expectations are going to be to maintain at a minimum. It is going to be tough to match 3 Rose Bowls. If you don't go to a Rose Bowl in your first 4 years at Wisconsin this time around you may be on the hot seat.

3) Michigan and Ohio State are both getting better as programs right now. The Hoke/Meyer era may end up being the worst window for non Big 2 big ten teams to win since Carr left Michigan.

Rosemountain has nailed it. No way they pay someone making 3 million, 4 million to move.

Number 2 is the biggest one. If you are a well established coach and you come in next year and go 10-2 but don't make the Rose Bowl, people are going to be pissed. The odds of going to three RB's in a row? Not good. Makes the job less appealing to a guy who has already been successful.

Three is that the guy is going to have to have the same general philosophy as Alvarez and how the program was built. Not everyone is willing to do that. Michigan, of all places made that mistake and look at what happened to them. Alvarez is not a moron and will not do that.

Don't need a rebuild, need a sustainer. I am sure he will get a good coach. I am also pretty sure the majority of fans, especially Badgers fans that don't get it will whine about it.

Barry will find somebody good, you can count on it. Heck, at Minnesota it takes us a month just to put together a search committee. Our biggest concern always seems to be "we don't want to offend anyone by this hire" rather than "let's get the best man/woman for the job". Just my humble observation.

Rosemountain has nailed it. No way they pay someone making 3 million, 4 million to move.

Number 2 is the biggest one. If you are a well established coach and you come in next year and go 10-2 but don't make the Rose Bowl, people are going to be pissed. The odds of going to three RB's in a row? Not good. Makes the job less appealing to a guy who has already been successful.

Three is that the guy is going to have to have the same general philosophy as Alvarez and how the program was built. Not everyone is willing to do that. Michigan, of all places made that mistake and look at what happened to them. Alvarez is not a moron and will not do that.

Don't need a rebuild, need a sustainer. I am sure he will get a good coach. I am also pretty sure the majority of fans, especially Badgers fans that don't get it will whine about it.

Correct. Alvarez has built a proven model that can compete and win in the B1G and he is not about to take a chance on a coach that has some flashy system that they can't recruit players to run. So he will bring in a coach that agrees with his model and that he can control. Most big name coaches want to run their own program without the AD calling the shot, so I see them bringing in a coordinator from some other team. Most likely a defensive coordinator so they can run Barry's offense.

This Wiscosin coaching search is at the beginning of the Minnesota job when Kill was hired. They are not getting the coach they want. Why? Working under Barry? If he retired would that change the search? IMO, the BADger job is no better than the Gopher job and they have had a hell of a twenty year run. Wow! If this would have happened in Minnesota the media would have gone absolutely ape sh!t.

I hate all things Wisconsin but I really disagree with your opinion. They are going to their 3rd straight Rose Bowl, just put on a complete domination in their second consecutive Big 10 Championship Game (with their third team QB), and average over 80,000 fans per game.

I am finding it confusing (and kind of funny) that they are having trouble hiring a coach. I do think the style of play if affecting their coaching search. I'm guessing their is some pressure to keep the power run game and there are not a lot of coaches like that in today's spread world.

Curious, at least to me. A lot of talk about getting someone familiar with the Badger "culture" and this looks to be way outside that box, which makes me wonder what was meant by the statement in the first place. Riley is a really good coach (as is Golden) and I imagine he'd do a pretty good job in Wisconsin if he took the job.

Curious, at least to me. A lot of talk about getting someone familiar with the Badger "culture" and this looks to be way outside that box, which makes me wonder what was meant by the statement in the first place. Riley is a really good coach (as is Golden) and I imagine he'd do a pretty good job in Wisconsin if he took the job.

Probably means that more than THREE people have turned Barry down.

Riley would anti-Beliema. He is one of the nicest guys in the NCAA.

Dang, I was really hoping to see the return of "throw tennis balls to improve your throwing motion" Jedd Fisch to the B1G Ten. That guy is an offensive genius. :rolleyes:

The culture is pretty much stock Big Ten....old school style. you pick your media spokesmen and agree to what AD says. no mystery no magic. Oh and no secret deals with scott walker biddy martin style. that was a great story!

Mike Riley is a Corvallis native, so "dream job" isn't just a cliche when it comes to coaching the Beavers. He left once, in 1999 to coach the San Diego Chargers, then lucked out three years later when Dennis Erickson foolishly decided to take another stab at the NFL, and was brought back to Corvallis. He could remain OSU's coach for as long as he wants.

The only thing I can think of why Riley would want to leave Oregon State is a huge chunk of cash being thrown his way, or to get away from the University of Nike juggernaut in Eugene. I would remind him of how things went the last time he left Corvallis, or to look at Erickson's career path following his departure.

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