Tweets about the players' trial regarding restraining orders...

Not completely making light of this issue. I don't know, nor want to know the details, but I thought I'd share this.

Not completely making light of this issue. I don't know, nor want to know the details, but I thought I'd share this.

Good stuff. It's funny because it's probably never, ever happened. Expecting drunk kids to make good or rational decisions is a pretty high standard. Almost as high as Claeys winning out. It's possible, but it's really unlikely to happen. I'd like it to happen, but I live in reality. But there is a small chance.

Good stuff. It's funny because it's probably never, ever happened. Expecting drunk kids to make good or rational decisions is a pretty high standard. Almost as high as Claeys winning out. It's possible, but it's really unlikely to happen. I'd like it to happen, but I live in reality. But there is a small chance.

In high school, I was the guy that hooked up free porn for a party of us drunk guys that told our parents we were going to "the state swim meet". Yeah, watching porn with your buds wasn't as cool as Joey and Chandler made it to be. Point being, we may not have been the idiots these kids were, but I have plenty of stupid WTF things I do regret doing.

I'm going to skip over the incident itselt. Regarding the R.O., wasn't the claim that someone threatened her after investigation was dismissed/ dropped? In other words wasn't the R.O. granted due to an alledged verbal threat?

I'll take it in another direction. I'm guessing no "threat" occurred. I think that one of the players "asked her out".
She said "no" and maybe he asked again, or another player did. She said "no"...and so on.

Under the law, this is now harassment. I witnessed the same situation in my office involving three men and a woman. I don't know if sex was involved, but I'm guessing yes. In the end all three guys lost their jobs, and she quit...and they were all in their 40s and 50s.

I'm not being flip here. In this day and age, there is a fine line between dating and stalking...if you think otherwise you are ignorant.

People make bad, even horrible decisions every day, and this is a case where EVERYONE made a bad choice. Because EVERYONE made a bad choice, no one should have to pay. If a crime was committed, then let's go there. It appears that that is not the case.

The issue is that for some reason we have to have a victim in every bad situation. I don't believe that is true. Because sex was involved, it makes the situation more salacious.

I have 3 daughters. Each have made bad decisions that they regret, but they also took ownership. It made them better people.

I hope that everyone involved in this learned a lesson. Everyone.

Thank you for explaining this. It seems like it was needed. Settlement does not equate fabrication.

Or guilt. You seem to be operating on the assumption of guilt of all mentioned, when some or all players named may or may not have been involved in something that may or may not have been awful. How can you judge each for something one or some of the group may or may not have done?

Do you not understand why it is inappropriate to paint them all as guilty of a crime as you and others continue to do?

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I think it's fair to bring the characters of the defendants into play. Many want to bring up work situations or other non-criminal proceedings where it is ok to fire an at-will employee or find judgment based on preponderance of evidence. Don't you think a reasonable management team or jury would take the past behavior and character of the plaintiffs and defendants into account? It seems like Claeys has already made his decision regarding this case (as have most of us here). The guys have played and will continue to play for the University of Minnesota. In contrast Brian Smith was let go for an apparent series of bad behaviors culminating in a fight.

So you'll just defer to the coach with his job on the line as to whether something untoward happened? Hey, it worked at Baylor! (for a while).

So you'll just defer to the coach with his job on the line as to whether something untoward happened? Hey, it worked at Baylor! (for a while).

Yes. People in positions of authority and responsibility get to make these decisions. Not angry posters on a message board or the feminist action network. The police have turned down the case. The Title IX thing hasn't been resolved.

Claeys just cut loose our second most productive WR. I mean, grasp at straws much?

So you'll just defer to the coach with his job on the line as to whether something untoward happened? Hey, it worked at Baylor! (for a while).

And with this, you've lost all credibility for your position. Sorry.

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