Tyus Jones to Duke.

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0% chance he stays here even with an official visit and Okafor backing out of the package deal. We are on his list because we are the hometown school that's it. It would be great if Tyus went to Kansas though because it'd mean another place Vaughn wouldn't go.

If Okafor backs out of going to Duke and we get an official, our chances would be greater than 0%. Might still be very low, but it wouldn't be 0.

If Tyus knows what's best for his career, he'll commit to the Kennesaw State Owls. I see that as his only shot at making the NBA, because of the program's proven track record with recruits and national exposure.

0% chance he stays here even with an official visit and Okafor backing out of the package deal. We are on his list because we are the hometown school that's it. It would be great if Tyus went to Kansas though because it'd mean another place Vaughn wouldn't go.

There's always some chance that a kid will change his mind at the last minute and stay home until he doesn't. I don't think our chances are high, but they're not 0%. That's like saying there's only a 2% chance of the NCAA deciding anything a certain way.

That would be nice. Would be great if Okafor backs out of the package deal and picks OSU or Kansas too. If those two things happen then I'll have a glimmer of hope that he stays home.

Okafor is not going to OSU. He apparently hasn't even scheduled a visit, and the beat writer for the Columbus Dispatch just tweeted that fans shouldn't hold their breath hoping for an Okafor visit (either official or unofficial).

Tyus is going to Duke. Just waiting on Okafor to finish his visits to announce. Very good chance Travis follows them. I'm sure Tyus is working on him right now.

Tyus is going to Duke. Just waiting on Okafor to finish his visits to announce. Very good chance Travis follows them. I'm sure Tyus is working on him right now.

That'd at least open the door for Rashad to come here as it seems he wants to avoid playing with Tyus.

Okafor could pick Kentucky over Duke, it might fit his profile better than Duke would, Kansas has a PG in both the Sophmore and Freshman classes, I don't see Jones going there, it will be Duke, but who knows come late next spring, maybe staying home becomes more attractive and he changes his mind, its not like it never happened before.

Okafor has officially cut his home town school, Illinois, from his list.

Final four is Kansas, Baylor, Kentucky and Duke and says him and Tyus are 99% to play together.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Sources tell me Tyus Jones has Baylor, Kansas, Duke and Minnesota on his final list. Kentucky is off the table.</p>— Ken Lien (@kenlienmg) <a href="https://twitter.com/kenlienmg/statuses/387396758851952641">October 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Guess we kind of already knew this.

Was it Shooter that tried to convince everyone Tyus was bound for Kentucky and Reid for MSU? It was funny at the time, but even more so now.

I still think there would be some chance for us to land Tyus. Why would he continue to keep us up to the top 4? And saying he's keeping us there just because we're the hometown team makes no sense.

I still think there would be some chance for us to land Tyus. Why would he continue to keep us up to the top 4? And saying he's keeping us there just because we're the hometown team makes no sense.

It is to simply appease Minnesota to make his life easier. He has already decided against Minnesota, so what is the harm in keeping them on his list until the end? There is no downside to stringing us along, especially because Minnesota is notoriously parochial.

I would do the same thing in his shoes.

It is to simply appease Minnesota to make his life easier. He has already decided against Minnesota, so what is the harm in keeping them on his list until the end? There is no downside to stringing us along, especially because Minnesota is notoriously parochial.

I would do the same thing in his shoes.

I'm just really glad that we have a guy like you on this board, who can dissect a 17 year old's mind and let us know exactly what he's thinking. You're doing some fine work here.

I'm just really glad that we have a guy like you on this board, who can dissect a 17 year old's mind and let us know exactly what he's thinking. You're doing some fine work here.

I believe that is what almost everyone is doing in these boards. Sorry to rain on your passive-aggressive parade.

If you don't like how some people interpret the best available information that says something about you not me.

In this case, Jones has said he is a combo deal with Okafor. Okafor said the combo is 99 percent sure going to happen. Three of Jones' final four schools are also schools that Okafor is considering. Guess which school isn't on Okafor's list? That's right, Minnesota.

Let's not also forget Jones has family helping him make his decision who have been through this process. They know how to appease people and keep the negative attention away as long as possible.

I am just really glad we have people like you on this board who cannot handle comments that aren't always favorable to the Gophers. Would that we all drank the kool-aid, put our blinders on, and said we have a chance at all these good players contrary to the best available information.

I've been thinking Duke was a lock for Tyus, but now I'm not so sure. Now I'm thinkin' Kansas will land the Tyus/Okafor package deal.

I've been thinking Duke was a lock for Tyus, but now I'm not so sure. Now I'm thinkin' Kansas will land the Tyus/Okafor package deal.

It seems Okafor certainly prefers Kansas. Kansas also picked up that SG yesterday. Not sure if Tyus will like that as it takes the ball out of his hands some or like it as it puts more talent around them.

Zags Blog: Oubre Recruiting Other 2014 Stars to Kansas

Having committed to Kansas on Tuesday, Kelly Oubre is now working on recruiting several other 2014 stars to join him.

“Tyus, Jahlil [and] Rashad,” Oubre told SNY.tv.

Unlike many of his fellow top 2014 recruits, Oubre hadn’t talked about packaging before committing. But like any great player, he wants to play with other great players.

So he’s turning his attention to the trio of Tyus Jones, Jahlil Okafor and Findlay Prep teammate Rashad Vaughn.


Go Gophers!!

I believe that is what almost everyone is doing in these boards. Sorry to rain on your passive-aggressive parade.

If you don't like how some people interpret the best available information that says something about you not me.

In this case, Jones has said he is a combo deal with Okafor. Okafor said the combo is 99 percent sure going to happen. Three of Jones' final four schools are also schools that Okafor is considering. Guess which school isn't on Okafor's list? That's right, Minnesota.

Let's not also forget Jones has family helping him make his decision who have been through this process. They know how to appease people and keep the negative attention away as long as possible.

I am just really glad we have people like you on this board who cannot handle comments that aren't always favorable to the Gophers. Would that we all drank the kool-aid, put our blinders on, and said we have a chance at all these good players contrary to the best available information.

The fact that you pass off your opinion as an easily discernible fact is what annoys the hell out of me.

It is to simply appease Minnesota to make his life easier. He has already decided against Minnesota, so what is the harm in keeping them on his list until the end? There is no downside to stringing us along, especially because Minnesota is notoriously parochial.

I would do the same thing in his shoes.

Despite your claim that this comes from the best information available, it still is your opinion and to argue it is anything different is absurd.

There is the possibility that Tyus has a desire to see what Richards offense looks like in the Big 10 before he makes a decision. It is a possibility that his family wants him to stay home. It is a possibility that Okafor wants Tyus to be his teammate and Tyus has cooled on it, Okafor is broadcasting and Tyus isn't.

And lets not forget that the kid is a teenager for christ sake. I remember when I was that age, I was sworn to marry a girl one day and the next night I met a girl at a party and woke up the next morning in her dorm room.... Fickle minds these kids have.... Whats not to say he cannot fall in love with the Gophers much the same way I fell in and out of love with young co-eds that had pretty smiles and an as$ to match?

Say its a long shot, say I doubt it, say in my opinion, but dont act like you KNOW and everyone else is blind and absurd for holding out hope....

Zags Blog: Oubre Recruiting Other 2014 Stars to Kansas

Having committed to Kansas on Tuesday, Kelly Oubre is now working on recruiting several other 2014 stars to join him.

“Tyus, Jahlil [and] Rashad,” Oubre told SNY.tv.

Unlike many of his fellow top 2014 recruits, Oubre hadn’t talked about packaging before committing. But like any great player, he wants to play with other great players.

So he’s turning his attention to the trio of Tyus Jones, Jahlil Okafor and Findlay Prep teammate Rashad Vaughn.


Go Gophers!!

You would think that there is about a 0 % chance that Jones and Vaughn end up at the same school.

Agreed. I just can't see that happening at all.

That seems to be the majority opinion of people on GH. Was there some history between the two that leads people to this conclusion? Honest question -- I don't remember seeing anything from either of them.

That seems to be the majority opinion of people on GH. Was there some history between the two that leads people to this conclusion? Honest question -- I don't remember seeing anything from either of them.

I think Vaughn probably thought he should have gotten a little more attention, especially earlier on, but didn't because Tyus was the first of the Big 3 to become nationally recognized.

The fact that you pass off your opinion as an easily discernible fact is what annoys the hell out of me.

Despite your claim that this comes from the best information available, it still is your opinion and to argue it is anything different is absurd.

There is the possibility that Tyus has a desire to see what Richards offense looks like in the Big 10 before he makes a decision. It is a possibility that his family wants him to stay home. It is a possibility that Okafor wants Tyus to be his teammate and Tyus has cooled on it, Okafor is broadcasting and Tyus isn't.

And lets not forget that the kid is a teenager for christ sake. I remember when I was that age, I was sworn to marry a girl one day and the next night I met a girl at a party and woke up the next morning in her dorm room.... Fickle minds these kids have.... Whats not to say he cannot fall in love with the Gophers much the same way I fell in and out of love with young co-eds that had pretty smiles and an as$ to match?

Say its a long shot, say I doubt it, say in my opinion, but dont act like you KNOW and everyone else is blind and absurd for holding out hope....

I don't need to say it's my opinion as that is obvious and redundant because I obviously said it. You should have learned this in freshman comp. If you cannot understand that or if you have an issue with that then that is your problem. It isn't mine.

If someone speaks it is redundant for that person to say, "in my opinion" because we know the only opinion it can be is the opinion of the speaker.

I don't know how all this "imo" and "imho" stuff started, but it is generally considered poor writing unless it is used to emphasize something. I shouldn't have to tell you it is my opinion if I am speaking. If you cannot understand the speaker is giving his opinion without him saying, "in my opinion" that generally shows a lack of comprehension by the audience.

From my roommate, who is from Apple Valley and knows Tyus better than most, he has told me several times that Tyus' Family will move with him if he were to go to Kansas, Duke, etc.. This kind of rules out being near family as one of Minnesota's top selling points.

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