Tweets about the players' trial regarding restraining orders...


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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Just a quick 2 minutes before a mtg, so apologize if this has been posted, but follow Paul Blume for coverage:

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Interesting stuff, particularly the "modifications" bit. Thanks for the updates, Nadine.

I see the man who lives in his mom's basement is alive and well on twitter, still trolling.

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Updates on Blume's twitter account are interesting, especially some of the details he mentions. Being traumatized by seeing the players on the jumbotron and hearing their names on the PA, the fact that an underage FB recruit is involved, and that the attorneys are meeting this afternoon behind closed doors for a possible settlement.^tfw

Coach will be gone if a recruit was involved.

Updates on Blume's twitter account are interesting, especially some of the details he mentions. Being traumatized by seeing the players on the jumbotron and hearing their names on the PA, the fact that an underage FB recruit is involved, and that the attorneys are meeting this afternoon behind closed doors for a possible settlement.^tfw

If they can settle it out so everyone goes their separate ways / doesn't have any extra contact, awesome.


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Agreed, the only way TC would be affected is if he directed the players to do this which I assume wasn't the case.

Likely falls under "violation of team rules" if alcohol was involved and part of the suspension.

Don't let your hopes and dreams get caught up in reality.

We all know reality. We also know that when caught and the media latches on, all bets are off. Claey's players are giving the new AD his out if he chooses to move on.

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We all know reality. We also know that when caught and the media latches on, all bets are off. Claey's players are giving the new AD his out if he chooses to move on.

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"all bets are off"... but you made a very specific one.

All restraining orders dismissed!

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As much as the restrainning orders seemed vindictive, good to hear both the woman and players came to an agreement that hopefully allows them all to move on / avoid contact.

Breaking: All restraining orders lifted. I hope she can find peace, and that these players learned a VERY important lesson.

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Interesting that part of the deal was that they wouldn't go after her via a civil trial? Leads me to believe that there was something there that they could go after her for via a civil trial.

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