Tyus Jones to Duke.

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Some of you would seriously boo Tyus Jones if he went to MSU? That's laughably stupid.

I respect your opinion but are you going to stand up and cheer as he drops 20 and 10 dimes on the Gophers? If he has no loyalty to the U then why would you show loyalty to him as a MN product? As a fan of the Gophers, I root against all that oppose us. Fair? Maybe not...but I'm being honest and I doubt I'm the only one that feels that way on here.

I respect your opinion but are you going to stand up and cheer as he drops 20 and 10 dimes on the Gophers? If he has no loyalty to the U then why would you show loyalty to him as a MN product? As a fan of the Gophers, I root against all that oppose us. Fair? Maybe not...but I'm being honest and I doubt I'm the only one that feels that way on here.


I respect your opinion but are you going to stand up and cheer as he drops 20 and 10 dimes on the Gophers? If he has no loyalty to the U then why would you show loyalty to him as a MN product? As a fan of the Gophers, I root against all that oppose us. Fair? Maybe not...but I'm being honest and I doubt I'm the only one that feels that way on here.

Who said I would cheer for him? Who said I wouldn't cheer against MSU?

Booing a local kid because he left for a big time program is flat out stupid. It has nothing to do with being a Gopher fan.


Who said I would cheer for him? Who said I wouldn't cheer against MSU?

Booing a local kid because he left for a big time program is flat out stupid. It has nothing to do with being a Gopher fan.


I'd boo him if he went to a big ten school, but the chance he goes to MSU is as good as the U. Which is 1%.

It's Duke guys, read the quotes. He loves it. He loves coach K. He's going to Duke.

Boo to Booing

Who said I would cheer for him? Who said I wouldn't cheer against MSU?

Booing a local kid because he left for a big time program is flat out stupid. It has nothing to do with being a Gopher fan.


In my opinion, booing any collegiate athlete is uncalled for except in rare circumstances. I will most certainly NOT boo Tyus unless he really missteps. Nearly every Gopher has spurned their hometown team. Kids make decisions based on what they choose- some reasonable, some not. It is not my position to judge a 17-18 year old kid by booing them.

I cheer for the Gophers... not against their opposition.

Who said I would cheer for him? Who said I wouldn't cheer against MSU?

Booing a local kid because he left for a big time program is flat out stupid. It has nothing to do with being a Gopher fan.


It has EVERYTHING to do with being a Gopher fan. I would gladly boo any kid that competes against the Gophers regardless of what state they reside from. That's just me. I respect your view...I just don't agree with it. Its not like he was "drafted" to another school...he chose not to be here. He has evry right to pick the school best suited for him and I have every right to boo him if he doesn't pick the school I support. Agree to disagree?

It has EVERYTHING to do with being a Gopher fan. I would gladly boo any kid that competes against the Gophers regardless of what state they reside from. That's just me. I respect your view...I just don't agree with it. Its not like he was "drafted" to another school...he chose not to be here. He has evry right to pick the school best suited for him and I have every right to boo him if he doesn't pick the school I support. Agree to disagree?

That's a different argument then. If you just boo everyone we play for the sake of booing, that's just kind of weird. I'm all for yelling and rooting against a team, I didn't think that was the argument here though.

If you boo him because he didn't go to a school in the same state he was born in, that's just petty. I get the feeling you just like to boo.

If it is indeed true that Tyus Jones and Jahlil Okafor are extending the package deal to include Cliff Alexander and Justise Winslow, I would have to think Mich St. would be in the driver seat considering from what I have been reading that Cliff Alexander is a heavily leaning Michigan St. We already know that both Tyus and Jahlil have a very favorable opinion of Mich St and most of us had them their top 2 way before any mention of Alexander being in the mix. If there had to bet, I would put money on Michigan State upon hearing this news.

I would think Kentucky would be in the driver's seat. Michigan State, historically, has not been one to load up with four or five 5 stars/one-and-dones. If the four(?) of them team up, I bet it's at UK. Also, Cliff Alexander may like Michigan State, but is he going to be calling the shots? If they all decide to play together but they don't have one unanimous favorite, I'm thinking Jahlil/Tyus will have the most say. If they end up at MSU, I doubt it will be because that's what Alexander chose for them.

+1 I can't boo a Minnesota kid.

Unless he plays for Wisconsin.

Now if he ended up a Badger, then I would boo him with every ounce of energy I could find! That's unforgivable.

What's the difference? Maybe they want to beat Kentucky by joining forces instead of going there.

The difference is you said that package deals were happening for a long time (in response to someone hoping it wasn't a fad) and that one just needed to look at Kentucky .

That's a different argument then. If you just boo everyone we play for the sake of booing, that's just kind of weird. I'm all for yelling and rooting against a team, I didn't think that was the argument here though.

If you boo him because he didn't go to a school in the same state he was born in, that's just petty. I get the feeling you just like to boo.

The funny thing is I usually don't boo anyone. I was just stating my opinion that I would not wish for his success or cheer him on if he selected MSU or any other Big 10 school. If he goes to a place like Duke or Kentucky then he's just dead to me altogether. Playing for a conference rival would certainly get my blood to boil as a fan.

ESPN #BlueChipBattles

2. Tyus Jones | @Tyusjones06 | Junior
Apple Valley (Minn.) High School | PG | 6-1/171 | ESPN 60 Rank: No. 2

Previous BlueChipBattles rank: No. 4

Who wants him? Baylor, Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan State, Ohio State and Minnesota

Front-runner: Duke

Dark horse: Michigan State

@FinkelsteinNERR with the buzz: Jones has gone on record that his seven schools (Baylor, Duke, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan State, Ohio State and Minnesota) are final and that he expects to make a decision before the early signing period. Behind the scenes, though, there seems to be mounting signs that a potential decision could come even sooner. Duke and Michigan State, two of the perceived favorites, are both beginning to examine other point guard prospects in the Class of 2014, which will put some pressure on Jones to give them some reassurances, if not expedite the process, altogether. While the potential for a Jones/Jahlil Okafor package deal may also be starting to fizzle out, Michigan State likely has the best chance to make that happen.

Even though The Gophs aren't mentioned at all, a lot of the stuff in the paragraph suggests us having a little better chance!

Tyus and Okafor package fizzling out? Not convinced they know what they're talking about, but if true that would seriously increase our chances.

Rumor has it MSU and Duke will be the finalists. He also needs to continue working on his school work.

I would be surprised if Kentucky isn't a finalist if the four of them decide they want to play together.

Would Tyus be the highest commit ever for the U if he decides to tell Jahlil to get bent?

Back in the day Jim Brewer was considered #1 or #2.

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I see a commitment from Jahlil in the near future..

I guess I really didn't understand the tweet... were they making fun of tyus' gophers ties?

Jahil took a picture with young Mr. Keagan Maloney, who happened to be wearing a Gopher t-shirt at the time. Tyus commented, "lil mans got the gopher gear on tho." Jahil responded, "Lol true go gophers."

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